9; "I'm scared."

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Grayson's POV

It's been 4 days and there has been no sign of Jason or Shailene. They might as well have vanished from the earth's surface.

Currently it was hitting 3 in the afternoon, and Ethan wants to film our new video. Well, 'want' is a big word, I think neither of us wanted to film right now. We were supposed to film it yesterday, but we both couldn't find the energy for it. And today, Ethan told me to get up about an hour ago, but then I fell asleep again.. Sleep. I haven't been getting a lot of that lately.

How was it possible for someone I only knew less than 2 weeks, to have such a huge impact on me.

My phone has been on non-stop too, just in case the police called, or maybe even Shay. Not that I was counting on it, she didn't even have a phone.

We had also brought my mom to the airport yesterday, because dad needed her at home. I didn't want her to leave yet, but, duty calls.

"Yoo, get up Grayson." Ethan said, barging into my room and opening the curtains. I opened my eyes and looked up at him from my pillow. "Don't give me that look, bro. Tomorrow's Tuesday and we needa have a video up." He said, placing his hand on his hip. I fell back into my pillow, groaning. I felt like shit.

"I'll be up in a minute." I said, moving my feet over the edge of the bed. Ethan walked out again and I got out of bed, pulling on a pair of jeans and a simple T-shirt. I wiped my face as I walked out of my bedroom, feeling like I could burst into tears any second. I certainly wasn't feeling like myself lately.

I walked into the living room to see that Ethan had set the glasses with mysterious liquids in them on the dinner table the hat with body parts on the side and a taser in the middle of the table. The camera was set up too, standing behind the table.

I sat down on one of the chairs Ethan had put out for us, waiting for him to start the video. "Ááánd, we're rolling." he said as he clicked the record button on the camera. He walked around the table and sat down next to me. "Do you wanna do the intro?" He asked me in advance. "Yea, whatever." I shrugged, nodding my head but really feeling like this was gonna flop, big time.

"What's up guys, we're back this week, and we're doing the taser-taste-test-challenge." I improvised, not really feeling present.


"Part two," I accidentally interupted Ethan, then ran my fingers through my hair and sighed. "Sorry, you do the intro." I said, as my eyes began to refill with tears. You know that feeling when you're so tired and so down, and you're really just on the edge of crying the entire time. When anything you do causes that feeling to amplify. That was me right now, and faking happiness was one of the worst things I could do when I got like this.

"So, this time, we have ten glasses filled with random drinks," while Ethan talked, I counted the glasses. "And just like last time we have to drink one of them, then guess what it was, and if we get it wrong we get tased on a random body part-"

"There's nine glasses on the table." I said to Ethan, avoiding both his stare and the camera lens. Ethan counted the glasses again, seeing that there were 9 too. "I must have left the last one in the fridge, can you go get it? The card is under the glass, don't look at it." He warned, and I nodded.

I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, feeling the cold breeze on my skin. I closed my eyes for a second, taking a deep breath and trying swallow the tears and the bad feeling I was having. I then grabbed the glass filled with a pink liquid, along with the card turned downwards under it. I picked both of them up and shut the fridge again, then turned around and started walking back to the table.

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