One missing One left

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Snoutlout's pov

I went to the gang. The Twins were there and Fishlegs and Heather too. But there was no Astrid. I know that something is wrong I just can't figure out what...

"Ok gang something is happening and we need to figure out what!" I said to the others.

"Where are Hiccup and Astrid?" Asked Fishlegs.

" That's the problem. Hiccup ran into me and looked broken, but it was no one there" I explained.

"Aww Snoutlout you do care" teased Tuffnut.

" One more word and you will be gone to" I warned.

"Go Snoutlout!!!" Ruffnut shouted.

" Thanks bae" I said throwing a kiss to her.

"But what about Astrid?" Fishlegs asked.

"I can't find her" I said. "She's gone"

"But what can we d....."Fishlegs got interrupted.

"Please someone help me!!!"

It was Mr. Hofferson. Hiccup came out and went to Mr. Hofferson.

"What's happening?" Hiccup asked.

The gang and me got closer to hear what they said.

"They have my family. My daughter. My wife!!!! Oh Hiccup please save them." Said Mr. Hofferson.

Hiccup pov

Astrid.... They were captured. She was in danger. But she hates me. No I don't care what she thinks. I love her and I'm going to save her.

"Toothless!!!" I shouted.

He came running from the house. I jump on his back and prepared to fly but something stopped me.

"We are going with you" Snoutlout said.

I nodded and flew away with the others behind me. We flew into the forest were Mr. Hofferson said that it was. Then I saw it. A little house behind some trees.

" Stay close" I said.

I landed on the ground and looked around. Then before the others could land they shoot arrows. One hit me by the side but it didn't stop me from try to save Astrid.

Then a tall man came out. He had a scar on the left eye and his hair stood everywhere. Then I saw her. Behind him was Astrid beaten up and hurt.

"Well well Hiccup. Long time no seen"

"Who are you?" said I.

" Don't remember me" he laughed. " I am your fathers enemy. Doch"

"And why that?" I asked confused.

"Long story short. He took the woman I loved. But I will get my revenge on you Hiccup. So now you choose your dragon or the girl"

What is it with people and that decision. I need to do something fast.

"You want revenge on my dad." I said. "Let them go and take me instead"

I saw Astrid shout and fight against the soldiers without results. I hear Toothless roar but couldn't run up to me because of the trap they made.

"Deal" Doch said and took out his hand. I shook it and now it was no return.

He took Astrid and pushed her away. She ran up to me

"Hiccup you cant do this" She said. "Please let him take me instead"

"No"I said. " It's to late"

I went to Doch side. But then I remembered something.

"What about her mum" I said.

"Don't worry" Doch laughed. "She's on our side"

Was Mrs. Hofferson on the bad side why?

"You maybe wonder why?" Said a voice and Mrs. Hofferson showed up." I never liked you Hiccup. You are still that pathetic person who couldn't lift a ax. And my stupid daughter had to fall in love with you. What a shame over the family"

Astrid heard everything. She stood there broken about everything her mum said. I wanted to hug her say that's it was going to be alright but I couldn't so I just stood there in silence.

Astrids pov

I need to stop this but I can't. How could my mum do this to us.

"Well well well what are we going to do about you"Doch said looking at Hiccup.

The he took a knife with a green lightning thing on the top.

"This my friend is a poison. It kills you in ten minutes. And under those teen minutes you will feel pain. All I need to do is getting the poison in you Hiccup"

Then he took Hiccups and and lay the blade on Hiccups skin and cut a long line. The blood came out while the poison came in.


Cliffhanger again!!!

Sorry for all the cliffhangers but it's makes the stories better. Thanks for continued reading this story after three chapters.

And do you think I'm going to fast forward. Well let me know in the comments.

And now Bye Bye my Dragon Readers

One Lost Memory~ Hicstrid vs MericcupWhere stories live. Discover now