Chapter 2

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Hannah's Point Of View
I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I open my eyes slowly and pick my phone up. It's Harry. "Hey..." I spoke.
"Hi Hannah. Can I sit with you on the bus today? We can talk about our year full of being partners!" Harry chuckled.
"Uh, sure...." I spoke blankly.
"Thanks love, bye!" Harry laughed into the phone and hung up.
Weird. Probably a scheme he has planned. Oh well!

I jump from my bed and get on a long floral dress and some wedge sandals, since the weather is still okay where I live. I sit at my makeup vanity and begin to curl my hair. I turn on some music and sing along as I do my hair, and eventually do my makeup.

I walk downstairs all dressed and ready for school. "Hey Hun!" My father smiles.
"Hi dad!! Hi mom!!" I giggle.
"Hi sweetie. Have a nice day at school!" My mom smiles wide.
"Thanks mom, goodbye! Bye dad," I giggle playfully.
I walk out the door and see Harry already at the bus stop.

I walk over to him. "Hey Harry!" I smiled.
"Oh, hi Hannah. Didn't see you there!!" Harry chuckled historically.
"Oh, hi Harry, I didn't realize you were such a jerk!" I yelled.
"Little Hannah, always a fool for my tricks," Harry laughed.
I looked at the ground tearing up at his rude comments. "Why would I sit with a fat, female dog like you!" Harry laughed.
"Because your a jerk,!!" I cried.
"Hm, got nothing? I thought so hun!" Harry chuckled. All of the sudden, the bus came to a stop to pick us up.

I slammed my locker door shut and sat on the floor tearing up. "Don't let him get to you Hannah. It'll get worse!" Angie cried with fear.
"You think?" I spoke, wiping a tear.
"Mhmm!" Angie mumbled.
Ring!! Ring!! "Well, let's get to homeroom, Angie," I smiled, drying my eyes.

After homeroom, we went to music with Mrs.Styles. "Welcome to music class everyone!" Mrs.Styles smiled.
"Good morning!" I smiled.
"Hi Hannah! Good morning!" Mrs.Styles chuckled.
"Ugh!" Harry groaned softly, in annoyance.
"Today we will start our first project!!" Mrs.Styled smiled.
"Whats it's about, Mrs?" I asked sweetly. Harry rolled his eyes.
"It will be a partner project, and Harry and Hannah will be projects for everything this year, for everyone's info!" Mrs.Styles began.
"Yippee!" Harry smiled, acting excited.
"Thank you Harry!" Mrs.Styles smiled. "Anyways, you will have to create a video with you and your partner making some sort of musical piece. It can be an original song, a cover, etc...".
"Ok, sounds fun, Mrs.Styles!" I smiled.
"Thank you Hannah. Does everyone understand?" Mrs.Styles grinned sweetly.
"Yes!" The class said in unison.
"And this project is to be done outside of class. You will have two weeks, and this class will be for brainstorming!" Mrs.Styles smiled.

I go sit next to Harry with my notepad and a pencil. "Any ideas, Mr.Popular?" I asked.
"Do you sing? Play instruments?" Harry asked, not really caring.
"I sing, and I play piano and guitar. And you?" I asked, writing notes for ideas.
"I sing and play guitar," Harry smiled.
"Okay, sounds good! We can do a cover of a song?" I suggested.
"Sounds fine..." Harry spoke.
"Do you have a piano at your house by any chance?" I asked, giggling.
"Actually I do! My sister played when she lived with us, so we just have a piano now!" Harry laughed.
"Ok. We can film at yours then!" I smiled.
"Yay!" Harry cheered sarcastically.
"Can you be a nice for once in your life and corporate with me please!" I whispered loudly.
"Ugh, fine. But only for my mothers sake!!" Harry groaned

Half the day was over, and it was lunch. I stood in the lineup. "What would you like today, Miss Hannah?" The lunch lady smiled.
"Do you have any Cesar salads today?" I asked, smiling.
"Yes, we do! Would you like water with that?" The lunch lady asked.
"Yes please," I giggled.
"And here's your lunch. Enjoy Miss!" The lunch lady grinned at me.
"Thank you!" I smiled sweetly.

I walked over to sit with Angie. "Hey Hannah!" Angie smiled.
"Hi Angie," I spoke, sitting next to her.
All of the sudden, Harry walked over to us with a bowl of soup and a cup of water. "Hey girls!" Harry chuckled.
"What do you want, Harry?" I asked annoyed.
"I wanted to share my lunch with you!" Harry chuckled.
"No, it's ok. I have my salad!" I smiled, giving him an annoyed face after.
"No, I insist. Have some!" Harry chuckled, throwing his soup in my face.
"Oh no!" Angie cried.
"You need to cool down too!" Harry smiled dumping his water over my head.
I began to cry in shame. "Oh dear! I'm sorry. I'm gonna go get seconds!" Harry chuckled.
I walked over to the teacher in the cafeteria. "May I go call home?" I cried, mascara running, my head facing the floor, not knowing what teacher it was.
"May I ask what happened?" Mrs.Styled asked, lifting my chin.
"Mrs.Styles, somebody just accidentally dropped their food on me, that's all!" I began to stop crying.
"And got you in this big mess? How? Are you sure nothing else happened that your not telling me?" She asked.
"No, everything's fine!" I smiled.
"Here, I'll drive you to my house and you can get a shower and stay at my house for the rest of the day!" She offered.
"Thank you, but what about my parents?" I asked worried.
"I'll call them when we get to my house! Don't worry!" She smiled, walking me out the door.

She pulled into her driveway. We walked in together. "I'll draw you a bath. Stay in the kitchen!" She smiled.
"Ok. Thank you!" I smiled.
She walked up a beautiful staircase to the bathroom in the upper floor hall. She walked downstairs a couple minutes after. "Hannah, is it ok if you wear a pair of Harry's boxers and one of his t-shirts?" She asked.
"Sure! It's fine!" I smiled.
"He shouldn't mind, he likes you quite a bit!" She chuckled.
"Oh, does he now?" I giggled.
'Yeah!" She giggled.
"Oh, I see!" I smiled.

I walked up the stairs and into the bathroom. I turned off the water and shut the door. I stripped from my clothing and dipped into the warm water of the tub, and relaxed. I was thinking about what Mrs.Styles said about Harry. He likes me? As in like like? Maybe that's why he's bullying me. To get my attention.

After a half hour, I get out of the bath and dry myself off. I look in the mirror and my makeup is smudged everywhere. I see makeup wipes on the counter so I grab a few. Mrs.Styles wouldn't mind! After a few minutes, all my makeup is off and I get dressed into Harry's shirt and boxers in the bathroom. I wrap the towel around my hair and walked out the door and down the stairs. "You look adorable in Harry's clothes!" Mrs.Styles giggled.
"Thanks Mrs--Anne!!" I giggled.
"Harry will be home in 45 minutes, and what a surprise he'll get!" Anne laughed.
"Haha, yeah!" I giggled along.

The front door opened, interrupting Anne and I's chat over a drink of tea. "Hi mom, hi" Harry questioned.
"Why is she here, and why is she in my clothing?" Harry asks confused, not trying to sound rude.
"Some student spilled their lunch all over her, so I brought her here and met her get a bath, and wear your clothes!" Anne giggled.
"Ok..." Harry spoke. "Can I talk to Hannah for a minute mom?"
"Sure! Go up to your room!" Anne smiled.

Harry closed his bedroom door. "Hannah! Why'd you agree to this!!" Harry asked, angry.
"I'm sorry okay!! Your mother was being kind!" I cried.
"Well, get out of my house and please, wash my clothes and return them tomorrow!" Harry demanded.
"Geez, fine! Your mother is a very nice lady, but you? Your a monster!" I cried, exiting his room.

I met Anne in the porch. "Thanks for having me, but I'll head out to mine!" I smiled.
"Oh, ok! I'll see you tomorrow my dear!" Anne smiled, hugging me.
"Bye Anne!" I smiled, walking out the door.

Harry's point of view
Why?? Why am I such a jerk! I'm scaring her away. Bullying a girl isn't gonna make her fall in love with you!! I need to patch things up with her, but I just can't!! I'm too afraid. Afraid that she won't feel the same way, because I've been treating her like a piece of crap since grade 8. What do I do?

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