Lost Memories might be lost forever

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Hiccup pov

I only felt pain. I can't move. It was like someone had layd a stone on me. I felt someone shaking me, listen to my heartbeat. I heard a worry voice but I couldn't figure out who it was. I saw dizzy. I only saw blond wonderful hair and two ocean blue eyes. But who was it and how didn't she burn up. I know I was on fire. I can fell it. My lungs hurts and I can barely breath because of the smoke. My whole body is on fire so how can that person touch me. Maybe she is an angel who's come for me.

Then I heard other voices. They came from nowhere. How many was it and who where they. What are they doing here. I felt myself fading away. I felt myself take one last breath. I felt something running through my mouth before everything stopped.

Am I died?

Astrid pov

I searched for his heartbeat. First I found nothing but the I heard a weak

"Badump Badump"

He was alive. Thank Thor. I heard the others come right behind me. Stoick ran up to me. He seemed very worried about his son. And I do understand him.

"What's happening" Stoick asked.

"His alive but dying we need to do something before it's to late" I said.

Then Stoick took out a bottle with some blue thing in.

"What's that" I asked.

"The only thing that can save Hiccup.... The medicine" Stoick said dramatically.

"But how did you get it?" I asked

" I found it from a tribe nearby. I am going to make a peace treaty with them." Stoick said.

"That's great" I said.

Then I heard Hiccup's breathing fading away. I saw him get paler and he got colder.

"We need to save him" I shouted.

Stoick gave Hiccup the medicine. First nothing happened but then everything stopped. He didn't breathe or move. It wasn't working. He was died. He was gone. My only love was gone. I can't believe that it was my fault. I want to jump over the edge of the cliff and just die. I couldn't live with me because I killed him.

But then I heard him cough. I watched him carefully. He had gotten his colour back and breathed much better. I saw him move a little and was about to shout with joy when he opened his grass green eyes.

"What happened" he asked

We all shouted. He had woken up.

"Incredible how many near death moments Hiccup has to go through." I heard Snoutlout say. I just gave him a death glare.

"Astrid? Dad? Snoutlout?" Hiccup asked surprised.

I'm hugged him, hard but he just pulled away. I was shocked what did he just do. He would never do that to me or would he?

"Back off" Hi said. "What was that. You hate me remember? I'm Hiccup the Useless. And why is everyone here. Let me guess a beat-Hiccup-party and all thanks to Snoutlout. Why do you look so worried. What is it bad that I'm defend myself after all this years. And what's happening. Why are we all suddenly grown ups."

I just backed off afraid and shocked. He was back in the past. Before he loved me. Before he forgave me. I've lost him.

Stoick's pov

Everyone went quiet. What was happening. Had he forgot about the past five years. The most important year in his life.

"My son you've lost your memory" I said.

"What ever. It's always the same thing: Disappointed looks, bullying, whispers, punches, shame, tears, all alone and then it starts over again. And what's up with that 'My son' thing. I'm a disappointment to you. You hate me as your son."

That one hurt me as a dagger. But I had to be strong.

"Fishlegs go and get Gothi." I said and Fishlegs flew away.

Hiccup looked around and saw Toothless.

"Toothless!!! Why is you here. They are going to kill you. Run bud. I can't loose you" Hiccup tried to whisper to Toothless but failed.

"We are not going to hurt you or him my son. Everything changed. We ride dragons"

Then Fishlegs came with Gothi. She started to check Hiccup who was sitting still all the time. Then she wrote something on the dirt.

"She says that she can't do anything. If he's not getting his memory back he is going to lose them forever" Fishlegs translated.

Stoick nodded and Fishlegs gave Gothi ride home.

"What's are we going to do?" Astrid asked curious.

"I don't know Astrid I don't know" I said when Gobber appeared.

"You have visitors" he said.

"Not now" I told him.

"But Stoick" Gobber begged. "This might be our only chance to make a peace treaty with Dunbroch....."


Thanks for reading My Dragon Readers and see ya next time!!!

One Lost Memory~ Hicstrid vs MericcupWhere stories live. Discover now