Snoggletog Dance

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The Day went and it was time for Snoggletog.
Everything was decorated, there where food on the table and vikings ran around while the fixed theirselves. Everyone was dressed up in beautiful dresses or clothes.

When it was time the music started to play and couples started to dance.

"Warning I'm not good at this" Merida said.

"Hello you're the one that have two legs here" Hiccup said.

"Yeah and still I can't dance better than you" Merida laughed.

"Well thank you M'lady" Hiccup said and swung around with Merida one last time before the song ended.

Gobber went up to the stage and started to talk.

"We are standing here happy even if their is a terrible storm outside. We are celebrating snoggletog with our before worst enemies. Our enemies as Alvin and Dagur are now our allies today. We are a happy and friendly people thanks to one man. The man who gave us hope in darkness, the man who protected us from dragons in a friendly way, the man who changed the history. This man is no one more than...."

"Snotlout Snotlout Oi Oi Oi!!!" Snotlout screamed and everyone turned to Snotlout. "What?! I just telling the truth"

Everyone signed.

"The man is.." Gobber continued. "Hiccup Harddock"

Everyone applauded but Hiccup didn't go up. Stoick saw it and went up to him.

"What is it son? Go up and talk to your people"

"I can't. I can't even remember all those things I did so how are I going to walk up there and talk to them"

Astrid heard the conversation and was about to offer Hiccup support when Merida came first.

"I maybe don't know what happened exactly but I can be there for you. Just as support" Merida said.

Hiccup nodded and the both went up to the stage.

"Well Thank you Gobber and thank you Berk. It's have been an honour to do all those things for Berk and it is an honour to know that you appreciate it. So I really hope you enjoy the dance and Snoggletog because we just getting older but that's a thing that's we all have to live with. So thank you Berk for your support"

Everyone started to cheer when Hiccup and Merida went down the stage. Astrid just watched them very jealously while people came and gratulated Hiccup.

Stoick in the other hand had problem with the people of Berk. They all wondered why Hiccup was with Merida instead of Astrid. And sometimes Stoick ask that question to himself.

They continued to dance and laugh when Elinor went up to Stoick.

"Isn't it wonderful. My daughter and your son" She said.

"Oh yeah sure of course." Stoick said. "It's beautiful"

"Did you know that I was afraid that Merida was never going to find a man. She is not the ladylike person, she's unique. I'm glad that she found someone special at last" Elinor said watching them dancing.

"Yes he's very special but also very tricky. He has about a hundred surprises inside him"

"Of course but it's just a thought. It wouldn't be something bad at least. The heir of Berk and the princess of Dunbroch." Elinor said.

They continued talking while most of the people were dancing, everyone except Astrid and Tuffnut to be exactly.  They just sat on a bench watching the dance pass by. They didn't have any date or any feeling for dancing either. They just sat there watching young to old couples dancing on the Snoggletog dance together. But inside Astrid there was only sorrow and sadness. Inside Tuffnut there were only disappointments, 100 feeling of disappointments.

After a while Tuffnut decided to go somewhere. The dance Merida and Hiccup  danced ended and Merida went to get something to drink. Hiccup saw that Astrid was alone so he went up to her.

"Where's your date?" He asked her.

"You mean that one that are dancing with an other girl or that on who doesn't exist?" Astrid said rude.

"Oh I'm so sorry Astrid I fell a bit guilty right now. But hey, if this guy doesn't care about you he doesn't know what he miss" Hiccup said when the music started to play again.

"Would you like a dance" He asked.

"With pleasure" Astrid giggled.

They went out on the dance floor and started to dance to the slow music. While they were dancing Merida came out and saw them. Hiccup made a little wink to her so that she giggled. Then he raised his hand and she nodded before she went to Tuffnut.

They talked for a while when the dance ended. Hiccup went up to his date and leaved both Tuffnut and Astrid sitting on the bench again. Suddenly Tuffnut stood up and made a bow before he asked:

"May I have a dance?"

Astrid thought for a long moment before she agreed. She shouldn't let her Snoggletog night get wasted.

They went to the dance floor and started to dance. Astrid felt safe and good with Tuffnut.
Knowing that there is someone there for you isn't that bad.

Dance after Dance went on before it was the end of the night. Everybody said goodnight to their partners before the went to their dragon to sleep.

Astrid saw everyone settled down while she thought about the night. It sure was something.


Merry Christmas or Happy Snoggletog as we DragonNites say and Happy New Year!!!. I wish you all joy and a nice evening. Remember the fun isn't in getting it's in giving to the one close in your heart. So thank you for everything and I wish you all a merry Christmas!!!!!

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