Forever and Always - Part 11

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I run as fast as I can, I am going to find some knives. I spot some knives on a backpack, so I run to get them. Just before I reach it, the girl from 8 tackles me, I flip onto my back and see a rock in her hand.

"Cato!" I scream, my mind racing. I suddenly see a flash on blonde hair and suddenly, the girl is on the ground with a sword in her chest. I look up and Cato is pulling me to my feet.

A few minutes later, the bloodbath passes, leaving Cato, Glimmer, Marvel and I at the cornucopia.

"Come on, we need to find safe shelter, I don't like standing out in the open like this." Marvel says. It's kind of unconventional, considering the careers always claim the cornucopia during the remainder of the games, but I don't blame Marvel, I feel exposed as well.

"Wait, let me use the bathroom real quick." I say and disappear into the woods.

Cato's P.O.V

After packing up a few backpacks full of supplies, Glimmer grabs my arm and starts pulling me into the woods.

"Hold on, let me get Clove." I say and break free from her grasp.

"It's okay, she's already ahead with Marvel, let's catch up to them." She assures me with a smirk. A tiny part of me is hesitant, but I continue walking with her.

After waking for a couple of minutes, Glimmer begins to speak.

"So, is it true? All that mushy, gushy stuff you said about Clove with Caesar?" She asks kind of aggressively.

"Well, yeah, why wouldn't I say it if it weren't true?" I ask.

"You know, people say things and do things to survive, win over the crowd and gain some sponsors. I wonder why she didn't mention you in her interview." She raises her brow at me and shrugs. I mean, I do kind of wonder why Clove didn't mention me, we've been best friends for forever. Wait, no, don't let her get into your head.

"Looks to me like she's only in this for herself. She'll break your heart anyway, Cato, there are much better options out there." She smiles and wraps her hands around my bicep; disgusted, I pull away. Before I even knew it, it's dark as night. How long have we been walking? I look ahead and spot Marvel walking over to us, without Clove.

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