How a broken heart feels

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Hiccups pov

I got to the Academy. Oh man I wish I didn't went there. I wish I didn't heard what she said. It was like two dragons ripping me apart.

Now you wondering what happened? Oh I will explain. I went to the academy still with that bad feeling. But I just pushed it away because for the first time in three weeks I were going to see Astrid after her trip with her parents. But when I got there I heard a familiar voice. I heard her voice. I was about to surprise her but I froze when I heard what she said:

"He is still Hiccup the Useless." She said "The only reason I date him is because of that he is the son of the chief. He don't even notice my hate to him. He is weak, small, pathetic. I don't understand what he's doing here anyway. Shouldn't he be dead or something right now. I don't understand why we keep saving his life. He can't even handle the dragons by himself. Dragonmaster puh more like Dragonfood."

Everything she said hitted me like a dagger to my chest. Was that what Astrid saw in me?Useless, weak, pathetic. Everything we had was a lie. It wasn't love that made her fall for me it was because of that I was the son of a chief. How could I be so blind? How could I for one second believe that Astrid Hofferson loved Hiccup the Useless!

I turned away and ran into Snoutlout.

"Hiccup watch out..... What Happened?" Snoutloud asked.

" I I It's not g going to be any training today" said I quickly and ran away.

I didn't wait for Snoutlout reaction before I left. I just ran all the way home.

So now am I sitting in my room. I heard someone coming in but I didn't bother to look.
It was Toothless he looked at me with a wondering face.

"Oh I'm so sorry" I said realizing that I left Toothless at the academy "How can a make up for you?"

Toothless looked at me and then he started to hug me. It's feeling good. Now that I don't have Astrid anymore I'm so happy about having Toothless. At least he don't hate me. I hope.

"Thanks bud" I said. "What about your favourite fish for dinner, Salmon"

Toothless face brighten up like a sunshine

"Well Salmon it is!" I said happy about having someone to trust. My best friend.

The rest of the day I spent inside with Toothless hoping that I wouldn't face her today. And right now my dad is on his way home so I am cooking. Well not cooking more like my mum cooks and I watch. Maybe I could learn to cook someday.

Snoutlout pov (When Hiccup ran into him)

"Watch out"I said before realizing that something was wrong "What happened?"

He just looked down and stammer:
" I I It's not g going to be some training today" Than he ran away.

I went in to the academy but it was empty. No one were here. Something strange is going on...

I need to talk to Fishlegs, Astrid and the Twins. Nobody is hurting my cusin.

Astrid pov

I cried. I cried so much. I had been captured by someone who has my parents. He said that if I didn't do as he said he was going to hurt them. So I did what he asked for. I broke Hiccups heart. It was the man's plan all along. I don't know who he is but he isn't a good one.

I'm broke Hiccup's heart. I called him Useless, Pathetic and Weak. Oh please Hiccup forgive me. I love him. But I did this to protect him and my family. Right now the man dragging me into the forest. He has some secret cave there but I don't know where we are because he always covers my eyes. Right now it's hurts. He has been hurting me all day long. He got me and my parents two weeks ago. When we were on that trip. Right now I just hopes that Hiccup is okay after what I've done him.

Will he ever forgive me?


The drama has started!!!!

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