Forever and Always - Part 10

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Cato's P.O.V

Back at the apartment, I sleep with Clove again. I barley slept all night because all I could think about was keeping Clove safe during the games. It only felt like five minutes after I finally fell asleep that Serri walks in and yells;

"Wake up, Wake up! Today is the 74th Hunger Games!" She starts pinching Clove and I's feet to get us up and I am not at all having it.


On the hovercraft to the arena, a lady injects a tracker into my arm. It pinched quite badly but I would rather die than show weakness so I keep it cool. Clove didn't show any sort of emotion either, I can tell she's holding it in. I keep my eyes fixated on Clove the while trip. I am prepared, I'm ready. If I am going to die, I want Clove to know I tried to win for her.

After the plane lands, Clove and I are directed into separate rooms underneath the arena.

Clove's P.O.V

I am escorted by two Peacekeepers into my waiting room. My fashion designer, Red, stands in the center of the room waiting for me.

"Be safe out there, Clove." He tells me as he helps me with my jacket.

"I'll try my best." I assure him.

"30 seconds until launch." A voice sounds from above somewhere.

I hug Red one last time and jump into the tube. I don't have any emotional attachment to him, but I will miss him, he's a good person. Then the chute starts to rise, sunlight blinds me but soon my surroundings come into focus. Woods, not too bad. I've climbed a few trees but District 2 forested like this. In the center of the open plain of grass we stand in is a giant metal cornucopia. I look everywhere for Cato but I can't seem to locate him. Then the infamous count down starts.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0."

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