25; Not just about this

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Ethan's POV

I sighed as my brother nearly ran down the street, making his way to the car.

'Grayson!' Shailene shouted, but he put his hand up, basically telling her to shut up and leave him alone.

It felt weird, hearing her voice so close again. For two months, we'd just heard it through our phone. This wasn't how I imagined us meeting again.

She looked like she was about to cry as she watched Grayson walk off, her lower lip trembling. Eventually, she took her eyes off him and focused them on the ground in front of her, actively avoiding my glare. She opened her mouth to talk a few times, but backed down each try. What did one say, in a situation like this?

'I feel like nothing I'm going to say will mend this.' She eventually spoke, closing her eyes. I stared at her for a few seconds, before responding myself.

'Yeah, you kinda fucked him up.. I mean what the fuck, Shay?' I snapped, raising my voice, which visibly startled her. 'If we hand't come tonight, would you have even told him?' I asked, looking at her in disbelief. She bit down on her lower lip, but gave no response. 'Did you care about him, at all?' I disparaged, at which she snapped her head towards me.

'YES!' She yelled back, looking at me incredulously. 'I care about him! Of course I fucking do, how could one not!' She hissed, tossing her heels on the floor.

'Well,' I scoffed calmly. 'You're doing a great fucking job at showing it!' My voice rose as I spoke.

She took a step back as I shouted at her, but I couldn't contain myself. She deserved every word, after what she'd put Grayson through.

'I know I fucked up! He's the best human being I've ever met in my entire life, and then I go do that.' She spat in disgust, covering her face in her hands. 'And for him to see it too... God, he must feel awful..' She whimpered, which only caused me to get angrier.

'This is not just about this, Shay! Do you remember how you left? How you've just forgotten about him these past two months?' I roared, spotting two familiar-looking girls across the road, pointing at us.

I pinched the bridge of my nose as they came over, when Shailene surprised me by shouting back.

'I forgot about him? What about the other way around!' She yelled, a lot of heads turning. I shot hear a glare. She couldn't be serious. 'He never sent me messages when I arrived! All form of contact had just disappeared, with both of you!' She said, her voice breaking, which in turn made my own heart ache. I looked at her, studying her closely. Tears were forming in her eyes, and I could tell she was starting to get cold by the way she held herself.

'Don't look at me like that!' She spat, letting out an accidental sob and turning away from me.

I stood there with my hands in my pockets as her friends crossed the street and came over to her, to comfort her.

In that same moment, I noticed some familiar headlights shining in our direction. A white Range Rover drove past us and pulled up to the curb, further down the road. It was Grayson, ready for me to get in.

'We're leaving.' was all I said, before turning on my heel and walking down the pavement.

Then, I heard my name being called.

I closed my eyes, sighing. Grayson was never going to be okay with that.

'Please, we want to go home too.' One of her friends said.

I hesitated, but then gave in and nodded. It was the responsible thing to do, instead of leaving them in the middle of the city while we take her car to drive to her home. Grayson was going to have to be a big boy and suck it up.

We all walked towards the car, and as I got in the passenger's seat, I saw Grayson clenching his jaw and keeping his gaze in front of him. He refused to look at me as the girls got in.

During the drive home I felt the most uncomfortable I'd probably ever been in my life. There was a deadly silence in the air, and the atmosphere made the hairs in my neck stand on end. Grayson had his hands grasping the wheel so firmly, that his knuckles were completely white. The girls in the back were trying their best and refrain from making any kind of sound, as to prevent pissing Grayson off even more. And I just felt stuck in between everything and everyone.

Halfway home, we heard some shifting in the backseat, and my gut told me something was wrong... The girls were quite uneasy, whispering a little, so I looked behind me, only to find that Shailene was bent forward with her head in her hands. My eyes met with those of one of her friends. 'Is something wrong?' I asked, and she nodded uneasily.

I patted my brother's shoulder, trying to tell him to stop.

He aggressively swung the car to the side of the road and parked it there. Shailene instantly opened the door, her friends following after her as she ran a little downhill to throw up.

Grayson threw his head back, resting it against the headrest, and closed his eyes. He clenched his jaw violently, and I didn't dare provoke him, so we sat there in silence. The girls had left the car door open, so we could hear the rustling of the trees and bushes, and cars driving by. If it weren't for the tense energy in the air, it might've actually been very relaxing.

When the girls returned after about ten minutes, they quietly got back in the car. I heard a faint sniffling, and without turning my head I could tell it was Shailene. She felt really bad, obviously. 

Grayson drove off, and the rest of the drive was quite okay. No one said anything, so I just stared out the window as we drove down Sydney.

We arrived back at the house, and Grayson parked the car after we all got out. The girls walked upstairs, and I waited up for Grayson. 

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