Chapter 11

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Hannah's Point Of View
School is over and Harry and I are sitting on the bed in our room. "Now, French class. What was wrong?" I asked.
"Lilly..." Harry spoke.
"What about her?" I asked, getting enraged.
"Hannah, I'm trying my hardest to be nice to her, but she's hitting on me!" Harry cried.
"Oh. I knew it, from the first time she laid eyes on you! Does she know your taken?" I asked.
"Yes!" Harry exclaimed.
"Okay.." I smiled. All of the sudden I broke down into tears. "Baby, whats wrong?" Harry asked, letting me cuddle into him.
"I'm sorry if I seem mad. I'm just...jealous.." I cried.
"Of what baby? You have nothing to be jealous of!" Harry smiled, kissing my head.
"She's way prettier than me Harry. Way thinner. She's prettier in general!" I cried.
"Baby, no she's not. Look at you! Your the most beautiful girl in the world! You have absolutely nothing to be jealous of!" Harry smiled, wiping my tears away.
I started to smile. "Thanks baby. I feel a lot better!" I giggled.

I got off the bed to look out the window looking out at the houses and the road. "Oh dear lord!" I cried.
"What now baby?" Harry chuckled, coming over. "Oh no!".
"She lives right across from us!!" I shouted. "Oh crap! I forgot! I have to visit my mom too!".
"Call her and tell her to come over here," Harry said.
"Okay," I said.
I dialled my moms cell phone number on the keypad of my phone. "Hello sweetie!" My mom smiled.
"Hi mom. Do you think you could come over to our place instead?" I asked.
"Why of course! I have to leave in an hour so I'll spend it with you and Harry!" She grinned.
"Thanks mom. You can just walk in. We'll be in the living room," I explained.
"Okay hun. See ya in a minute!" She grinned hanging up.

I heard the front door open and I hopped off the couch. "Hi mom!" I cried, hugging her tight.
"Hi Hannah sweetie," She grinned. "Let's go to the living room,".
We both walked to the living room. "Hello Mrs.Lake," Harry greeted shaking her hand.
"Hi Harry sweetie. Please, call me Naomi. Mrs sounds too formal!" My mom chuckled.
"Okay," Harry chuckled.

After a half hour, Anne got home. "Oh, hello Naomi!" Anne smiled, running over and hugging her tight.
"Hello Anne! How have you been?" My mom asked.
"Pretty good, thanks. How about you?" Anne smiled, taking a seat.
"Good thanks. But sad. I'm gonna miss my little girlie!" My mom smiled wide.
"Oh Naomi, I understand. She's in good hands though. Harry and I just absolutely adore her!" Anne smiled.
"That's very sweet!" My mom giggled.

The other half hour passed and it was time for mom to leave and head for L.A. "Well my love, its time for the dreadful goodbye," My mom started to cry. "I'm all packed up and ready to go!,".
"I'm gonna miss you, so much!" I cried, hugging her.
"I'll miss you too sweetie. I promise we'll visit you any chance we get!" My mom smiled.
"And I'll do the same mom!" I smiled.
"Okay sweetie. Goodbye, love you!" She smiled, kissing my cheek.
"By mom, love you too," I smiled, crying.
She let go of me and waved a last goodbye as she exit the house. I watched her full loaded SUV drive down the road. "Babe, what did your parents do with the house?" Harry asked.
"Their keeping it for my family to come visit London from the states. So it's a family home. She left the house fully furnished for that purpose. She just took the main things she needed," I explained.
"Oh, I see!" Harry spoke.

It was early in the evening and Harry and I were cuddling on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket drinking some teas and out of nowhere, there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it babe. Don't wanna disturb my mom from her nap," Harry smiled.
"Oh, alright," I smiled.

Harry's point of view
I got up from the warmth of the couch and opened the door. "Lilly? How'd you know I lived here?" I asked.
"I didn't. I just knocked on people's doors introducing myself to the neighbourhood!" She giggled.
"Oh, I see...." I spoke.
"Is your girlfriend here with you?" She smiled seductively.
"Yes, she is. She actually lives with me. Why?" I asked.
"I just was wondering, that's all!" She giggled, anger not showing.
"Your awfully noisy, aren't ya?" I chuckled.
"I guess I am," She smiled nervously. "Harry...".
"Yes?" I asked, annoyed.
"Can we date behind your girlfriends back?" She asked, batting her eyes.
"No. I love my girlfriend and I can't hurt her like that. Go date one of my old, rude friends!" I said angry.
"Fine! You know, your a real jerk and don't know how to have fun!" She yelled, stomping away.
I slammed the door.

Hannah's Point Of View
I heard the door slam and a presumably angry Harry was returning. "Babe, what happened?" I asked, upset. "I only heard a bit of the conversation..".
"She asked me to date her behind your back. I said no because I love you so much and I can't hurt you as bad as I did before. I don't love her at all either.." Harry cried, tears falling slowly.
"Baby, come here. Please don't cry, it's okay!" I smiled a little.
Harry came back over and squeezed behind me. I cuddled to his chest, wiping his tears away. "I love you baby, so much!" I smiled.
"I love you too Hannah!" Harry grinned, kissing me. "So, so much!".

I woke up and I was on top of Harry, on the couch. I looked at the clock on the wall and it said 10:30PM. I slowly got off of Harry, trying not to wake him. He just groaned and shifted in his sleep. Thank god I didn't wake him. I walked up to the bedroom, and wiped off my makeup, washing my face afterwards. I closed the bathroom door, stripped from my clothes, and hopped in the shower.

After my warm, relaxing shower, I wrapped my long hair in a towel, and wrapped my body in a towel. I opened the bathroom door to see my boyfriend sitting on the bed. "Harry! You gave me a fright!" I giggled.
"Sorry baby," He smiled, his eyes looking sleepy and his voice husky.
"Did I wake you with the noise of the shower?" I asked, feeling guilty.
"No. I woke up on my own and noticed I was on the couch...." Harry chuckled.
"Oh okay.." I giggled.
"Would you like some privacy to get dressed?" Harry asked.
"Sure. You can wait in my bathroom then!" I giggled at his generosity.
He smirked at me and walked into the bathroom shutting the door.

I change into a Calvin Klein outfit once again for bed.

I change into a Calvin Klein outfit once again for bed

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"Hazza, you can come out now!" I smiled.
He opened the bathroom door and stared at me in awe. "Uh, babe?" I giggled, "hello?".
"Sorry, just got lost in your beauty there for a second!" Harry smirked.
"Babe.." I blushed. He slowly walked over to me and kissed me. "Love you," He smiled wide, dimples showing.
"Love you to, more than anything!" I giggled.

After a little bit, Harry got into a Calvin Klein outfit for bed, which was just the branded sweatpants. "Babe, you got nice abs there!" I giggled.
"Aw! I'm flattered!" Harry chuckled. He came over and kissed me. "You got a nice set of abs too there, baby!" He smirked.
"Gee, thanks. I am overwhelmed with the comments!" I giggled.
"Your adorable Hannah.." Harry smiled up at me.
"No, you are!" I giggled bopping his nose with my pointer finger.
The rest of our evening consisted of joking around, cuddling, kissing and sleeping.

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