Forever and Always - Part 4

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"What was that for?" I ask.

"For all that you've been through, losing your parents, taking care of your aunt, leaving Bear behind." He answers.

I pull away as tears swell up in my eyes. He lifts my chin up to look into my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"It's okay." I cut him off.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." A deep voice sounds. We turn around to face a bulky, muscular man. Cato steps forwards and shakes his hand.

"I'm your mentor for the Games, my name is Theor."

The train ride was quite until we arrived at the Capitol, thousands of people cheering for District 2 vibrated the train car. We were led through the crowd of citizens and into a tall building, the Tribute Center, where we were completely made over by the stylists and sent through the Tribute Parade, nothing special happened. It was just like I imagined it to be when I would watch the Games.

Cato's P.O.V
That night, I lay in my bed on the second floor, unable to get any sleep. I can't stop thinking about Clove. I think I knew I loved her when I first met her years ago, I've been too afraid to tell her because I didn't want to jeopardize our friendship, but our circumstance has me feeling like there's nothing to lose. I have to tell her how I feel about her, it's now or never. I make my way down the hall and stop at her door, softly knocking on it.

"Clove? It's just me, Cato." I say.

I hear rustling from behind the door and she opens it, looking like she's been having the best sleep of her life. Her hair is messy and she has lines from her pillow still imprinted on her cheek.

"What?" She asks, her voice groggy and tired. And suddenly, I get cold feet. The love of my life stands in front of me and I don't have the balls to tell her how I feel. I've never had this problems before in my life, flirting with girls has always come easy to me.

"Oh, nothing, I guess. I just wanted to make sure you were sleeping okay, I know you get nightmares." I lie. She does get nightmares, but that's not why I came.

"Uhm, no, I'm okay." She rubs her sleepy eyes and I give her a forced smile.

"Okay, well, goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the Capitol bite." I joke.

"Goodnight, Cato." She gives me a tired smile before closing the door. Even when she's straight out of bed, she's the most beautiful creature I have even laid my eyes on.

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