Chapter 2

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Alex's POV

I swear they sound like Quinn and Hayley. The attitude and voice, maybe it was just my head. I missed her.

"Alex ?" Jack said in a singsong voice, waving his hand infront in my face.

"Sorry. Jack, I need to talk to you." I say, "in private."

"Okay?" He said, walking outside the bus with me.

"Remember Quinn and Hayley ?"

"Yeah. How the hell could I forget them." He sighed.

"I think they're 'trying to forget' the bus opposite us." I say.

"Like manager and stuff?"

"No like Quinn's the vocalist and ley is the guitarist." I say bluntly.


"Yeah, I mean they sound the same and have the same attitude but they look different and have different names. They might be lying." I explain.

"Alex. You're stupid!" Jack laughed.

"Why?" I said, confused.

"Google their band, you idiot!" He laughed and walked back in the bus.

I mentally face palmed and grabbed my phone, 'Trying to forget' i typed into google search

'emo, punk-rock, metalcore'

'active from 2008-present'

'Quinn valentine- vocals, bass'
'Hayley light-backing vocals, guitar'

They're drum less. Woah. They must have made a start as soon as we left.

Quinn's POV

"Quinn, we have an interview!" I hear Ryan shout.

"I'm coming." I say slipping on a cropped leather jacket.

"I'm ready." I say to Hayley.

As we wander to the AP tent we walk past the ATL bus. i speed up and so does hay.


"So, why did you to decide to start a band ?" the interviewer asks.

"well," i start, "We were 18 and, it sounds very cliché, we both got our hearts broken, they left us to tour with their band. We tried different coping methods as we needed distractions and the one that helped the most was music, the writing, playing sharing it was all so fascinating and we just enjoyed it, after 8 months we were noticed and signed to Hopeless Records in 2008 and Sumerian Records in 2010."

"its a crappy story." hayley laughed.

"well, i guess thats it, that was trying to forget and we're alt press, bye!"

we walk out of the tent, only to be greeted by a sickly familiar face. Zack. he stops us.

"hey i-" hayley starts.

"save it. I know you're Quinn, i know you're hayley. i know you're avoiding jack and Alex." he said firmly.

i put my head down. "Sorry ?" i say uneasily.

"Q! Don't apologise!" he says enthusiastically and hugged us, "god, i missed you so much."

"we missed you too, zack" i say hugging him.

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