Chapter 24

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Hannah's Point Of View
Saturday. It's a favourite. "Baby, get up. It's 10am," I giggled.
He slowly opened his eyes, rubbing the sleep out of them. He grinned. "What's up Babe?" He asked, voice raspy.
"Can we decorate for Christmas?" I asked.
"Sure. We sold our tree from last year, so we'll have to get a new one," Harry smiled.
"Okay, let's get ready and go!!" I grinned.

Harry and I walked into a local shop, and stared looking at trees and decorations. "Can we get that tree?" I asked, pointing to a perfect green one.
"Sure," Harry smiled.
We picked out some decorations and went to the checkout.

"Anne, were home!" I called out to her.
"I'm in the kitchen, sweetie," she replied.
I took the bag of decorations with me, as I went to the kitchen. I laid the bag on the table. "We got a new tree and decorations," I smiled.
"That's where you guys were off to!" She giggled. "Thank you dear. We can all decorate after lunch,".
"Okay, sounds good!" I smiled.

Anne had served us a beautiful lunch. It was a pasta dish. "Thank you Anne, it's lovely!" I smiled, after swallowing a bit of my food.
"Yeah, Thank you mum, this food is amazing!" Harry smirked.
"Oh, no problem my sweeties," she grinned at us.
We were all done our lunch, and went to the living room to set up the tree. We found a perfect spot. We all helped taking parts of the tree out of the box, and assembled it together, putting all the branches in place perfectly. We put lights, ribbon and bulbs on it, together. Harry pulled the tree topper out of the bag. "Wanna put it on?" Harry asked me.
I smiled. "Sure Babe, But I'm too short,".
"No need to fret!" Harry chuckled.
He handed me the tree topper, and lifted me up on his shoulders. I placed it on the top of the tree and he carefully helped me down. We turned on the lights, and the tree was beautiful.

"Great work guys, it looks amazing!" Anne smiled in joy

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"Great work guys, it looks amazing!" Anne smiled in joy.
"We all did great work on it," I smiled, " and thanks Anne,".
A knock approached the door. "I'll get it," I smiled.

I opened the door, to reveal Niall. "Hey," I smiled, greeting him with a hug.
"Hi Hannah. I just came by to give you this," He smiled, handing me a big plastic bag.
"What is it?" I asked.
"They're gifts for you, Harry and Mrs.Styles," Niall smiled wide.
"Aw Niall, that's so sweet. Thank you! Merry Christmas," I grinned.
"Merry Christmas to you too, Hannah. I'll see you Monday," Niall smirked.
"Bye," I smiled, waving.
He left and I shut the door.

I approached the living room and laid the bag on the couch. "What's that hun?" Anne asked me.
"They're gifts, for us," I smiled.
"That's nice, but from who?" She asked me.
"Um...they're from Niall," I grinned.
"Niall? I thought he was rude to you guys," she said confused.
"Not anymore. He's friends with us now," I smiled wide.
"Aw, that's nice," Anne smirked.
I took the gifts from the bag and put them under the tree.

Harry and I walked into the kitchen together, and came to realization, that there was a mistletoe hung above the doorway. "You know what that means you two," Anne chuckled.
Harry and I looked at each other and smiled. We kissed and Anne smiled. "You guys are an adorable couple," Anne smiled, as we sat down.
"Thanks mum," Harry smiled, holing my hand.
"I remember when you guys first started dating, I said to Hannah that I couldn't wait for the day that she'd be your wife. And now look, you guys are getting married!" Anne smiled, taking some food on her fork.
"I know, it's crazy how far we've come in this relationship," Harry smiled, looking at me.
"It is crazy alright," I grinned at him.

It was the next morning. "Baby, wake up. I have a surprise for you," Harry smiled, shaking my body.
I rubbed my eyes and yawned. "What is it?" I asked.
"You'll see. Come down!" Harry smiled, walking out of the room.
I got up and put on my slippers. I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair, by braiding it. I walked down the stairs. "Surprise! Merry Christmas, sweetie!" My mom and dad smiled.
"Mom! Dad!" I cried from joy, running to them, hugging them tight.
My mom looked at my hand. "Hannah...what's this?" She asked, pointing to the ring.
"Um...I'm Harry..." I smiled nervously.
"Why didn't you tell us?" My father asked calmly.
"Because I thought you guys would get angry. You guys never really..well uh..liked Harry.." I explained.
"Baby, were so happy for you. We love Harry dearly now. We've seen how sweet he is from Anne's socials," mom smiled.
I smiled. "Thanks Guys,". I hugged them again.

They brought their suitcases into Gemma's old room. "I am so happy you guys are home for Christmas!" I smiled.
"It's the least we could do sweetie," My mom grinned.
"Your mother and I are gonna go out for a bit, and do some Christmas shopping," my dad smiled.
"Okay, see you guys," I smiled back, a bit upset because they just got here a half hour ago.
My mom grabbed her purse and they left just like that. I frowned when the door shut. "Baby, what's wrong?" Harry asked me.
"They just left! They only got here a half hour ago," I exclaimed.
"It's okay baby," Harry reassured me. "Wanna go out too?".
"Sure," I grinned.

Harry pulled into a parking spot. He opened the door to the Range Rover for me, and held my hand as we entered the mall. "Let's split up and get gifts," I smiled.
"Okay," Harry smiled.
"Call me when your done all your shopping," I grinned.
"I will baby," Harry smiled, kissing me. "Love you,".
"Love you too. See you in a bit," I grinned, walking away from him.

I walked into a camera shop. Harry has mentioned he wanted this certain camera, but it has been sold out for weeks. He loves taking pictures! I seen it. The one he wanted. I grabbed it and went to the checkout. "Everyone's after this one," the guy chuckled, scanning the item.
"I can tell. My now fiancé has been wanting this for ages! It's been sold out for weeks," I smiled.
"Well, your gonna have one happy man, this is the last one in stock," the guy grinned.
"Lucky me!" I giggled.
He smiled and handed me the bag. "Congrats on the engagement by the way, you mentioned he's your now fiancé," the man smiled.
"Thank you," I smirked. "Merry Christmas,".
"You too," he smiled.

I was all done my shopping, after a good few hours. Harry called me. "Hey baby," I smiled.
"I'm done, you?" Harry asked.
"Just finished. I'll grab us some Starbucks, and I'll meet you by the vehicle," I explained.
"Okay babe, see ya in a few," He smiled and hung up.

I managed to carry tons of bags, and a Starbucks tray out to the car. Harry seen me and grabbed the tray. He closed his eyes, to avoid the bags. I popped them in the back seat, because all his bags were in the trunk. We drove home as we drank out drinks and talked. "I looked online at that camera I's still sold out..I even went into the camera store in the mall, and they said the last one was bought today.." Harry frowned.
"That sucks baby. Maybe it'll be in stock after Christmas!" I smiled.
"Yeah, maybe," Harry started to smile.
I felt bad. He's so excited. And keeping the secret that I bought the last one kills me inside.

We got home. I brought my bags in first, putting them in my walk in closet, and Harry brought his in after. Putting them on the bed. "I'll go wrap my gifts up first babe," Harry smiled.
"Okay," I said.

After Harry wrapped his gifts, and put them under the tree, I went to wrap mine. I locked the bedroom door. I got out the camera, and wrapped it perfectly, topping it with a bow and a tag, saying who it's for and who it's from. I put all my gifts under the tree once I was done. The night ended with me and Harry, cuddling in the bed, watching a Christmas movie.

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