The Book Of Truth

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Hi I just thought of one thing. I haven't warned you about bad gramma. Well English isn't my first language so that means that I'm not an expert on it. Sorry for a late warning and hope you understood the story after all. I'll try to work on it with a little help and if you see some mistakes can you make me the honour to tell me that. Thank you!!!

Hiccup's pov

My dad left the door open so I heard everything they said. Could it be true. Could Berk have changed to a better place. Could I Hiccup the Useless be respected here. So many questions with no answers. There is only one way to figure out the truth.

My old diary.

I ran home curious to know the truth. I found my book under my wardrobe hidden for everyone except me. I opened the last written page and started to read.

"This is probably the last time I am going to write in this book. Everything is great now. Everything have changed. Even if it sounds impossible it's true. I am not the lonely outcast anymore. I am the boy who changed the life in Berk. Everyone has their own dragon and I have Toothless, my best friend. If I need to talk to somebody I always have my friends Snoutlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut, Tuffnut and Heather. Well most Astrid my closest viking friend. She's always going to be there for me and I'll always going to be there for her. So I don't need this book anymore. I have everything I wished for.
                                          //Hiccup Harddock"

Could it be true? Could Berk have changed to a better place? Could they all accept Hiccup the Useless.

I was in my thoughts when somebody opened the door.

"Mum" I shouted without thinking.

"Oh so you do remember me" she said. "I thought you forgot me"

"I don't know. I just shouted it out. Like my inner me knew it was you. Mum could everything have changed? Could Berk really be a home for me."

"Well everything has changed. Berk is your home" Valka said.

"I've understood that. It's just so confusing"

"But what are you doing to do know Hiccup?"

"I need to start over" I said. " Make friends with the Berkians again. I need to befriend everyone and I'll start with Astrid"

"Good my son. But now you need to come down for dinner. Your dad is waiting. He won't start without you"

I nodded and we went downstairs. At the dinner I did my best to talk with my dad as much as possible. And it was a success because I seemed like dad really enjoyed talking with me and mom. And of course I enjoyed it too. It was good to have both dad and mum by my side.

That Night we went to bed pretty late. We had such a wonderful time that we forgot the time. Right now I'm laying on my bed and planing how to get my friends back. Toothless is fast asleep so I decided to go for a walk when I couldn't sleep. But when I stood up I felt someone pushing me down again. It seems like Toothless was awake after all. I tried to get up again but Toothless just pushed me down. The third time he took he'a tail around me and dragged me all the way to his bed just for hugging me. I tried to get up but when I found out that Toothless wasn't sleeping I decided to stay here and sleep.

Next morning I ate my breakfast and ran to Astrid house. But it was Snoutlout that opened the door.

"Hi can I talk to Astrid" I said.

Snoutlout nodded slowly and then he shouted:

"Astrid someone's wants to see you"

Astrid pov

I went to the door just to find out that the 'someone' was Hiccup.

"Hi Astrid" he said. "Can we talk"

I heard the rest of the gang come up behind me.

"Alone" Hiccup said realizing that everybody was listening.

I nodded and went out with Hiccup.


Sorry for a late update but here's the chapter. Who have seen  RTTE season 5? I haven't so please no spoilers. Yet.
Well bye bye my dragon readers.

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