Forever and Always - Part 3

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Cato walks up on stage. I have trouble meeting his eyes, the utter shock of what has just happened hasn't sunk in yet. I know he volunteered for me, to save me the pain of going into the Games with Bear, to watch him die, but the pain I'm in right now is just as bad.

"Oh! We have a volunteer! Now, what is your name, sweetheart?" The lady asks as Cato stands next to me.

"Cato Hadley." He says proudly. I know it's a facade, I know he's putting on a tough face for the District, but he's in just as much pain as I am.

"Well, very well. Our 74th Annual Hunger Games tributes of District 2, Clove Kentwell and Cato Hadley! Happy Hunger Games!" The woman shouts before grabbing our arms and leading us off stage and straight to the doors of a train.

"Wait, wait!" I shout.

"Bear!" I scream as I'm realizing that I'm not getting to say goodbye to Bear and my aunt. This isn't fair. The Peacekeepers push us into the train and pull the doors shut, sending the train down the tracks.

"Hello, my tributes! My name is Serri and I will be your escort to the glorious Capitol, making sure you are treated with the upmost respect and the gratitude you deserve. Now, take a sit and make yourself comfortable, I'm going to fetch your mentors." The Capitol woman gestures to the fancy sofas that sit in the train car. My head spins, trying to comprehend everything.

"Are you always this hyper?" Cato asks her with a growing look of concern on his face. Even though a thousand thoughts are racing through my head right now, he hasn't failed to crack a smile on my face. Serri snaps at him before walking into another room.

I take a minute and let my thoughts collect, this isn't so bad.

"Why did you volunteer?" I ask.

"You know why." He says before planting a kiss on my forehead, softly.

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