Chapter 27

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Luciens' P.O.V

It's been 6 days since my mate left me and a week since my baby girl was taken.

We've been doing everything to find Kylie and waiting for my mate to wake but my wolf being on edge i was having a hard time concentrating. So here i am sitting at my mates bedside with my head laid on her stomach when a knock came from the door and in walked Mike.

"We have a lead on Kylie, there is a underground base that the hunters are spotted at we think south of the territory she may be there." Mike said handing me the file.

I flipped through it and nodded "alright gather some the warriors and we'll head out in 5"

I got up and started towards the door when Mikes' hand on my shoulder stopped me. "I think you should stay with Liandra and i'll go with warriors. Just in case she wakes she'll need you here"

Thinking for a while i sighed and shook my head, "I'm coming, Kylie needs me more than my mate does right now and we'll be back before you know it."

He didn't say anything so we just went to meet the warriors and took off towards the south side of the territory.

When we had finally reached and took out 22 hunters we began to search the entire base and there was no sign of my baby-girl which only agitated my wolf and i further.

--i hope she is not going through what we went through-- i said to Lance and he whimper knowing the pain we went through and knowing she may also come back beyond broken.

We arrived back with the pack members giving me sympathetic looks as i made my way to my mate.

When i got to the room she was in i was shocked at what i saw.

Getting up from the bed was my mate, i ran up to her and hugged her but she didn't return my hug.

"Liandra?" no reply i tried again 4 times still no reply and my wolf was whimpering in my head.

--Why won't she respond-- Lance whined.

--i don't know buddy--

I released her and step back fully taking in my mates appearance. Her eyes were completely white and her skin was glowing.

Suddenly she started floating to the door passing straight through it, my jaw dropped and i ran after my mate. As i reached outside i saw my mate hovering above the ground in front the house and the pack staring at her in disbelief.

She was staring out to forest as though waiting for something or someone.

Kylies' P.O.V (after she was taken)

I woke to another burning in my lungs and a cold surface i have become accustom to under me like i have for the past couple days since i have been taken. I looked at the clock on the other side of the bar cell to see it was 2 O'clock.
I sighed knowing that they were on their way to do more experiments on me.

I have also been practicing my water element when the guards aren't around and i have gotten the hang of it.

Mom and the Goddess also visits me when i dream to help with my element and it gives me hope.

Seconds later i hear foot steps coming towards my cell so i stood with my arms together and outstretched.
The man i have come to know as Keith laughed "it's only been 6 days and you have already gotten the drill" he sad. Really 6 days doesn't feel like it. I thought to myself

He unlocked my cell door and came and placed the silver cuffs on my hand and dragged me up the stairs to the lab where i was placed on the table as usual.

After about 5 injections of multicolor liquid and 7 test i had finally had enough of the pain and my sight was going in and out. Minutes later i was being dragged back down stairs and tossed into my cell.

I crawled to the corner of the cell and began to bend the multicolored liquids. Strange i know but everything has water so i use my element to get rid of the liquid from my body so i am not affected too much. I may not go to school but my mom has a Library so i look stuff up when people not around.

After i felt like the liquid was gone i decided to sleep for a little while.


I woke rubbing the sleep from my eyes, looking at the clock it was just after 11. Deciding that if i wanted to leave now would be the best time using the liquid i removed earlier i made a key and solidified it to unlock my cell.

As i passed guards i would either boil or make the blood spike coming out of the skin. I think i'll be scarred for life i thought as a shiver covered my body.

When i had finally reach the outside of the base i heard the alarm and hundreds of feet rushing around but not sticking around i headed towards home.

After hours of running i was out of breath and my lungs were screaming but i could still hear the hunters on my tail so i kept pushing myself hard.

I finally reached the pack territory and i heard growls and i saw some of the pack warriors running towards me but instead of stopping they ran straight passed me in the direction of the hunters.

Suddenly i bumped into a tree of some sort, bracing myself for a fall which never came i looked up to see 3 big men.

"3 hulks" i said grinning

"princess" they said together.

Hulk let me go and i continued running to my moms house while they joined the other warriors.

As i ran out of the clearing i saw my mum hovering above the ground with dad standing in the door way and the pack members staring at her like she had 3 heads.
Ignoring them i ran straight to my mums arms finally feeling safe.

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