Winter ceremony

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The guys were waiting for their girls to come. They were all dressed up in their finest smoking. Hiccup had a black smoking, Tuffnut a dark green, Snoutlout a dark brown, Fishlegs a light brown, Kristoffer a light grey, Jack a blue and Eugene a dark grey smoking.

Finally the girl came in their beautiful dresses. Ruffnut had a light green dress that were down to the knees. Her hair was down just natural without any decoration, Anna had a pink dress with flowers in her hair, Rapunzel had a purple dress and the hair was in a braid, Elsa's hair was in a fish braid with snowflakes decorations which matched her snow white dress, Heather had a silver long dress with her hair in a normal braid, Merida had a  bun and a light blue dress and last but not least there were Astrid. Her hair was down with a flower in the back. Her dress was down to the knees with a perfect dark blue colour that matched her eyes.

"Wow..." Hiccup said to himself.

"I know..." Tuffnut said.

"There is your red haired lady Hiccup" Ruffnut said while she went to Snoutlout.

"Actually I'm not with Hiccup" Merida said and went to Tuffnut.

"What?!" Ruffnut and Snoutlout shouted.

"Is that something wrong?" Merida asked innocent.

"You choose him over me?!" Snoutlout shouted.

"You actually got her to be your date?!" Ruffnut said after punching Snoutlout on the arm.

Astrid dragged away Ruffnut and Snoutlout while Hiccup talked to Tuffnut and Merida.

"What I think they are saying is Wow that's wonderful. You guys are a pretty cute couple" Hiccup said.

"You aren't mad or something? Merida asked carefully.

"No absolutely not. I'm glad for you guys" Hiccup said.

"If you want to know we're just going as friends" Tuffnut said.

"That doesn't matter" Hiccup said. "The thing that does matter is that we have fun tonight. Right?"

They all agreed and went to the middle of the town, Berk's heart. Everyone was there and talked when Gobber went up on the 'stage'

"Listen up everyone. I will be your servant today with some friend of mine who didn't get a date just like me" Everybody laughed. "This winter ceremony is for you, for us so please enjoy now when we can enjoy the ice cold winter."

Everybody cheered and then they went to their tables. Hiccup pulled out the chair for Astrid before he sat down.

"Thanks Hiccup" Astrid blushed.

"You're welcome M'lady" Hiccup said which made her blush even more.

They talked and laughed and had a good time together. Astrid started to feel like it was before everything changed, before Hiccup lost his memory, before Astrid lost him.

"Astrid? Astrid?!"

Astrid woke up from her deep thoughts.

"Oh I'm sorry Hiccup" Astrid laughed.

"It's okay besides you're cute when you daydream" Hiccup said making Astrid blush again.

Then the music started. At first they looked at eachother then Hiccup stood up and went to Astrid.

"May I have this dance?" Hiccup asked.

Astrid nodded and took his hand.


Finally after a thousand years I decided to rise again.

I am so so sorry that I haven't updated lately.

I just have myself to blame.And you can all blame me.

But here you go, a chapter 17

One Lost Memory~ Hicstrid vs MericcupWhere stories live. Discover now