Chapter 7

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Alex's POV

"Dude!" I heard jack shout, "Honestly, this is going to be hard." He informed me. I groaned

"What do you mean, hard?" I asked raising one eyebrow, he slapped me on the arm.

"She's confusing as fuck, Lex." Jack told me.

"She always has been." I replied while scrolling through twitter.

"She didn't trust us." I heard jack say i looked up to see his hand over his mouth, I stood up.

"What!?" I asked frantically. She didn't trust us? We knew her biggest secret? Wait.

"I know what your thinking," jack started, then using a high pitched voice he continued, "'we knew her biggest secret.'" He went back to normal tone, "well, exactly, we knew. She never told us, we figured it out. She would never had told us if we didn't find out ourselves."

I frowned. He was right but that was just one thing. "How do you know that wasn't just a one off."

"Well, I was thinking, her dad told us about her conditions. Not her. She was so annoyed when she found out we knew. And, she accidentally told me something today, that she never told us." Jack explained, looking for a signal to go on, I nodded, "when she came to baltimore, she told us she came straight away, but the truth is she lived with her step-dad for six months after until he couldn't take the grief anymore and killed himself." Jack paused, "she lied to us, alex, she lied big time." He sighed, I'm guessing he didn't mean it to sound like that, but either way my breathing hitched.

I couldn't breath, she lied? She didn't trust me? I was a crappy boyfriend? I'm such an idiot? Before I knew it I was snapped out of my thoughts by jack, "it's okay, lex," he said softly, rubbing my back. I got up and my breathing went back to normal.

"I can't believe she didn't trust us," I clench my jaw, "I can't believe she didn't trust me!" I yelled, balling my fists.

"stay calm, idiot." Jack muttered under his breath. i don't know what came over me but i stormed out of the bus, and i didn't stop walking until i came across a lake. A beautiful big lake coloured a turquoise-blue.

Quinn loved lakes, i remember when i was 12, it was the anniversary of her mum's death, nobody could find her anywhere, except me. I'd read her diary. it said she missed the english lakes because lakes were so fascinating and cool but the gloominess of England just made them magical. she was sat on the edge wen i saw her, she said to me "I just want to be with mum..."  until i was 17, i looked after her. not once on one of those days did she ever eat, say more than 2 sentences or show any emotion. it was heartbreaking....

a single tear rolled down my cheek, followed closely by others, i loved her with all my heart. She clearly didn't love me back, i can't believe it.

Quinn's POV

I sat on the edge of the lake, warm, salty tears coating my cheeks. The mist that settled over the lake made it impossible to see the other side, it was like i was isolated from the world and everyone in it, I loved that. I shook my jacket off of my shoulders and looked at my arms. blue and purple from where my dad grabbed me. Red from where i hated myself so much. black where the tattoo ink seeped into my skin leaving lines that made me feel slightly happy.

i stared at the water, remembering the days i spent with Alex. the anniversary days, the birthdays, the dates, the stargazing, the love. Jack probably told him, he Probably hates me now. why do i screw everything up? Why do i have so many issues ? Why do i have to be here ? Why cant i be normal ? that's it. i hit my head. "Why cant i be normal ?!" i shouted into the lake. the tears kept coming, although I tried to fight them. Suddenly, i heard something, someone, more like.

"Hello ?" i heard a voice shout. Sadly, i could recognise that voice anywhere. Alex's. I froze. I tried to move but my feet just wouldn't let me. i felt a wave of anxiety wash over me along with tightness in the chest. He appeared out of the fog. His face was tear stained, too.  he looked around before he looked at me. His eyes drifted over to me, "Quinn?" he said. That's when i forcefully unstuck my feet off the ground and bolted. I'm psycho.

I kept running aimlessly until i bumped into something. That something engulfed me in a hug, "Q, what are you doing out here, on your own ?" I heard an English accent say. i let out a sigh of relief. It was my best friend's best friend. I hugged back.

"I...I honstly do not know." I grinned at him, it was only half fake.

"Liar." He said, knowingly.

"Fine. You really wanna hear about my shitty life?" I asked. He just nodded. I sighed. "I saw Alex. I was crying by the lake. And, well, so was he. I ran away. I think he wanted to talk. I don't know. I just got afraid." I explained.

"Why were you afraid of him?" Danny enquiried

"Jack said he wants to talk, and I'm afraid that if we talk, we will get back together, then he will break my heart again. And, plus, when I see him I get anxiety attacks. He ruined my life, Danny." I ranted, sighing heavily at the end.

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