Chapter 5

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Its been 2 days since my mate has spoken to me, its like she's avoiding me like the plague not that i blame her. My wolf had me on edge with his constant growling and bitchy behavior. I got a phone call from Alpha blaze and he'll also be visiting in a few hours.
 'Alpha Blaze have just reached pack borders' he's early.

'Thanks ' i made my way downstairs but what i came upon made my stopped dead in tracks. There not too far from the door but not in the middle of my territory was my mate and Alpha blaze staring at each other i saw him sniffing the air as my mate furrowed her brow, probably confused as to why he was sniffing the air.

I saw Blaze look to her wrist which she immediately placed in her pocket but i caught the glimpse of a tattoo, Blaze seems to have also seen it cause his eyes went wide with what seemed like recognition and shock.

After what seemed like hours my mate turned to me " i'll come back later" i nodded and she took off on the Harley. Alpha Blaze then turns to me " i want that girl whatever it takes and i know she's your mate but you will get me that girl or the next pack i will eliminate is yours" he threatened as he left, our meeting seemed to have been forgotten. For whatever reason he seemed more interested in my mate than the other humans or wolves i have given him. -- your one weak and pathetic Alpha-- my wolf retorted.

Later that afternoon i decided to go see my mate, remembering that she had came by earlier.

Liandras' P.O.V

It has been 2 days since i have spoken to that no good of an Alpha Mate of mine and in those 2 days Mike and i have collected most of the information needed before it was time to off our target. My wolf was still upset with our mate not only had he allowed her to kiss him but they had sex right before we got there but because he's our mate she also was sad we had to kill him.

As if sensing my inner turmoil Mike said coming down the stairs " why don't you just reject him and save yourself the pain, i'm going to the shop just think about it and talk to your wolf"
--What do you think Chan--
--if you think its best then i'll leave the decision to you--

--i know you want your mate Chan--

--I do but i don't want to feel like this and although his wolf wants us his human is stupid-- she said with a whimper.

I guess it was decided then. I went to garage but Mike had taken my car so i used his Harley and made my way towards Pack house but when i got there what i say only infuriated me and my wolf more.
 Walking to the pack house none other than Alpha Blaze.
He turned towards us and sniffed the air i saw my mate from the corner of my eye i furrowed my brow in confusion -- so they are working together -- my wolf growled pissed off. I saw Alpha Blaze eyes dropping to my wrist i shoved it in my pocket immediately forgetting to wear a long shirt to hide my mark. Turning to my mate "i'll come back later" trying to keep my voice level and turned to leave. 

As i reached home i saw Mike on the couch, "to the basement! Now!" the tone in my voice causing him to jump over the couch and run to the basement. Once there i explained what had happened, he was as shocked and as pissed off as i was. We spent some time coming up with a plan. After finalizing the plan we heard a knock, as we headed up stairs i smelt the familiar scent of my mate. I opened the door  and he came in and we made way to the living room where Mike was.

" you came by earlier was there something you wanted" he said with an emotionless face.

i looked at Mike who only smirked at me "no just came by to see you, i was feeling on edge"
"i know what you mean, can i ask you something?" he said all of a sudden getting nervous.

"didn't you just" out of nowhere Mike started laughing like i said something funny causing Coles' face to have a look between why-the-hell-don't-you-leave and i'll-kill-you-if-you-don't-shut-up.

Sensing the tension Mike got up and went to the kitchen. "As i was trying to ask, would you like to go out with me tonight?"

I gave it a few minutes before replying "yeah is 7 good?" 
"yeah i'll see you at 7 then" he said getting up to leave.

After he had left Mike said "so this plan to get close to him to find out about the connection to Alpha Blaze, are you sure you can keep your wolf in check"

i thought for a moment before answering, " no but she knows what needs to be done and she left the decision to me"
huffing he said "fine, we have 3 hrs before your date so lets find you something to wear."

I got up sighing in irritation knowing well he loved dressing me up.

I got up sighing in irritation knowing well he loved dressing me up

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A/N Liandras dress

3 hrs went by so quickly  as soon as i got down stairs i heard a knock on the door i open the door to see Cole standing there looking handsome with red roses although i preferred black i took them " thank you they are lovely" "not as lovely as you, you look absolutely stunning" he leaned in and kiss my check. I must have flushed 3 shades of red, with a quick fare well to Mike we headed toward his Lamborghini Aventador. 

I opened my mouth to ask where we were going  but was interrupted before i got a word out. "Don't even ask and make this a cliché date" i rolled my eyes and grumbled fine under my breath and he started to laugh, i let it go and decided to turn on the radio to hear my favorite song playing : Sydney Renae - Into you which caused me to start singing. When it had finish he glanced at me with adoration in his eyes " you have a hypnotizing voice" i blushed and look the other way "Thanks".

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