Pain worse than you can believe

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Astrid's pov

I saw him fell to the ground with only pain in his eyes. I wanted to run and save him but I couldn't move. I was frozen. The other dragon riders was in the air cycling around while they watched down.

I saw Hiccup and though of myself. That should be me feeling that pain. That should be me laying on the ground without some way to get up. Then Doch took Hiccup by the neck and whispered something in his ear.

Hiccup's pov

It felt like I was in fire (Author Note: Yes Hiccup we know you're hot). I couldn't move or barely breath. And like I didn't have enough breathing problems Doch lifted me by the neck.

"Now Hiccup" he whispered in my ear. "You are going to see everyone feel the same pain as you do."

Then I heard Astrid scream. She was almost free from the soldiers. She just had one hand leftover before she was completely free.

"What about starting with your girlfriend" Doch said and took Astrid arm.

Then he took the same blade and a bottle with poison. He took the blade in the bottle and was about to start cutting her hand when a spine shot hit the knife.

My dad showed up with many Berkians and dragons.

"Now let's show Doch the power of Berk" Dad said. "Attack!!!!!!!"

Doch's army wasn't ready at all. Even if they were ready the would lose. The Berkian was much more and much stronger and with the dragons on their side the were almost unstoppable.

In the middle of this fight I lay on the ground still with pain. Astrid ran up to me. I could hear her scream I felt her shake me but I couldn't move. I'm started to fade away.

Astrid's pov

"Hiccup!" I screamed. "Please don't leave me".

Toothless came to my side. He sat down and watched us. I needed to take Hiccup to Gothi.

"Toothless!" I scream and he understood. I jumped up on his back with Hiccup and we flew away back to the village.

We went to Gothi's hut were she was standing and make some kind of medicine with Gobber.

"Gothi you need to help us" I said.

Gobber helped me with Hiccup and took him to the chair. Gothi started to watch Hiccup and then she wrote something in the sand.

" What poison did he use?" Asked Gobber as translation.

"This" I said taking out the bottle with poison Doch had.

The both gave each other a worried look. Then Gothi started to draw on the sand.

"She don't think she know all the ingredients to that poison. But hide Hiccup this. Hide???" Gothi smack Gobber with the staff. " Oh give! And give Hiccup this so that he can survive. It doesn't remove the pain but it's keep him alive while we search for the real medicine".

"Thank you" I said and gave Hiccup a little to drink. But he didn't wake up. "It isn't working!"

" Wait Astrid time can take a week, but for know we need to take him to Valka" Gobber said.

I took him to his hut. Valka came running with a worried face.

"What happened?" She asked.

I explained everything to her while she was listening. I heard my stomach give out a little noice and realized that I haven't eaten for days.

"Oh dear!"Valka said. "You must be hungry. Come I have some fish left if you want."

"With pleasure" I said and sat down.

While I was eating Hiccup was on his bed upstairs. Valka went to check him over and over again but I couldn't blame her. She was as worried as I were.

The day continued and I was here with Valka. We talked through things and I felt much better. But when Stoick came home and Valka went to him for a kiss I started to feeling sick. I miss Hiccup so much that I don't even know what to do. The Stoick looked at me

"I know everything. I'm so sorry Astrid. That your mum was working for them must have been a hard thing for you" Stoick said.

"I aren't worried about my mum. I'm worried about Hiccup and my dad. Stoick were is my dad?" I asked.

"His is at Gothi. He just need something for the shock" Stoick said.

Then we heard a loud roar from Toothless. We went to Hiccup's room but it was nothing there. We looked at Toothless with a question face (or what it called).

Then we heard it. A cough. We looked carefully at Hiccup who wasn't moving. But suddenly he opened his eyes....


Tired of the Cliffhangers yet.

Well what do you think about this chapter. Let me know in the comments.

And love me for that awesome picture😂😂😂

Well see ya later Dragon Readers

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