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Start: 11/03/18

Valka and Stoick came up to Astrid.

"What happened?" Valka asked.

"I don't know he just fainted" Astrid said.

Valka and Stoick were the only one who notice Astrid and Hiccup's disappearance.

"We need to take him to Gothi" Stoick said.

Astrid nodded and Stoick carried him to Gothi.

Hiccup's pov

I can't see anything. I can't feel or hear anything. I fell myself fading away. I tried to fight against it but it was to strong. I don't know where I am or who I am. Everything is starting to disappear from me. It's over I thought. I've lost everything when suddenly a feeling hit me.

The feeling of remember. I saw every memory flooding in front of me. I saw things that I've forgot from this past five years. I saw memories so strong that I thought that I were there. Then suddenly everything went black again. I started to hear voices.


I opened my eyes and saw that we were at a beach. I saw Astrid sitting behind me. Toothless were playing with Toothless and it was sun set. I looked at Astrid and gave her a nervous look.

"Back there were you trying to kiss me?" She asked.

"Oh you noticed" I said awkwardly.

"Why didn't you do it?" Astrid asked.

"It wasn't the right moment" I heard myself answer. "I want it to be perfect"

"Well this is pretty perfect" She said and moved closer to me.

"Yeah I guess" I said and then grabbed her hand.

She looked at me and I kissed her.

Everything went blurry and a new memory showed up.

"What is that?" Astrid asked.

"Nothing" I lied felt the pain on my waist.

Then she saw it and her face turned from suspicious to horror and then to anger.

"You're hurt and you didn't tell us!!!" Astrid shouted so loud that my parents came up.

"What's happening?" Mum asked.

"Hiccup is hurt" Astrid said

"And you didn't tell us?!" Dad shouted.

Then he started to scream out thing to me while I just sat there. It was about that I could have died and things. Then my dad went out. I couldn't blame him. He was as angry and I knew that he were right. Mum went up to me. I avoided her eyes afraid that she were going to yell at me to. But she didn't. She gave me a understanding look and looked into my eyes.

"Can I look at it?" Mum asked while I nodded.

"You should have tell us Hiccup" Astrid said angrily. " You should have let us know"

"Astrid he don't need it now" Mum warned.

"No!" I protested" She's right. This is my fault. I should have told you guys about it. I just have myself to blame."

I looked down and got prepared for Astrid to yell at me. But instead she sat down by my side and took my hands. And when I looked up she smiled. It was the most beautiful smile I ever seen. I knew that she just cared for me and it gave me a little bit hope that she's going to forgive me.

"How bad is it? Astrid asked

"It's deep but it could have been worse" Mum said and studied the wound while I tried not to show the pain..

Then Toothless came in and looks around. When he saw me he seemed worried. I knew that look and I understood that he already knew.

"Dad told you didn't he?" I asked and Toothless nodded" I am so sorry bud."

Toothless sat down beside me and I just hugged my best friend. Then Dad came in water and bandages. He looked calmer and smiled.

"If you don't tell the dragon you don't tell daddy isn't it" Dad laughed " Let's clean that mess shall we?"

Now everything went blurry again. memory after memory showed itself in my head. I remember times I shouldn't be allowed to forget and then everything turned black.


What do you think will happen next?
Let me know in the comments!
Thanks for reading.
We're closing the end

One Lost Memory~ Hicstrid vs MericcupWhere stories live. Discover now