Chapter 9

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Hannah's Point Of View
My eyes peeled open to the sun shining bright, and my alarm beeping. Harry was right by my side. His eyes were closed and he was snoring softly. I turned off my alarm and got off the bed and into my closet to get dressed.

I finish my routine and I have a half hour to spare. I decide to wake up Harry. "Harry! Wake up and get ready!" I giggled.
"Okay, okay baby!" Harry chuckled.
He sat up and kissed me. "Want me to help pick out your outfit?" I grinned.
"Sure babe!" Harry smirked.
I went over to his dressers and grabbed a perfect outfit for him. He put it on. "Thanks babe, you did a great job!" Harry smiled, kissing me.
He looked in my vanity mirror and did his hair. "Ready to go?" Harry asked.
"Yeah!" I smiled.

The bell rung for our first class. "Okay class, I'll be back in two minutes. I need to grab some papers from the staff room!" Mrs.Styles smiled.
I was sitting in my chair beside Harry in music class, when Liam came over. "Hey Harry, how's your fat female dog doing?" He chuckled.
"Excuse me?" Harry growled, standing up.
"Aw! Getting offended are we?" Liam chucked.
"Yeah, I am!" Harry growled again.
I stood up. "Shut up Liam and leave us alone!" I shouted.
"Don't butt in, little princess!" Liam chuckled in an evil tone. He pulled me over to him and pushed me to the ground. "Hannah!" Angie cried.
"Hannah, my baby! Are you okay?" Harry cried, pushing past Liam and kissing my forehead. I slowly opened my eyes. "My head really hurts," I cried, tears falling. "So does my arm. He pulled really hard,".
"Aw baby. I'll take you to the nurses office when my mom comes back so we get permission..." Harry smiled.

Everyone's heads turned to the door when Mrs.Styles entered the room. "What the heck is going on in here?" She asked.
"Mother, let me explain!" Harry cried, tears slowly falling.
"Go ahead Harry dear, please!" She smiled.
"Liam walked over to me and Hannah, tormenting us, when Hannah stood from her seat to defend us, and Liam grabbed her arm very harshly and pushed her to the floor," Harry cried, his tears falling.
"Oh my. Hannah looks not too well. Harry take her to the nurses office, stat! And Liam, I'm taking you to the office. I'll have to get Mr.Geo to teach my class for today!" Mrs.Styles said upset.

Harry lifted me in his arms as he walked down the hallway and opened the door to the nurses office. "Miss.Ally, we have an issue..." Harry spoke.
"Oh my. She looks terribly hurt! What happened?" Miss.Ally gasped.
Harry explained the whole story. "And now, we're here!" Harry smiled.
"That sounds bad. God bless her though for trying to stand up. Place her on the bed. I'll try my best to see what I can do!" Miss.Ally smiled brightly.
"Thank you so much! You dint realize how much this means to me!" Harry cried, hugging her.
"Oh no problem Harry, this is my job!" She giggled, hugging back. "Now, you can wait outside the door until I call you in,".
"Thanks!" He smiled, walking out the door.

I open my eyes and in the nurses office with an ice pack on my forehead and the side of my head, and a bandage around my hand, to my elbow. "Where am I? What happened?" I spoke groggily.
"Hannah sweetie, your in the nurses office," Miss.Ally smiled.
"Oh, but why?" I asked, not really remembering much.
"You got into a little fight with Liam. Your not in trouble. He was the one who fought you," She smiled.
"Oh, okay. Where's Harry? Is he okay?" I cried, worried.
"I'm right here baby!" He smiled, walking through the doors.
I smiled. "Hey Hazza," I giggled.
"She can go now, but she needs to keep an ice pack by her head," Miss.Ally spoke.
"Okay Miss, thank you!" Harry smiled.
He linked my arm in his and I held the ice pack next to my head. We walked to class together.

As we entered the doors to our next class, everyone began to stare at us. "Welcome!" Mr.Geo, our science teacher smiled.
"Good afternoon Mr.Geo. I noticed we missed lunch!" Harry chuckled.
"Yes, that's right. You and Hannah, can have a little snack if you want while writing the notes I have on the board," He smiled.
"Thanks Mr.Geo!" Harry smiled brightly.
"Oh, no problem Harry!" He chuckled.
Harry and I sat next to one another. I got my notebook out of my book bag as carefully as possible, and tried my best to write. "Here, let me feed you!" Harry chuckled, getting strawberries out of his bag.
"Okay," I giggled.
He popped a berry in my mouth and I chewed as I wrote my notes. "Hey, Liam's not here," Harry whispered.
"I noticed!" I giggled, whispering.

The bell rung for home time. Harry and I got our bags and walked to the bus together. "I'm really sorry for what happened to you today, I feel like it's all my fault...." Harry frowned.
"Baby, no it's not. Why do you think that?" I asked.
"Because I left their gang..." Harry said.
"Harry, don't think about it. We should be happy so we can keep our relationship strong!" I smiled, holding his hand.
"Yeah, your right!" He smirked, holding my hand tighter.

Harry followed me into our house. "What time does Anne get home from the school?" I asked.
"4:30," Harry spoke.
"Okay, do you wan---" His sentence got interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Want me to get it?" I asked.
"No babe, it's too risky. It might be some of those jerks from school. I'll handle it," Harry smiled.
"Okay babe, I'll sit on the couch," I grinned, kissing his cheek.

I heard Harry open the door, and a male voice could be heard talking to him. I slowly get off the couch and walk to the door to see if he's okay. "Get away from my house, Louis!" Harry shouted.
"And why should I do that, huh?" Louis asked, laughing.
"Because I don't want my girl getting hurt!" Harry defended.
"Oh, Mr.Overprotective is here!" Louis chuckled.
"Louis, step away from my boyfriend!" I yelled.
Harry turned around to look at me. "Baby, don't get involved. You might get hurt again!" Harry spoke.
"Oh, it's not her I want to hurt, it's you Harry!" Louis smiled in an evil way.
All of the sudden, he punched Harry in the face, five times, knocking Harry to the ground. "Bye you two!" Louis chuckled. He shut the door.

I knelt down besides Harry. His eyes were hardly open. "Baby? Are you alright?" I cried.
"I'm fine, don't worry about me!" Harry chuckled, coughing a bit.
"Your not fine Harry, let me help you up," I said.
I helped him to his feet, and wrapped his arms around my neck to help him to the couch. He laid down while o got a paper towel and ice. "Baby, you have a black eye and your lip is bleeding, a lot!" I explained.
"Oh..." Harry spoke.
I put the ice on his eye, and some paper towel on his lips.

It was 4:30 and his mom was home. She spotted us on the couch. "Harry! What happened?" She cried.
"Long story short, Louis came to the house after school and punched me 5 times in the face..." Harry explained.
"Oh dear...two of you getting hurt in the one day? We need the teachers to look out for you guys in school," Anne explained. "And I will look out for you guys outside of school,".
"Thanks mom. We really do need that!" Harry smiled.
"It's the least I can do. I mean you are my son, and my sons girl!" Anne chuckled.

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