chapter 1

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As the Red Blaze pack invaded the clearing my mum tried hurrying me towards the forest, only to be stop by 3 snarling wolves. As we back tracked to the clearing the scene before my eyes made me whimper in fear and anger. It brought tears to my mothers eyes as we saw laying headless in the middle of all the turmoil was my fathers' body. With my father dead and members of the pack slathered, those who could still fight lost the will to. They submitted and were chained in silver which only angered me more. --I mean how much anger can a little girl have-- a voice snorted
Dismissing the voice i knew there was nothing i could do at present time.

A man walked up to my mum dragging me from her arms, as she tried to resist another one hit her from behind causing me to growl at him in response.

"You must be the chosen" snarled the man i'm assuming is the beta from the amount of power rolling off him.

He turn me to who must have been Alpha Blaze. A man of 6'7 rugged jawline and a scar marrowing his brow looking no more then mid 30's.

"Well little moon what is your name?" Alpha Blaze asked.

I looked over to my mum hugging the corpse of my father and crying her eyes out. I then turned to the Alpha "Lia-ndra s-sir" i said trying to hold back my tears and fear.

The corner of his mouth lifted in what should have been a smirk but looked like a pained scowl. "Well Liandra you and the remainder of your pack will be moving in with me and mine" he then took me from the beta and gave his orders.

"The remainder of you mutts will be taking up home within the omega house any resistance will be met with death" snarled the beta.
--he sure does snarl a lot-- chided my wolf surprising me. Thats when i notice my moons mark on my wrist.

As we approached Red Blaze pack house there were eyes of many emotion, envy, pity, anger and pride.

The females of my pack were brought to the omega house whereas the remaining males were taken to train to join Blazes Army.

~4 yrs later~

Its been 4 yrs since the remainder of Luna Gift pack became apart of Red Blaze. 2 days after we arrived my moms body just shut down unable to deal with the loss of her mate and my dad.
No member of rank remains apart from me. I've lost both my parents and the pack their Luna and Alpha. We still don't know why Alpha Blaze wanted our pack and in these yrs we've endured beatings and starvation.

--when will we be able to leave this dreadful place Lilly-- my wolf Chandra asked.

--i don't know Chan but we cant just leave -- i said with a sigh.

--yes we can i cant take this god awful place and can't watch you be hurt anymore-- she snarled.

--i promise we will soon Chan we just to need to recover some our strength-- i said grimacing at lasts night beating.

--fine but if you don't i'm taking over-- she huffed and receded to the back of my mind.

4 yrs i have been beaten and once in a while my wolf would take over and help with the pain. As i am only ten and cant shift so i have scars from my beatings. I hate seeing my wolf hurt as much as she feels the same.

That night i slept under the light of the moon in my broom closet of a room.

"Liandra my child i'm sorry for the pain you have endured and more of which you will endure in the future but this will all make you into the woman you are supposed to be.You need to leave Red Blaze soon i'll heal your wounds but your journey only begins when you leave. I need you to be strong my dear. Remember my child royalty is not defined by its crown but by its stance."

i woke seeing the moon still high in the sky recalling the words spoken to me by the Goddess herself and knew what i had to do, but wondering what she meant at the end.

--Are you ready Chan we're leaving tonight-- i asked feeling my wolf prancing around in my head.

--hell yh i have been ready-- she said causing me to stifle a giggle.

--i'm going to let you take over once we're out so we can go faster-- i said

--fine by me lets get going already-- she grumbled but i could here her excitement.

As i had just left Red Blaze territory i was in no mans land i could hear howls coming from behind me but i was a good ways ahead and no other wolf could match my speed although i have yet to shift.

Its been a couple of weeks since i have left Red Blaze pack. I have been attacked by countless rogues and at this moment i am still recovering from the last attack. I'm certain if not for Chandra i'd be dead.

--you are very much welcome-- she boasted in my head and i had to stifle a giggle because of the ache in my lungs.

I would have never imagine no mans land was so dangerous. Suddenly there was a shift in the air and Chandra and i were on guard.

-- its like we cant catch a break Lilly i'm tired-- Chan said before i felt her slip away.

Out of no where came 4 rogues snarling as they lunged at me slicking through my chest and biting down on my leg. What happened next came so fast i saw a man through my blurred vision killing the rogues in human form with what looked like a double inch sword.

Before i could fully register what was going on i felt my self being carried. I looked up to see a man in his late 20's with a stubble chin and grey eyes before i knew it i started seeing black dots in my vision before i succumbed to the darkness i remember hearing,

it'll be alright little one.

Regina - Moon Goddesses Chosen ✔Where stories live. Discover now