chapter 15

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AN i'm sorry for any bad grammar i turned my auto-capitalisation off to be edgy on instagram groups

Quinn's POV

I landed in England a week ago and met up with ben. I hadn't stopped writing songs. It was just coming out. Ben and I were visiting my cousins today, they're 11 and 14, it's exciting.

"Quinn! we should go now." ben suggested. they lived in surrey so it took a while to get there.


"Quinn! I'm so glad to see you here!" My aunt Christine gushed, hugging me and then Ben.

"Ben! you've grown so much since you were 17!" she smiled at ben.

"I hope that's a good thing!" he laughed.

"I'm gonna go see Lo and ary." i smiled, walking up to their room. i knocked on the door, and was greeted by Lo hugging me, "hey!" i said, happily. These 2 were my favourite cousins.

"Lola! get off her she probably doesn't want you glued around her shoulders." Ary laughed at Lo.

"it's fine. Nice fringe Lo," i laughed.

"thanks, Quinny, who did you bring?"

"ah, just good ol' Ben." i smiled.

The girls ran down the stairs. I followed and watched them engulf ben in hugs.

my aunt Christine was pretty loaded. she had a huge house and my grandparents lived in the basement, which was converted into an apartment, below them. The girls were lucky to have what they do. my and my mum lived in a small apartment living off of small income. I love my family so much.

"Quinn, do you wanna go down to the basement, Nana and grampa have been excited about your visit." my uncle whispered in my ear.

i discreetly walked down the stairs to my grandparents place. They gave me big smiles when they noticed me.

"Ah Quinn-Aaliyah! come over and give your old folks some hugs." my grandpa grinned.

"hey! how are you guys?" i asked, giving them both hugs.

"we're splendid, how about you?" my nana replied,

"ah i'm a bit sleepy but i'm doing good," I smiled, "Do you want me to make you two some tea?"

"ah that'd me lovely." my nana smiled.

"you're too good to us!" grandpa chuckled.

After making the tea i went in and handed it to them, the conversation went a little like this.
(G-grandpa N-Nana Q-Quinn)

G: how's the music industry treating you?
Q: Pretty well i guess. i'm writing at the moment so it won't be long 'til i'm back over.
N: good. We love seeing you, Quinn.
Q: i love seeing y'all too.
G: How's it going with Justin?
Q: Not good, he's just been quite naive recently, I just need space from him. He's always there and i love him but he's a bit clingy.
N: i totally get it, your Gramps was just the same (she laughed)
Q: hahah, Do you wanna come up, i brought everybody gifts.
G: We'd love to!

i helped my grandparents up to my cousins house and through to the living area.

Everyone was so happy. It was great. Ben was like another Valentine, it wasn't noticed really that he wasn't to be honest.

I got a metro station your t shirt for Lo, and Rian's drumsticks from the baltimore show for Ary. Ary had an obsession with ATL i'm just glad she doesn't know i dated alex. They both thanked me and i moved on to my grandparents.

i got them a picture of mum, ben, grandpa, Nana and I when me and ben where 8 on a bridge in the countryside. "oh i remember this day, Ben pushed you in the river!" Gramps said nostalgically, causing everyone to laugh.

"i also got you some american branded tea encase Tetley was boring you by now." They laughed at my reasonings.

"Aunt Christine and Uncle John, I remember Mum telling me that you liked to try wine from around the world, so i got you Wine made in the Pub in the heart of baltimore. and incase you didn't like the wine i got you mexican chocolates!" I explained.

"Thanks Quinny!" they smiled


The rest of the time in england was spent writing. Ben and I were planning stuff. He was helping me write for ttf, or not, and I was helping him with AA. It came to the day when we had to leave. It was sad really, i'll really miss my grandparents and the rest of my family. Honestly, i couldn't wait to be back.

I separated from ben, and got my flight to Baltimore. I sat on the plane and decided to listen to some of my own stuff. i've never done it before. I put my earphones in when i felt someone tap my shoulder.

"yeah?" i turn around, confused, the girl smiled.

"Is it a normal thing to listen to your own music?" she laughed.

"I knew this would happen! The first time i do it, i get caught and look like an idiot!" i shook my head,

"why were you doing it anyway?" she smiled,

"i wanted to see if it was as good as my fans made it out to be." i shrugged my shoulders.

the girl smiled, "I'm Callie, I'll be joining you for this flight, by chance. I hope you enjoy your ride with me talking to you." She introduced herself uniquely.

"i'm Quinn, you probably knew that, I'm sleepy but not tired. Have fun!" I grinned, she just laughed at me.

During the 10hour (ish) flight we really bonded. Callie was really nice, although she really did talk a lot. I was gonna sleep.

Landing in baltimore i quickly got off the plane, partly because i was afraid Callie would give me her number or something and partly because it was really small. I really don't like flying 1st class, so i always fly second.

I texted ben to let him know i'd landed safely, he didn't reply, so i guess he's still on the plane.

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