Truth and Dare or Concerquence

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"Okay my turn...." Elsa said. "Astrid truth or dare"

"Truth" she said.

"Do you have a crush?" Elsa said.

"Dare I mean dare!" she said quickly.

"Ok then I dare you to answer the question" Elsa said smiling.

"Yes...." She said very quiet.

"What did you say?" Elsa asked.

"Yes yes I have a crush!" Astrid said louder.

The rest of the day they tried to figure out who Astrid's crush was. But they didn't success. Astrid only took dares and the gang always helped her though tricky situations.


After they played Truth or Dare they went their own ways.  Hiccup talked with Stoick about a grand new idea he just got.

"Hey Dad!" Hiccup shouted trying to get Stoick's attention.

"Hiccup! Glad to see you!" Stoick said happy.

"Dad I got an great idea! Why don't we make a dance. A Snoggletog dance for a whole night to burry the sadness!" Hiccup said.

"Son that's an great idea!!!!!" We can have it next week. My son can you fix the posters so that everyone gets a date because we're going to celebrate!!" Stoick said.

Hiccup nodded and went his way. Every time Stoick said "Son" to Hiccup he felt happy. He still doesn't remember anything but he knew that everything was going to be good because for the first time in forever Hiccup knew that he could trust his dad.

But know he had an other problem. Who is he going with? He doesn't have any girlfriend and he don't want to take Astrid thinking of everything she've done to him.

While he did the posters he figured out what to do. He hang up the posters and saw the vikings starting to surrender the poster. He saw viking after viking ask their lady out. So he decided to ask his lady.

"Hey..." Hiccup said.

"Hey..." She replied.

"Do you want to go to the dance with me. As friends if you want?" Hiccup asked.

"I would love go with you. Even more than friends" She replied.

"Really?" Hiccup asked surprised.

"Yes. Your dummy. Why would I not? You're smart, intelligent and brave. You are actually the only guy I liked this far" She laughed.

"Well thank you. That warmed my heart" Hiccup said and kissed her hand before she walked away.

Astrid stood a few inches away and heard their conversation. She backed of slowly and then started to run to the hallway. There she found a corner and started to cry.

After some minutes Tuffnut came and found her. He sat down next to her and tried to talk to her.

"Hey why are you crying?" He asked for the seventh time but didn't get any response. "Well then I'm leaving"

Tuffnut stood up and started to walk.

"Wait!" Astrid said. "I'm sorry it's just that Hiccup asked Merida to the dance instead of me"

"Well if it makes you feel better I don't have anyone to go with either" Tuffnut said.

She punched him in the arm and said:

"Hey!!! How was that going to make me fell better?!"

"Aw I'm hurt. I'm very much hurt!" Tuffnut fake screamed while Astrid just laughed.

Then out of nowhere the chicken came up.

"Hey chicken! Can you punch Astrid for me?" Tuffnut asked before Astrid gave him an other punch on the arm.

"Aw Aw!!!! I'm hurt! I don't think I'm going to survive"

He started to breathe heavily and fake die.
While he did his acting Astrid laughed. She laughed so much that she almost feel to the floor. After a while of launching they stood up and started to walk.

"Thanks Tuffnut" Astrid said.

"For what?!" Tuffnut asked.

"For cheering me up"


Well hello my little DragonNites!!!

Sorry for late update but the school is kind of taking over my life!!!

Well I'll try to update soon.

But for now. Bye Bye and thanks for reading!!!

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