Forever and Always - Part 16

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"So, what happens now?" I ask Glimmer, I already know the answer but I want her input. She sighs and for the first time in her life, puts down her mean girl act.

"You too go, go win." She says, almost defeated sounding.

"What?" I ask, completely taken off guard. "Why would you fight to come all this way just to give everything up?" I hate that I'm encouraging the enemy but this doesn't make sense, who volunteers for the games just to give up at the end?

"Look, you have something with Cato. If I kill you both, the Capitol will despise me for ruining it. I don't deserve to come out of here, I'm a mean person." She confesses. I'm speechless.

"Come on, Clove." Cato says, grabbing me by the arm and slinging me on his back, piggyback style.

"We're going to try to find a way out of this." He says. Glimmer and Marvel follow behind us as Cato carries me through the woods. I don't know where we're going but I think it's to the edge of the arena.

After a few minutes of walking, there was a sudden boom and the arena force field shakes a little. Maybe the Capitol caught onto the plan."

"What was that?" Glimmer asks.

"Stay close to me." Marvel says scanning the woods with his eyes, spear in hand.

"This isn't going to work. The cornucopia is safe, we will head back there." Cato sighs and we turn around.


When we reached the cornucopia, everything was off. Where the cornucopia used to stand now stands a metal table with a few basic weapons on it, a bow and arrow, sword, spear, knives, axe, and that's about it. I hop off of Cato's back as we stand there in confusion. Then, animalistic howling comes from the woods. Mutts.

The Capitol does this when they need a big finale, they send mutts when things get slow. They even took the cornucopia from us for more action, that is just cruel. At least they left us a few weapons. We all run to the table of weapons and restock.

"Clove stay behind me." Cato tells me, our eyes lock and I nod in agreement. The trees began to shake and out come these two big black panther mutts from the tree line, barreling toward us. Marvel throws his spear, killing one. The other one goes straight to Cato.

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