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**april 7 2007**

Quinn's POV

"Hey." Alex said kissing me on the cheek.

"Hey." I giggled and blushed, "how are you ?"

"I'm great, you ?" He replied kindly.

"Yeah." I smiled a bit.

We looked over at Hayley and Jack. She was blushing and he was looking in her deep, blue eyes.

"They look like they're having fun." I say to alex. 

"Probably." He smiled, widely.

"I love you." I laughed.

"I love you too and your quirky personality." He smiled.

"Thanks I think." I smiled.

"Hey Jack, Hayley!!" Alex shouted, and they walked over holding hands.

"Your show was great tonight guys." I say to the whole band.

"Thanks, Quinn." I smiled.

"We've got some good and bad news." Rian said bluntly.

"Tell us." Hayley said eagerly.

"We're going on a national tour." Alex smiled.

"Oh my god congratulations." I gushed and threw my arms around alex. Hayley did the same to jack.

"But..." jack said, "we have to break up."

"Yeah." Alex said uneasily.

"W-what?" Hayley stuttered.

"You aren't being serious. Alex, we can make this work." I pleaded.

"No. We can't." He said bluntly. No emotion. I cannot believe he isn't heartbroken.

Hot tears ran down my cheeks. Hayley was emotionless. I stood still, frozen to the spot. Alex reached out and ran his hand through my soft mouse brown hair.

"Don't." I said firmly.  I turn around sharply looking at Hayley
"Come on ley, we're leaving." I said sternly, trying not to burst out in tears. I grabbed her wrist and stormed off home. I dropped Hayley at her house while I continued to mine.

"Quinn. What's up?" My brother said.

"I-I alex broke up with me." I burst into tears as Justin comforted me.

"His loss, Q, I'm so sorry this happened, i know how much you loved him." He comforted, i sobbed continuously into his chest. 

We never saw those boys again.

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