I can't stand you Hiccup

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Astrid's pov

Hiccup woke up and looked around. I couldn't move. What shall I do? I just watched him with wide eyes.

"What happened" He asked

Then we all shouted with joy. He was ok.

"Welcome back my son" Stoick said.

Then we saw it the pain. I totally forgot that the medicine only keep him alive. It doesn't remove the pain. It seemed like Valka also noticed it after everything I told her.

"Hiccup you must lay down" Valka said. " You're not completely good yet. We still have to search for the real medicine. This one is jut a little help"

"Ok...." Hiccup said very painfully.

"Astrid will watch you if she's Ok with that?" Valka said and I nodded. "Good then we just have to find the medicine"

Then the other left while I stood there with Hiccup.

"How are you?" He asked.

" How are I'm?!" I shouted with surprise. " You almost died. You're the one with the poison in you and you ask how I am. I know you mean well but can't you at least try to think of yourself this time. Just stop be too Unselfish"

Hiccup nodded when I recognised something. I saw pain in his face. But it wasn't the poison. It was something else.

"Hiccup are you hurt?" I asked.

"No" he said when I saw the pain again.

I knew that he lied but I couldn't figure out where he was hurt. The a saw it. A wound on his right side. He was hurt.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Nothing" He lied.

"You're hurt and you didn't tell us!!!" I shouted    So loud that Hiccup's parents came up.

"What's happening?" Valka asked.

"Hiccup is hurt" I said

"And you didn't tell us?!" Stoick shouted.

Then he started to scream out thing to Hiccup while Hiccup just sat there. It was about that he could been killed and things. Then Stoick went out. I couldn't blame him. He was as angry as I was. Valka went to Hiccup.

"Can I look at it?" She asked while he nodded.

"You should have tell us Hiccup" I said angrily.
" You should have let us know"

"Astrid he don't need it now" Valka warned.

"No!" Hiccup protested" She's right. This is my fault. I should have told you guys about it. I just have myself to blame."

Hiccup looked down and prepared for me to yell at him. But instead I sat down by his side and took his hands. And when he looked up I smiled.

"How bad is it? I asked

"It's deep but it could have been worse" Valka said.

Then Toothless came in and looks around. When he saw Hiccup he seemed worried.

"Dad told you didn't he?" Hiccup said and Toothless nodded" I am so sorry bud."

Toothless sat on the other side of Hiccup and Hiccup just hugged his best friend. Then Stoick came in water and bandages.

"If you don't tell the dragon you don't tell daddy isn't it" Stoick laughed " Let's clean that mess shall we?"

I went out while the cleaned the wound. I sometimes heard some screams from Hiccup but nothing else. Then Hiccup came out.

"Hi" I said. " How did it go?"

"Painful but Ok" He answered before I punched him on the shoulder. "Oww what was that?!"

"That was for not telling me and this" I kissed him on the lips " was for everything else"

"I am so sorry but you were so happy. In didn't want to rune the moment. Your happiness means everything to me"

I smiled and kissed him again but much longer this time.

The next days everyone went to search for more of Doch soldiers. Doch was already in jail and right now Stoick is trying to get him telling us what the medicine is. But Doch just refuses.

I didn't bothering speeding all day with Hiccup. Well I sometimes get mad on him because he keep saying that I can leave if I don't like to stay with him. But I know that he just mean well.

But the day I really got mad at him was the morning I found him standing up in the kitchen.

"What are you doing Hiccup?!" I shouted at him. "You're supposed to sit down and rest"

"But Astrid you don't understand how boring it is to just sit down for a moment" Hiccup said.

" You had one thing to do but you just can't do it. Urgh why do you never listen" I shouted. "Why do you never do as I want. We always do it your way without thinking of what I want."

Hiccup sat down and looked on the flor but it didn't stop me from continue.

"You may be the one who made peace between the dragons and the vikings but you're still Hiccup who can be hurt and even die. But when we try to help you you just do it your way with your thoughts without thinking if me who is worried to sick here. I just don't know if I can do it the Hiccup way anymore"

Then I went out with some fresh air leaving Hiccup there with Toothless.


Hi my dragon readers!!!

Did you like the chapter???

I have one wish for this chapter. Please give me some comments that would make my day!!! I'll promise shoutouts to the first three and I'll try to answer all of them.

I have some people to shoutout because of this:

Thanks lizzytravers for being the first person adding my story in your read list.

And thank HTTYDLover101001 for your awesome poems which gave me some inspiration to this story and to try writing my own poems.

You should really go and check her poems out they are awesome.

And one more thing. If any one wants to talk about some fanfic like HTTYD just open my mail and start writing. I don't know every fanfic in the world but I shall try to be understanding and keep my interest up.

But now. Bye Bye my Dragon Readers!!!

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