Starting over

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Astrid Pov

"OK What do you want" I asked

He seemed nervous about something. At first he said nothing but then he started to explain the situation.

"I know it's a little bit confusing right now" He started. "But I realized that I was wrong and wondered if we could start over as friends?"

"Yes!" I shouted and without thinking I hugged him really heard before I remembered one thing. "But what about Merida"

"Can't I have more than one friend" Hiccup laughed.

I relaxed and gave him a smile.

"Of course Harddock"

Then I pulled him inside where the other were.

"Guy's Hiccup have something to say"I Said exited.

Everyone went quiet.

"Well this was unexpected" Hiccup said nervous. "But ok you know that I have lost my memories and everything but I want to start over as friends so what do you think?"

"Sure" I heard Fishleg say

"Cool" The Twins said.

"Well your my cousin. I can't get rid of you anyway" Snoutlout joked.

"Ps you know that you lost your leg to" Tuffnut said.

Hiccup pov

Everyone started to laugh and talk memories with me. I felt home. This was right. But after an hour someone knocked on the door. I went to open the door. It was Stoick, my dad and Merida.

"Hello my son" Dad said. "This young lady was looking for you"

"What do you think about doing something today?" Merida asked. "If you're not busy of course"

I knew that Astrid was behind me so I didn't know what to answer. I was about to explain for Merida that I was busy when Astrid said:

"It's okay Hiccup. We can meet again at dinner"

I nodded and went out with Merida and my dad. Merida went to get some things while dad looked proud at me.

"What is it" I asked dad.

"Nothing" He said. "Except for the way you handle this situation in such a good way. You'll be a good chief my son"

"Thanks dad" I said happy.

When Merida came back we went to the forest and shot arrows. She was really good.

"Full score" She shouted.

I love when she smile. I love her laugh. I love everything about her. I love her. Wait what am I thinking? What is this, love? Am I in love with princess of Dunbroch.

It was my turn to shot and it landed right in the middle of the target.

"You are good at this." She said.

"Arrows and bow was the first weapon I learned to use. I went lessons but after some years they shut them down because you could kill a dragon with arrows" I told her.

"Dragons!!! Are there dragons here?!" She asked.

I quickly explained the situation for her and completely forgot that dragons was a part of a secret.

"Can I see some dragons" She asked exited.

"Well what about a dragon race?" I asked.

We went to the gang and asked them if they wanted to race with us. They all agreed.

"Which dragon should I ride?" Merida asked.

It ended up that Ruffnut rode with Snoutlout because Merida wanted to ride Barf and Belch. But it was ok for Ruffnut because she really liked Snoutlout. It was still strange to see the others with dragons.

After a few race we felt how it was getting colder and colder. We flew back only to find out that it was storm so we needed to hurry to the Great Hall.

But on our way a ice tower fell down on Merida. It had built a cave around her so she couldn't get out.

"Merida!!!!" I shouted

"Hiccup help me" I heard her say.

Barf and Belch tried to make a hole so she could come out without crashing the ice cave.

"Hiccup!" I heard Snoutlout say.

When I turned around I saw that Astrid had fainted.

"She's ice cold" Fishlegs commented.

"Go inside with her and keep her warm" I shouted.

I saw them go away against the Great Hall. Then I heard Tuffnut shout:
"Hiccup you have to go in we can't reach her"

When I turned around I saw that there where a little hole where only I could climb in. Barf and Belch helped me up and dropped me down the hole.

"Merida!!! Where are you?!"

"Here!!!" She shouted.

Then I saw her. I helped her up where Barf and Belch took her. But when it was my turn everything fell down.

The last thing I heard was people shouting my name before everything went black.


Sorry for a late update. I have been busy with school and everything. What do you think about the chapter? Is this an Mericcup story or a Hiccstrid story?When are we going to find out?

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