Chapter 1

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Hannah's Point Of View
I wake up on a beautiful sunny day. Today is my first day of grade 11. My smile fades as I rise from my bed and make my way to the bathroom. I strip from my clothing and hop into the warm shower.

I dry myself thoroughly and pull on my undergarments. I search through my closet for a brand new outfit to wear. I get out a pear of high waisted, ripped skinny jeans and pull them onto my legs. I get out a pastel pink top, showing a bit of my flat tummy. I put on socks and a pair of heeled boots. "Hannah!" My mother, Mrs.Lake calls.
"Yes mom?" I reply.
"Are you soon ready??" Mrs.Lake asks.
"No! I have to blow dry my hair and do my makeup and brush my teeth!" I explained.
"Ok sweetie, well you have an hour and a half left anyways. Take your time!" My mother says.
"Ok mom!" I giggle.

I walk over to my huge makeup vanity I have in my room and start my makeup. I put on my face makeup like my foundation, concealer, contour, etc then move onto my eyes. I do a simple, cut crease eye look, but do a bold winger eyeliner. I put on mascara that makes my eyelashes longer then ever!! I highlight my face and set with my spray. I run to the bathroom and quickly brush my teeth. "Mom! How much time do I have?" I asked.
"15 minutes!" She replied.
"Ok mother, thanks!" I smiled.

I quickly do my hair by straightening it. It's already pretty long, so it looks even longer. After I finish I walk downstairs with my fancy backpack on my shoulders. I put my lunch in my bag when I enter the kitchen. "Bye sweetie! Have a nice first day!" My mom smiles, kissing my cheek.
"Thanks mom. Where's dad?" I asked.
"Oh, he had to go to work early today!" My mom smiled.
"Oh ok! Bye mom!" I smiled.
"Bye Hannah!" She grinned.
I walk out my front door with a confident grin plastered on my face. The smile gets washed off my face when I see him at my bus stop. Who you may ask? Harry. As in Harry Styles. He has been bullying me since 8th grade. He's a couple months older than me, yet he treats me like a baby and a piece of garbage.

The bus rolls down the road and comes to a stop. We each enter the bus and sit in the far back of the vehicle. "How was your summer Hannah?" My best friend, Angie asks as I sit next to her.
"It was pretty good, and yours?" I asked.
"Good, thanks!" She smiled wide.

The bus made its final stop in the parking lot. Hell. It's known as school. I mean it can be okay at times, but other days it's pure hell! We all get off, one by one and enter the doors of the school. There are numbers labeled on the lockers. Angie and I find our lockers. We're right next to each other. Lockers 101 and 102.

I place all my binders neatly in my locker. We got our textbooks from the teachers down on the lower level, so I placed them neatly inside my locker as well. "Well Angie, I'm ready!" I smiled, admiring my neatness.
"Nice! I am too!" Angie giggled.

We were having a little chit chat next to our lockers when he came over. "Well good morning ladies!" Harry chuckled.
"Hi Harry, good morning to you too!" I spoke in a sarcastically charming way and had a fake smile on my face.
"I seen you've gained weight over the summer. You were so thin and now your a little chubby...." Harry chuckled.
"Have you heard of eating healthy? And actually I stayed the same weight due to exercise, but you don't know what that is!" I giggled.
"Oh, miss Hannah trying to be strong and fight back. Don't worry, you'll break at one point sweetie!" Harry smiled, walking away.

"Good morning class, welcome to your first day of grade 11!" Our home room teacher, Mrs.Styles smiled. Oh, how could I forget? Harry's mother is our homeroom teacher, but she is very sweet. "Good morning Mrs!" I smiled brightly.
"You seem very happy today Hannah!" Mrs.Styles smiled.
"Well, I am! I am happy to see everyone, especially your son, Harry!" I chuckled, looking at him.
He made an angry, annoyed face at me. "Well, I am very glad to hear that my love!" She smiled.

Angie and I start walk to second period and Harry comes up to us. "How dare you!" Harry spoke.
"What ever do you mean?" I chuckled.
"What you said to my mom! Don't worry, you won't be smiling for long, you freak!" Harry said and walked off.

Angie and I enter the doors to English class and we take a seat next to each other. "Good morning class. I'll need you to open your books to page 12. We have a long year ahead, so let's get a start!!" Mr.Kelly spoke.
The class was reading the pages our teacher assigned when Mr.Harry Styles behind me raised his hand. "What is it Mr.Styles? Please no complaints, it's the first day for god sakes!" Mr.Kelly spoke annoyed.
"I was just going to ask what Miss.Lake was doing? It doesn't seem like she's reading!" Harry smirked.
"What she's doing is none of your business Mr.Styles! And she's reading for your information, just like everyone else!" Mr.Kelly shouted.
" don't need to yell! Really, it's ok!" I giggled.
"Just trying to stand up for that cheeky Mr.Styles. He's trouble sometimes!" Mr.Kelly chuckled.
"Mhmm!" I giggled.

Ring!! Ring!! The first day is over! "Class, you are dismissed. Go to your homeroom until further notice to go home!" Mrs.Porter, our Science teacher smiled.
Everyone ran out the door to their lockers. I grabbed my coat and waited in the classroom. "You guys may catch the bus now! See you all tomorrow!" Mrs.Styles smiled. "Oh Harry, Hannah stay behind please." Great.

Mrs.Styles closes the classroom door. "Am I I'm trouble miss?" I asked, tearing up. "I'm a perfect A student, with no detentions,".
"I am well aware Hannah, and your not in trouble," Mrs.Styles smiled.
"What is it exactly that you needed mother?" Harry chuckled.
"I wanted to let you guys know in advanced you guys will be partners for every single partner project this year since we're next door neighbours with Miss.Lake!" Mrs.Styles smiled, clapping her hands together.
"Oh, that's fine Miss.Styles! Don't worry!" I smiled.
"Glad, and Harry?" Mrs.Styles grinned.
"I'm in mother!" Harry smiled wide.
"Great!! Your first project in in two days, and that's a Music project with me!" Mrs.Styles smiled.
"Ok, I love music, so I'll be good with this one!" I smiled wide.
"So does Harry!" Mrs,Styles smiled. "Hannah, you can get a ride with us home. The busses are long gone!"
"Ok. Thank you Mrs.Styles!" I grinned.

Harry, Mrs.Styles and I exit the building. Harry bolted for the car. "Harry, Miss.Hannah will be getting the front seat! Get in the back sweetie!" Mrs.Styles spoke sternly.
"Ugh! Fine mother!" Harry groaned.
I hopped in the front seat of this fancy Range Rover SUV that Harry's mother owned. "Did you guys enjoy your first day?" Mrs.Styles asked.
"Yes I did, thank you Mrs.Styles!" I smiled sweetly.
"I'm glad my dear, and please, call me Anne when we're outside of school!" She smiled.
"Ok!" I giggled.

She pulled into my driveway. "Anne, you could have parked at yours. I would have be okay with walking!" I giggled.
"Don't be foolish girl! You are my favourite female student that is. I wanna treat you well!" Anne smiled.
"Ok. Thanks for the ride! See you tomorrow Anne, Harry!" I giggled, shutting your car door and walking inside.

I entered the door to the house. "Mom! I'm home!" I shouted. Silence. "Mom!" I shouted again. I dropped my book bag on the floor in the kitchen next to the table. I seen a note on the table saying:
I won't be home until 8 tonight, but your dad will be home at 6. Love you sweetie!
Wonder where she's to? I shrug my shoulders and pick my book bag back up to my bedroom. I take off my shoes and place them in my huge closet. I plop down on my bed and close my eyes.

I wake up to someone shaking me. "Hannah sweetie!" A male voice says.
I open my eyes slowly. "Dad!" I smiled, getting up to hug him.
"Sorry I wasn't here this morning my dear. How was your first day?" Mr.Lake asked.
"It was good thanks! How was work?" I asked, giggling.
"Same old, same old my dear, Hannah!" Mr.Lake chuckled.

It was late evening and I jumped in my bed to go to sleep when I got a text.
Harry : Don't worry, I'll make your life just as miserable as last year. Just you wait!
I try not to let it bother me and I close down my phone and drift off into a deep sleep.

A/N : So this is it! My new book. I'm gonna try and make it long, but only a One book thing, so not a series. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter!! Stay tuned for more!
-H <3

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