Chapter 8

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We dragged his body into the house then headed to garage to leave. As we pulled out onto the curb and headed down the Street i took out the detonator and blew up the house. I made my way to the pack house while Mike went to set up tree line explosives to enclose the massacre thats about to go down.
As i step out my car i say the pack warriors in battle stance -- i guess that mutt mind link the pack that the alphas dead-- i could only smirk at what she said. As they came running and shifting in mid step towards me i threw 2 grenades blowing up the pack house and removed my guns from my holster before they got had the chance to blink. --guns a blazing-- my wolf yipped in my head causing me to roll my eyes.

Within a matter of hours i was out of bullets, i turned to see a brown wolf lunging but before i could pull my blades from it hold the wolf crumble in mid air with a dagger protruding from its chest I turned to see a grinning Mike as i took out my twin blades.

Within a few more hours all pack warriors and males able to fight were dead only the females remain. The scene was a bloodied mess of limbs. As i turned to walk to the car the little slut Brianne decided to pounce at me in her wolf form making it worst. In a swift movement i turned and i caught her by the throat sinking my teeth deep in her throat. She fell to the ground whimpering, i shifted back to human form lifted by her throat and plunged my hand into her chest and pulling out her still heart.

The remaining females gasp and i flung the slut and her heart to the side walking away with Mike behind me.
He mounted his bike and i drove off in my car, when we got a little ways off i told him to detonate the tree line.
I watched in my review mirror as it exploded smirking to myself.

We stopped at there nearest motel and Mike being the least bloodiest of us 2 he went and got us a room

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We stopped at there nearest motel and Mike being the least bloodiest of us 2 he went and got us a room.

After we cleaned up we headed back on our way to Head Quarters.

When we had finally reached we both headed straight to give him the missions update.

"I have to say little one you handled it well being he was your mate and all, i never would have guessed that he would be involved with the Blaze pack."
"I know father, although its pains my wolf she understands"
"I understand little one, the elders and i have agreed to give you and Mike 1 month vacation. It was originally 2 but we all know you don't like to miss the action for too long."
I laughed "that i do not father, i'll be seeing you. Come along Mike"

We both got up and leave, " how about we head to a bar and get a drink before turning in" "i thought i would never see the day that you would go willingly" he grinned causing me to roll my eyes.


After we came in and headed to bed i drifted soundly to sleep.
I started dreaming of meadows and a lake. A gust of wind blew and in front of me shinning in a white luminescent light was the Moon Goddess.

"I'm sorry mother i have killed my mate" i said letting all the tears that i had been holding in out.

She came and touched me and it was like a weight lifted of my shoulders.

"I know my child.
I'm sorry for the heartache.
My child look how you have grown into a beautiful and fierce young woman, but its not over yet there is a war coming and i need you to be prepared 2 months time. The war will take place in the huge clearing in the mountain side outside of town.
There will be rogues gathered in the forest East of Head Quarters for you to train and your fellow Assassins will aid you in this war for you are their Queen and it is my will.
I must go now my child but know i'm always with you and you fight and serve in my name for you are my chosen."

With that she kissed my head and evaporated. I woke and spent the remainder of the night thinking up strategies.

Unknown P.O.V

"Alpha i have just been informed that SilverBlood pack have been completely annihilated" my beta called rushing in my office.
"What? How?" I said completely enraged.
"No one knows Alpha, it is completely blown to bits nothing left but rubble"

I could feel my blood boil as i thought of the only way that could have happened. ASSASSINS.

That little bitch is a God damn assassin. "Beta tell the warriors to be prepared for war within 2 months we'll use the mountain side outside of town to make our way to Head Quarters in an ambush"
"Yes Alpha" he bowed and left.

I'm coming for you Liandra and when i arrive you won't know what hit you.

Regina - Moon Goddesses Chosen ✔Where stories live. Discover now