New Friends

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Author pov

The days continues but the storm just get worse. They are glad that had their dragons or they should have freeze to death. Hiccup is still recovering from his 'freeze to death experience'.

Suddenly it knocked on the door.
Who could it be?
Why are they out in this stormy weather?

Stoick opened the door and in came 8 person and a reindeer.

"Can we help you?" Stoick asked kindly.

"Please let us stay. We don't have any other opinions if we want to survive so please help us!" A grey haired man said.

"Of course!" Stoick said and showed them to the fireplace.

"Thank you" A white haired girl said. "Let me introduce myself. I'm Queen Elsa of Arendell and this is my sister Anna (points at the strawberry blonde girl) my boyfriend Jack (points at Jack Frost) and my sister boyfriend Kristoff with his reindeer (Points at a blonde man with his reindeer. "

"And I'm King of Corona with my wife and my daughter Rapunzel with her boyfriend Eugene" The grey haired man said.

"It's great to meet you all!" Stoick says. "I am Stoick the Vast with my son Hiccup Haddock"

"You majesties" Hiccup says and make an easy bow.

"And I am King Fergus of Dunbroch with my wife Elinor, my oldest daughter Merida and my three triplets Harry, Hamish and Hubert" Fergus says proud of his family.

They was about to asked something when they noticed the dragons staring at them.

"Dragons!!!!!!!" Anna shout and they all starts to back off.

"Calm down they are friendly. Look" Hiccup says and starts to play with Toothless.

Elsa was about to touch until she hesitated.

"It's okay" Hiccup says.

"It's not that. We are special. We control the Ice. But Elsa can't control them."  Jack explain.

"So you created the storm!" Hiccup almost shouted.

"No this one is unstoppable" Jack said "We can't control it..."

~Time skip~

After the lunch the started to get know each other. Well the queens and the chief. Their children played Truth or dare.

"Okay" Punzie said. "Hiccup Truth or dare?"

"Truth" Hiccup said.

"What happened with Toothless tailfin?" Rapunzel asked.

"Well I shoot him down and he lost his tailfin. I made a new to him and after that we became friends" Hiccup said.

"Wow" they all said.

"Well my turn. Elsa truth or dare?" Hiccup asked.

"Truth" Elsa said.

"Why can't you control your power" Hiccup asked but suddenly he regret it. "Uh you don't have to tell me if you don't want to"

Elsa hesitated. But she wanted they all to know so she decided to tell them.

"I could control my powers. But when I thought that everything was fine the powers played me a trick and I almost froze my special guest. After that accident I have stayed in the ice castle where I meet Jack and I learned to control my powers again. But I'm still afraid that my powers are going to play me a trick again" Elsa explained very short.

"Wow" Hiccup said.

"Ok......" Elsa started before Astrid interrupted her.

"Hey Hiccup you dropped your helmet so I took it for you. Here you go"

"Thank's Astrid that's really nice of you" Hiccup said.

"Well what are you doing" Astrid asked.

"Truth and Dare wanna join in" Hiccup asked.

"But I am hanging out with the gang"

"But you can bring them here too. Right guys?"

"Of course more is funnier" Rapunzel said.

"Well Thank's I'll get the others" Astrid said.

After some minutes they came back and sat down before the introduced they self.

"Well Elsa you start"


Hello I am back!!!!!

Missed me? No? Well I thought so... 

Shoutout to winter_snowxoxo for voting on this story.

Bye Bye Little Dragon Readers and stay healthy.

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