Chapter 6

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As we seemed to near our destination he pulled over i stared at him puzzled, he lifted a blind fold "can i?" i cud hear the uncertainty in his voice nodded. After he had tied it we were on our way again, we finally stopped about 10 mins after and i could smell the ocean. I have always loved the sea. He lead me across the sand finally we stopped walking and he took off the blind fold, the sight before me caused my heart to stopped beating.

There on the sand was a table set with dinner and an extra tablet with various cakes. There was also a live band and a small platform with lights for dancing. It was easily the most beautiful scene especially with ocean as its' background.

I turned to look at him and he had a wide grin plastered on his face making him look devilishly more handsome in his black and blue suit.

A/N Coles' outfit

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A/N Coles' outfit

We sat down to eat and get to know each other better. It was easily the best date i have been on, not that i have been on others as this is my first. My wolf have been happy and purring the whole night.

We danced and the feel of his arms on my waste was enough to make my heart race and my wolf giddy. All to soon the date had finished, on our way back home i asked "who was that man from earlier" i felt him tense and sighed before answering "he's and old acquaintance of my dad, i guess you could say i work for him" sighing again he continued "i'm not a good person Lilly i have done things and what makes it worst is that i don't regret it."
I stayed quiet, i have known what he has done but i waited to see if he would elaborate but he didn't and for the remainder of the ride it was quiet.

All too quickly we reached my house, as i was about to get out he grabbed my wrist and ask "would you go on a date with me again sometime" there was uncertainty swirling in his eyes. I smiled and nodded, peck him on the cheek and went inside.

"how was the date" Mike asked in a muffled voice. I looked over to see him with puffed cheeks of popcorn.

"it was incredible, this may be my hardest job yet"

"i have faith in you, i'll gather the information and you'll work the Alpha"

i sighed told him good night and headed to my room. I may be falling for Cole how am i going through with this.


Couple days had passed by and each day i would go on a date or an outing with Cole after school and each was better than the last. We went to parks, fairs, dinners, beach and hikes, i even had my first real kiss. My wolf was content, i could easily say i have fallen for him. Mike being the friend that he is has supported me but we still had the mission to complete within 3 days.

I got a call from Cole asking me to meet him at his place for 6. He sounded Angry and nervous and betrayed and i didn't like it so i asked Mike to come along and keep to the shadows. As we were getting ready to leave i felt a burning in my neck and my wolf became furious. -- he's marking that bitch-- she growled with the anger coming off her in waves. Noticing my pained expression Mike asked, " whats wrong Lilly" "he's marking another" i said in between pants.

Mike held an emotionless expression. "Come on gear up this ends tonight" i nodded my wolf and i more than happy to get this over with. We both dressed in our usually black leathers mine more casual than my normal look with my weapons well hidden and we both set off.

Coles' P.O.V

I had the most wonderful couple of days spending time with my mate although Alpha Blaze was hounding me on wanting her and me struggling to control my wolf from mark her. That morning i woke up intending to tell my mate about my secret. I made my way to my office only to see Alpha Blaze when i pushed the door, he looked like his wolf was about to come out.

" i told you i wanted that girl, why haven't i got her yet?" he growled causing my wolf to shiver but growl at his need for my mate.

" you know she is my mate and you still expect me to give her to you" i started to get irritated.

he chuckled "you don't know who and what she is do you?"

i furrowed my brow in confusion " she's human and she's my mate what more is there"

"you poor Alpha, she is the Alpha of the Luna gifted pack your father help me take down 12 yrs ago, she is also the Moon Goddesses chosen. Her name is Liandra Serenity ." he said in a gruff voice.

My wolf swelled with pride at our mate but was also angered by the betrayal.
"you can have her but i want a few words with her first." i said letting my anger get the better of me.

--you gave in too easy, there must be a reason--my wolf said but i ignored him.

" if you must but i'm sending 4 of my men with you i don't trust you to give her back, no matter how pissed you look right now"

With that said he left and i called my mate and told her to come over for 6 i tried to level my voice but i'm pretty sure i failed. My wolf was dieing to come out, not only for what we found out about out mate but for what i was about to do.
I decided to go for a run and let off some steam.

While out for my run i saw Brianne in wolf form by the lake, she turn and saw me and shifted back to human form i did the same and walked towards her naked figure. As we met i kissed her furiously and she returned it just the same all the while my wolf growling at me to stop.

Things started to get out of hand. During the heated make out session i had mistakingly mark Brianne, she passed out in my arms. I carried her back to the pack house only to be met by my beta and Alpha Blazes' 4 wolves.
"The 4 wolves here filled me on whats--" he was cut off seeing Brianne in my arms wearing my mark, i thought i saw a flash of anger but then it was gone all to quickly.
" I think you letting your mate go will be a mistake although i get why you are going to do it, but i'm also your best friend and marking Brianne was a bad move." he said taking her from my arms.

"oh and Alpha your mate is here and she looks like she's in pain and furious."

Oh shit i really f*#%ed up, -- i'm glad we're on the same page you stupid human i cursed the day the Goddess gave me you-- his growl splitting my ears.

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