Chapter 11

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Hayley's POV

"Have a good time in Arizona!" I shouted.

"Don't get an std!" Jack yelled, causing Quinn to laugh.

I closed the door and turned to the boys, "aspirin ?" I sighed. They nodded and I gave them some. Quinn never had hangovers or maybe she just didn't know because she is so used to them. The first time she got drunk was when she stole her mums cocktail when she was 6. Her mum just let her have it and told her step dad it would be funny. Of course, her mum didn't just give her alcohol. Quinn stole it or her mum had some her self and Quinn had a bit. She's always been one to get wasted quickly.

"So, what are you planning on doing today?" Alex asked me.

"Uh, nothing? Hangovers suck." I sighed placing my cup of coffee down, Alex nodded.

—2 days later-

"Aleeexxxx!" Jack whined, like a child.

"Jaaaaacckkkk!" Alex imitated, obviously hiding laughs.

"I need pizza." Jack sighed heavily.


"I'm ordering it." I said, feeling like a 30 year old mum, not a 23 year old single guitarist.

I received smiles from jack and alex. "Come jOin is over here!" Alex called.

"No!" I replied.

"Why?" Jack inquired, curiously.

"I'm reading stuff I don't want you to see." I muttered, lowly.

"OHMYGOD! SHE'S READING JALEX SMUT!" Jack shouted, giggling at the end.

"I'm not!" I defended myself.

"Ew!" Alex squealed, causing me to laugh.

"You sound like Quinn when she found out there was such thing as Quinn x Ben." I laughed harder.

After a while we were all in fits of laughter. my phone started to ring, I glanced over to see the caller ID. Seeing who it was I answered it and out loud speaker in.

"Hey Quinn!" I said, out of breath.

"god, have you just had sex?" She asked, disgustedly.

"No, oh my god." I choked out, jack and Alex were trying not to laugh.

"Anyway, I'm nearly home. You might want to cancel the pizza you just ordered." Quinn said.

"How dO you know that and why?"

"Well, you payed out of our joint bank account and I think if I go near pizza I'll puke." She laughed.

"Ah Okay. See you in a bit. Bye!" I hung up and turned to the boys.

"YOU HAVE A JOINT BANK ACCOUNT!" Alex shouted, causing jack and himself to burst out in laughter.

"Quinnley confirmed!" Jack laughed, pulling out his phone. I shook my head and sighed. I cancelled the pizza, and soon enough Quinn burst in.

"Be right back." She said running up the stairs then back down in the space of 5 minutes.

"You okay ?" Alex asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I just keep throwing up, no big deal," She muttered, "Do you guys want a coffee?" She asked turning and looking at all of us.

"Quinn you should go to the doctors." I said firmly.

"It's probably just a bug. It'll clear in a few days." She replied, making herself coffee.

"You should go to the doctors." Alex said bluntly.

"No. My Mum always taught me t- never mind we aren't in the U.K. are we ?" She laughed uneasily.

"Anyway, I'm fine. End of." She finished He coffee and downed it, "What did you do while I was away?"

"We ate pizza. Literally that's it." Jack replied, smiling.

"And we watched the nightmare before Christmas like 9 times." Alex added.

"Why would you watch that without me? It's my favourite film!" Quinn whined playfully.

"Because We don't like it when there are two voices saying all the lines." I laughed.

"Oh fuck off, I'm not that bad." Quinn said, her cockney accent showing.

"Anything new with you?" I asked curiously.

Quinn didn't respond, just flipped up her hair revealing an owl with its wings spread.

"Where did the other tattoo go?" Jack asked.

"It's under it. I got a cover up!" Quinn smiles widely, "no more wearing my hair down when we are in the hottest place on earth.!" She seemed happy.

"Yay?" Alex smiled.

"Plus, nice hair!" I said too Quinn, her hair was now a silver/lilac.


"Hayley! Pills!" Quinn snapped just as I was about to go to bed.

I grabbed them and took one, she took hers at the same time, I'm guessing so that I wouldn't feel bad. She normally takes hers earlier.

"Jack, alex! Since is three have been sleeping on the sofa for the past 3 days, you can now have a bed. There is a guest room upstairs. 1st on the right." I informed them before running up to my room. I stopped in Quinn's room on the way to mine and walked in. The scars on her face weren't covered with makeup. I smiled at her.

"Love you, beautiful, night!" She smiled back.

"Love you too. Night"
She said droopily.

I heard her lock her door and jack and Alex creep up the stairs, "night jacky! Night lex!" I whisper shouted.

"Night ley!" They replied in unison.

I slid into bed and put my ear phones in, playing a certain romance by Arctic Monkeys. It didn't take me that long to fall asleep. Luckily.


Thankfully, I didn't wake up because of a nightmare last night, those pills must be really working, I'm actually glad Quinn got them for me, because that was by far one of the best nights sleep I've had in a long lo- "Hayley! I think there is something wrong with Quinn." I was snapped out of my thoughts by Jack yelling at me. I processed what he had said and immediately jumped up and knocked on Quinn's locked bedroom door...

A/N: school is back so updates will be slow and probably not as good I'm sorry. I have three chapters ready I just need to actually post them lmao

Instagram: pattyxwaters
Twitter: greyawsten

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