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Start: 19/04/19

When Hiccup opened his eyes everything was blurry. At first he didn't see anything but then it all cleared. He saw Astrid looking at him with surprised eyes.

"Hiccup?" She said carefully.

Hiccup looked at her and then grabbed her waist and pulled her into a long and passionate kiss.

"Why did you do that?" Astrid asked.

"Can't I kiss my girlfriend?" Hiccup asked smug.

At first she looked confused at him and then her face brightened up.

"You remember!" Astrid said happy. "You remember everything"

Hiccup nodded and smiled. Then suddenly Toothless came inside. He looked at Hiccup with big eyes.

"Hey bud" Hiccup said and hugged his  dragon. "I'm glad to see you too"

"Hiccup it's good to see that your up" Stoick said as he hugged him.

Then Valka also hugged him.

"Mum, Dad" Hiccup said. "I remember. I remember everything"

At first they were completely shocked and the they smiled and hugged him one more time.

"My boy is back" Stoick said."I can't believe it. My boy is back"

They talked for a while before they let Astrid and Hiccup go. Astrid was completely overjoyed as they went to the riders.

"Hello gang" Hiccup said.

"Wait did he call us gang?" Snotlout asked.

"Something is different with Hiccup" Tuff said and looked at him.

"Guys I got my memories back" Hiccup said.

"That's nothing to joke about Mister. I know it's Loki day but that is a very serious thing" Ruff said.

Everyone looked at her as she was stupid. Which she might be.

"Oh sister don't you realise he have come to our side" Tuff said. "Look at him. He have started to Loki on loki day"

"What is it you don't get?!" Snotlout asked. "His back. My little cousin is back"''

"Smaller but at least he has something in here" Heather said and pointed at the head.

"Okay then let us sing our welcome song" Tuff said.

"OHHHHHHHH WE WELCOME OUR HICCUP WE WELCOME OUR MAID. I THINK THAT IT SOMETHING..... (They tried to figure out something to sing) ... WE NEVER SHOULD SAY? OHHHHHH WE HATE SNOT SOCKS WE HATE THEM ALL DAY. AND WE ALSO HATE SNOTLOUT THERE IS NOTHING MORE TO SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Hey!!!" Snotlout shouted.

"Well thank you for the deaf making song" Hiccup said.

"Yooooooour welcome" Tuff said.

"It's good to have you back" Heather said and hugged him.

"It's good to be back. And to remember everything we've gone through" Hiccup said.

"Well this means that I don't have to be in charge anymore" Snot said. "Even if I am a amazing leader"

"You were never in charge" Fishlegs said.

"Yes I were" Snot said.

"No you weren't" Fishlegs said. "Hiccup were still in charge after all this"

"Oh shut up Fishface" Snotlout said.

"Well I'm hungry. And the great hall is open. So let's go and eat" Tuff said.

They all walked out when suddenly Hiccup grabbed Astrid hand.

"Thank you" Hiccup said.

"For what?" Astrid asked confused.

"For never giving up one me" Hiccup said.

"I wouldn't give up on you even if the world was going under Hiccup Harddock" Astrid said.

"And that's why I love you" He said before he pulled her to one last kiss.

Together they were walking hand in hand to the great hall. They created memories they would never forget again.


Thank for reading!
And yes this is the last chapter.

I hope you liked the story and please comment down below what you thought about it.

Take care DragonNites and remember I love you all.

One Lost Memory~ Hicstrid vs MericcupWhere stories live. Discover now