Chapter 25

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"Youwant me to do what?" Naruto asked incredulously, as he stared atOrochimaru as if the man has completely lost his mind. "Give me anheir. A child born by you will be powerful more than anything. Heconquer kingdom's that stretch far and wide. Cast one of thosespells on yourself, to allow you to conceive an heir."

Orochimaruwalked over to Naruto, grabbed him and kissed his neck. "My legacywill live on." Orochimaru continued to kiss the blonde's neck.Naruto felt disgusted and inwardly cringed. He wrapped his armsaround the golden eyed man's neck, mumbled a few words and a daggerappeared in his hand. He pointed it at the back of Orochimaru'sneck.

Beforehe could shove it through the man's neck screams could be heard.Startled, the dagger slipped out of his hand. Orochimaru saw thedagger before it could disappear. "What's this? You were tryingto kill me." Orochimaru hit Naruto with such force, it sent himflying through the air and hitting his back against the wall.

Narutogasped as he fell to the ground. Orochimaru chuckled evilly as hewalked up to Naruto and pulled him by the neck. The blond struggledagainst the man's hold. "If you weren't so important to me, itwould have been easy to snap your neck." A soldier suddenly blastedthrough the door. "My lord, we're under attack!" Orochimaruturned to look at the soldier and turned back to look at Naruto.

"We'llfinish this later." Was all Orochimaru said, before he was out thedoor. Naruto fell to the ground to and tried to get as much neededair. Naruto got up from the ground, trying as quickly as he can toget to the door. There he saw them, Gaara, Sakura, Nagato, Kiba,Kakashi, Tenten, Hinata, Neji, Suigetsu, Tamari and Sasuke, fightingtheir way against Orochimaru's men.

Peoplepanicked, trying to get away. Naruto's eyes widen when he saw a manwith a sword, coming behind Sasuke. He quickly mumbled a few wordsand disappeared from his spot, only to reappear behind Sasuke, cutthe man with a yellow glowing sward in half from the top of his headto his neck. He pulled the sward away and turned to Sasuke. "Whatare you guys doing here?"

Hejabbed the sward beside Sasuke, piercing the man that was about toattack, through his chest. "We're here to have tea withOrochimaru... what does it look like we're doing?" Sasuke grabbedNaruto to switch side and slashed a man that was behind Naruto. Theblond kicked the next man that was attacking them and then shoved hissward through the man's chest.

"Ohsorry, my bad would you like some biscuits with that tea? I thought Itold you to take everyone and head for God fucking damn safety. Whichpart of that did you not understand?" Naruto mumbled a few words,making a yellow glowing like rope to appear on the man's neck. Theman fell to the ground, trying to pry the rope around his neck off asit tightened each time he struggled.

Momentslater the man went limp. "Which part of 'you are not to be partof this fight did you not understand?" Said Sasuke. "Duck!" Hesaid and Naruto did just that while the black headed man killed theman that was behind the blond. Naruto had a scowl as he straightenedup. "Well excuse me for trying to protect you? By the way I had thesituation under control." Sasuke snorted.

"Undercontrol my ass." They both killed two different people at the sametime. "I see Orochimaru." Was all Sasuke said, leaving Naruto tofight on his own. "Hay! Get back here." But Sasuke just ignoredthe blond.


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