Moonlight and more

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Start: 10/02/18

They danced to the music. Hiccup swung around with Astrid while she had her head on his shoulder. They danced for a while when the music stopped. Gobber went up on stage again.

"Hello Berk. Are you enjoying the night?" Everybody started to cheer.

"Well we have a little competition here" Gobber started. "A wild terrible terror is here on Berk and your mission is to find it. But there is a hundred of terrible terrors on Berk and if you pick wrong you're out"

They all started to search. Most of the people searched in the woods. You were not allowed to use your dragon so many people ran around. Many people got out by picking the wrong terrible terror. Now it was just four team left. Snotlout and Ruff, Fishlegs and Heather, Tuff and Merida and last Astrid and Hiccup.

They were all at the field when Tuff shouted.

"I've found it!!!"

They all started to chase Tuff with the terrible terror. Hiccup were fast enough to take Tuff down. The terrible terror was about to fly away when Heather took it and started to run.

"Not in my watch" Ruffnut said and jumped on Heather.

Ruff got the terrible terror and threw it to Snotlout. He started to run. Astrid were after him. Berk started to cheer when they saw the teams came running.

At the end Astrid were only an inch from Snotlout but he reached Gobber first. Gobber took the terrible terror and looked t it.

"It's right!!!!" Gobber shouted. "Snotlout and Ruffnut wins"

"Snotlout Snotlout oi oi oi" Snotlout shouted.

They all clapped and gratulated him.

"What is the price?" Snotlout asked.

"There is no price lad. Just honour" Gobber said.

"What I ran for nothing!!" Ruffnut shouted. "Well well at least I tackled Heather down"

Hiccup just looked at them and laughed. Astrid were beside him. He could smell her hair from here. Suddenly everything started to blurry.
He took a deep breath and everything went back to normal. Then Astrid looked at him. He looked at her ocean blue eyes and got a headache.

"Hiccup are you okay?" Astrid asked.

He couldn't response. It was like everything were stuck in his throat. It felt like something hit him over and over again. He backed slowly. He hid behind a house. He could see Astrid going after him worried before he fainted.


Thank you so much for 500 readings. I'm so happy right now.
And I know I haven't updated for a while but I am going to end this book soon. Thank you so much DragonNites!!

Psss What Do you think about Rtte season 6?
Let me know in the comments!!!

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