10; "I have a really bad feeling, bro."

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Shailene's POV

I quickly placed the phone back on the seat as I heard Jason walk back into the room and sat down on a chair myself. I made sure to delete Ethan's number from the call log so Jason wouldn't find out.

"I made lasagna, your favorite." He smiled as he placed the pan on the table. I couldn't help but genuinely smile too, at the smell of my favorite food. Real food, for the first time in weeks. Jason put a piece on my plate, and instantly I started eating. The first bite felt like angels dancing on my tastebuds, as weird as that sounded. I swear I nearly moaned out loud. And when I finished my first piece, I sheepishly went for another.

"My girl loves her food." Jason chuckled, but the first part made me feel highly uncomfortable and made me shift in my seat. "You know, Jason.. I can't just sit here and act like it's all good between us." I said calmly, laying down my fork and looking up at him. He had a confused look on his face, and as much as I just wanted to smack it off, I kept my cool.

"Don't act as if you don't know what I mean. Look where I am, right now." I said angrily. Okay, I wouldn't say I kept my cool, but I could've started shouting at him too.

"I know, Shay.. I'm so sorry, and I want to make it up to you." He said and I wanted to scoff and flip the table, but I pressed my lips together in a fine line and waited for him to continue. "There's a working shower on the fifth floor.. the room isn't too clean, but I figured you'd want to shower anyway. I got some new clothes for you too." He said, a hopeful look in his eyes. I almost felt sorry for him. "You can shower when you're done eating."

I couldn't help but look at him, unsurely.

"Please, Shailene. I want to make it up to you tonight." He pleaded, and as much as I still wanted to smack the back of my hand across his face, I thought: What was the point. There was a chance I might be rescued somewhere tonight or tomorrow, so why not just do as he says. Besides, a shower and some fresh clothes sounded really, really good right now.

"Alright." I put up a fake smile for him, and continued eating my food.

I avoided eyecontact with him as we ate in silence. I finished my plate, pushed it aside and stood up. One of Jason's crew members led me upstairs to where the shower was, and as Jason described, it wasn't particularly pretty. It was a small room with dirty white tiles, and the shower was quite rusty. It was a miracle it even worked, though I couldn't care less.

I closed the door and turned around, looking in the dirty mirror hanging above the broken sink. I had bags under my eyes, my hair was disgusting and one big mess, and I had my own blood on my shirt. And I looked so skinny... I realized that this was the first time in weeks that I could really look at myself, and I had lost so much weight by hardly being fed anything. My clavicle bones were basically sticking out, and when I pulled my shirt over my head, my ribs were super visible. My chest had shrunk a whole size, nearly two. I almost couldn't look at myself. I had lost so much weight. No wonder I constantly felt like I had no energy at all.

I tore my eyes away from the mirror as tears threatened to spill again, and I was just tired of crying. I pulled off my pants and underwear, and threw all my clothes on a pile in the corner. All I wanted was to get clean, as soon as possible. I pushed the old showercurtain aside and turned on the shower, the cold water hitting me. I took a step back, goosebumps covering my whole body as I waited for the water to turn warm. If they even had that here...

But, the water turned warm after about a minute. I stepped in, closing the curtain again and sighed in content as the water ran down my body. I saw that Jason had placed some shampoo and bodywash in the shower for me, so I put some bodywash on my hand and started to clean myself. It felt so good to scrub the dirt off my skin. And after washing my hair 3 times, I finally felt completely clean.

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