Chapter 3

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Hannah's Point Of View
I open the door to my house. "Mom, dad!! I'm back from Mrs.Styles house!" I called out, dropping my book bag to the floor.
My mom rushed out. "My dear!! Anne, she told us everything!" My mom cried, hugging me.
"Mom, its ok, don't cry!" I giggled, kissing her cheek.
"Who was it, was it her stupid son, that's full of himself?" My mom snarled.
"Mom! He's not stupid, he's just interesting! And no, it wasn't him," I lied.
"Oh, ok. Your not lying to me, are you?" She asked, suspicious.
"Nope, I'd never lie!" I smiled nervously.
"Ok sweetie. Just making sure!" My mom chuckled.


It was the next day, a Friday morning! God, how I love Friday! I rise with a smile on my face. I slip on a black and white adidas shirt, that's a bit cropped, high waisted jeans and a pair of white adidas sneakers, with the black stripes. I braid my long hair, that's dyed with a blonde ombré, and do my makeup.

 I braid my long hair, that's dyed with a blonde ombré, and do my makeup

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Once I am ready, I put my book bag on my back and walk downstairs. "Have a nice day my love!" My mom smiles.
"Thanks mom! Bye. Tell dad I said love you and goodbye for me!" I smiled, walking out the door.

I walk into the doors of the high school I go to, and walk to the upstairs bit where my locker is. I open my locker and place my lunch inside. I pull out my rose gold iPhone 7s plus and snap a school selfie and post it to my social media, where I am highly followed. "Hannah, do you have my clothes?" Harry asked bluntly.
"Yup, here you go!" I smiled, handing him a bag.
"Thanks. My mom said you can come over today and we can start the project...." Harry explained. "You don't have to".
"I will, thanks Harry!" I giggled, walking away.
He's starting to lighten up I think... I thought to myself.

"Bonjour class!" Mrs.Richards smiled.
"Bonjour Madame Richards!" I smiled.
"Comment ça va, Hannah?" Mrs.Richards smiled.
"Bien merci!" I smiled.
"Good, good Madame!" Mrs.Richards smiled at me.

French class flew by and so did the rest of the day. I met Anne in her classroom, as the students boarded the bus. "Could I get a ride with you? Harry said that I could come over today to start the project, suggested by you!" I smiled.
"Oh yes my dear! I'll just be another hour, so you can just chill or walk around the school for a bit," Mrs.Styles spoke.
"Ok, thanks!" I smiled, exiting the classroom.

I walk down the hallway and hear sobs coming from the boys bathroom. I peak in and it's Harry. "Harry, you ok?" I asked.
He quickly looks over at me. "Hannah....uh I am fine, okay!!" Harry yells, tears still falling slowly.
"No your not. Crying is nothing to be ashamed of!" I spoke softly.
"Just go away Hannah!!" Harry yells.
"GO!!!" Harry screamed.
I take off down the hall, starting to cry myself from his bitterness.

Mrs.Styles finishes her work and finds both Harry and I. "Come on you two!" Mrs.Styles giggles.
"Coming, Mrs!" I smiled.
We both hop into the car, and Anne takes off down the road.


Once we arrive at Harry's house, we go straight to work. "What genre song did you have in mind?" Harry asks.
"Um, I was thinking a love song? Or is that too much?" I asked.
"Ugh, it's just a stupid project, we can do it, but I doesn't matter because there is nothing going on between us anyways!" Harry muttered.
"Oh ok..I was thinking A Thousand Years By Christina Perri...." I suggested.
"Sounds good. I guess....I know all the words to that song anyways...." Harry spoke bluntly.
"Let's begin!" I smiled.

Both of us sat by the piano and I got the video camera ready. I pressed record and began to play. Both of us put smiles on our faces, Harry's smile fake of course, as we began to sing and I play the piano.
Hannah: Heart beats fast. Colours and promises. How to be brave? How can I love when I'm afraid to fall? But watching you stand alone, all of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow. One step closer.

Both: I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more.

Harry: Time stands still, beauty in all she is. I will be brave, I will not let anything take away, what's standing in front of me. Every breath, every hour has come to this. One step closer.

We finish singing the rest of the song, as we both sign off smiling and I cover the camera with my hand and stop recording. "Harry, I know you hate me, but gosh! Your voice is amazing!" I smiled.
"Uhh, thanks. Your is okay too, I guess!" Harry started to smile.
"Harry, is there something your not telling me?" I asked, looking straight into his eyes.
"Yes Hannah. Follow me to my room, and I'll explain everything!!" Harry spoke, leading me upstairs.

He shut his bedroom door and just fell to his knees, put his face in his hands and started crying. "Harry!" I cried. I fell to my knees and gave him a hug. No matter how rude he was in the past, I'll still be kind to him. He put his arms around me. "Hannah!" He whispered.
"Harry, what's wrong?" I asked.
"I'm sorry! I treated you like crap for so long now. I'm sorry. I called you the rudest names possible back in grade 9 and 10. How could you forgive a jerk like me??" Harry cried.
"Harry," I began to cry, "Is there anything else you need to say?"
"Yes. I bullied you because, I'm in love with you Hannah. Your beautiful inside and out. Your voice is beautiful, speaking and singing!" Harry cried harder.
"Harry, it's okay..." I cried.
"No Hannah, it's not. I need to make it up to you!" Harry cried.
"By doing what?" I asked.
"By treating you right. By showing my mean friends that I'm nice to you now!" Harry said.
"But, your gang. What about Liam, Louis and Niall? Your best mates?" I asked.
"Forget about them Hannah. I need to treat you right!" Harry smiled.
"Thank you Harry. Thank you for apologizing. That was very sweet and very brave of you!" I smiled.
"Thank you Hannah. Let's find explain everything to my mom!" Harry smiled.

We walked downstairs together. Hand in hand. "Mom, can I have a talk with you?" Harry asked, crying.
"Of course Harry dear! What's wrong?" Anne asked, as we all sat at the kitchen table.
"I apologized to Hannah up in my room just then mom...." Harry began sobbing.
"For what Harry?" Anne asked, worried.
"For bullying her ever since grade 8 mom. I was so rude to her back in grade 9 and 10...." Harry cried. "I'm sorry mom!"
"Harry my love. Your such a brave, kind soul to be apologizing to both of us. Thank you Harry!" Anne smiled.
"Thanks mom!" Harry smiled.

After a cup of tea, and a lot of chatting I headed back to my house. "Goodbye Anne, bye Harry!" I smiled, heading for the door.
"Wait, Hannah!!" Harry called. "Can I walk with you?"
"Of course you can!" I smiled.
Harry and I walked out the door, hand in hand. On our way over to my house, we heard a bunch of guys laughing and having a good time coming our way. "Oh bull crap! That's my gang!" Harry panicked.
"Just walk past them, remember what you said?" I smiled.
"Yup! Don't worry," Harry chuckled, griping my hand tighter.
As we got closer to them, the leader according to Harry, Liam, snarled at me and Harry. "So I see you've made up with this pig," Liam chuckled.
"Pig? You mean my friend Liam!!" Harry growled.
"Friend? Since when were you two friends??" Niall butted in.
"Since today. I apologized to her and now she's my friend!" Harry yelled.
"Well Harry, if your friends with her, your getting kicked out of this group," Liam shouted.
"I don't care!" Harry laughed. "I'm a good guy now, not some jerk!"
"Well, suit yourself. See you around, losers!!" Liam chuckled, walking away with the boys.

We arrived at my doorstep. "Sorry about them Hannah..." Harry frowned.
"It's ok. Don't worry!" I giggled.
"Okay then. I'll see you tomorrow Hannah!" Harry smirked.
"Bye Harry!" I smiled stepping on my house and shutting the door and locking it.

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