My only friend is a princess

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Hiccup's pov

We went to the harbour after hiding all the dragons. Well I was surprised that everybody had dragons but I still don't change my mind. They can't change. They have had a millions time to prove me that I was wrong and that people can change after second chances but nobody did ever change to my side. I am that kind of person who gives second chances but Berk is already out of chances.

In the harbour stood a big boat with a large man on it.

"Stoick!" He said. "Glad that the medicine worked and your son is fine"

"King Fergus" My dad said. "Thank you for coming and thank you for the help. Let me introduce my son Hiccup Horrendous Harddock the Third"

I bowed to the king and said:
"It's a honour to meet you your highest"

Then surprisedly the king hugged me while the queen said:
"What a nice young man. I'm queen Elinor and this is my daughter Merida with her three brothers Harris, Hubert and Hamis"

Merida and her brothers took a step forward. Merida was a beautiful girl with red fluffy hair.

"Hi" I said and nodded at Merida.

"Hi" She giggled and nodded back.

"Well isn't it that the heir gets know the heir in Berk?" Fergus asked and my dad nodded. " Well go to Hiccup Merida and have fun. "

We went to the forest and talked about us self. Merida was a nice girl who didn't judge people for their looks unlike Berk.

"Ok my turn." I said. "What weapon do you use in battles?"

"Arrow and Bows" She answered "And you?"

"This sword called inferno. Look I made it by myself" I said and showed her how it's work.

"Wow that's incredible Hiccup. Everyone must adore your work" She comment.

"I wish it was like that" I mumbled.

"What do you mean?" Merida asked.

"I'm actually bullied in this town. Everyone hate me because I'm not that muscular brave type that can hurt at dragon. Dragon killing means all in this town" I said. "I don't have any friends at all here"

"Now you have" Merida said and hugged me.

It felt great to at last have a friend. And think my first friend is a princess. A beautiful princess.

Astrid's pov

I went to the forest because Stoick asked me to get Hiccup and Merida to the Great Hall for dinner. I heard them laughing so I followed the voices until I froze because of one thing Hiccup said:

"I don't have any friends at all here"

I backed slowly. It was hard enough to lose him as a partner, a companion but lose him as a friend. I don't know if I could handle it. He had forgive me but he had also forgot me. He was my everything to me and now I was nothing to him except his bullier, his nightmare, his enemy.

I ran home and threw myself on the bed crying. I couldn't take anymore. With some luck Hiccup and Merida should realise that it's lunchtime and go back without me remembering them. And I had right. Some minutes later I could hear them laugh and talk but I didn't bothering looking after them. I didn't bothering go and eat lunch with the others. I didn't bothering get off my bed. I just lay here sobbing for myself. But after all it was my fault, I yelled at him and this was my punishment.

I heard someone knock on the door. My dad wasn't home so I had to go downstairs to open the door and it was no one more than Stoick.

"Hello Astrid I missed you on the dinner today" he said.

"I wasn't hungry" I lied but I couldn't fool Stoick.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

I just went into the kitchen and started to move around things before I looked in Stoick's eyes.

"I heard H Hiccup. I d didn't mean to sneak. I didn't mean any harm but I I heard what he said. " I stuttered with tears in my eyes. "To lose him as a boyfriend, a partner is bad enough but to lose him as friend. I don't think I can handle that"

"Oh Astrid" Stoick said. "We all have a bad time right now even Hiccup. But we're going to fix this in one way or other. And if not you have to do what you should have want him to do for you if you where in his shoe."

I nodded. If I was in his shoe I would like him to move on. Not wasting his time on me. And that's exactly what I am going to do. I'm gonna let him go. If he wants to marry Merida it's okay. If he's happy I'm happy. Even if this is going to torture me day after day. I'll do it for him.

Nobody's pov

Stoick was glad that they have figured that out. But he didn't know Astrid's thoughts. He didn't know she should think it that way. When he said it he meant that they're going to fight for him and never give up. Only if he knew Astrid's thoughts he would have explained a little bit more. But he can't read her minds so he can't stop Astrid.


Sorry for VERY late update. This is going to have even slower updates now when I've started school. Ugh help me somebody. I don't know if I can handle this.

But for now. Bye bye my little dragon readers.

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