Chapter 6

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Alex's POV

"Jack," i say, "i need to find a way to talk to her."

"she'll freak." jack sighed.

"that sounded so bitchy." I laughed.

"Its true though" he smiled, why does this always happen.

"do you think hayley will know how?" i asked, resting my head on my hands.

"nah, but we can try." Jack replied, pulling out his phone to text Hayley, about 2 minutes later the door burst open and hayley sat down next to jack.

"she wont." hayley said.

"is she still stubborn?" i asked, knowing the answer.

"yeah, and she's messed up, in the head." hayley spoke, "that sounded really horrible. im not that mean."

i laughed lightly, "we know." jack laughed.

"no, in all seriousness, she will some around. i know it." Hayley smiled, "It could take a long long time but...yeah."

"Hayley," I said and she looked into direction, "what happened to Quinn and how bad is it?"

Jack's POV

"She's not good, she really doesn't wanna be near justin. She couldn't do the show today, above her hips and below her chin is coated with purple and blue bruises." She said, running a hand through her hair.

"Update me." Alex said, a look of worry covering his face.

"Okay so, when she punched you she wouldn't tell Justin what she did because if he found out he would put her back on anger meds. Eventually, justin called their dad because he can get anything out of her. It's sad that Justin does any know why." I explained lengthily.

"Hayley is anyone on your bus?" I ask.

"Just Quinn." She answered quickly.

"Okay I'll be back in a minute." I say rapidly before anyone could object I was out the door.

I opened the door to the ttf bus. It looked dead. "Quinn?" I called, "I wanna talk is that okay ?" I say loudly.

I walked over to the one bunk that had the curtains drawn and opened them. She was shaking like crazy, "please leave." She said pulling at the curtains.

"No, Quinn, talk to me." I pleaded.

"N-no jack, p-please leave." She said shakily.

"Hayley told me about your bruises." I said as if she didn't ask me to leave.

"cool." Her tone immediately changed from anxiety to sarcastic.

"You need to tell Justin." I say, concerned.

"I'm not telling Justin." She snapped at me.

"Quinn, he could do this again." I sigh and she jumps out of her bunk.

"No jack, I'm not telling Justin, because I know what it's like to have no parents. I have a dead mum, and a dad you doesn't like me, let alone love me. I don't want Justin to have a life like mine. He's been a great brother and I don't want him to lose connection with his dad. I understand why your saying this, because you don't understand what it's like to have no adult role model. I do. And everyone should have a parent that loves them. So no, Jack, I'm not telling Justin because he has a parent who absolutely adores him." She ranted in a really intimidating tone, scarily intimidating for a small girl like her.

"Okay, I'm sorry, Quinn, I was just concerned." I muttered.

"I don't care if your sorry or not. I don't even want your opinion. I didn't want this." She snaps. What did that mean? She didn't want this? Want what?

"Quinn, what do you mean?" I enquire and pull her to the couch.

"I want to be on the face of the earth. But I don't want to be here in my life. I want my mum to have stayed alive. And when she died I wanted to stay in England." She explains, pausing for a breath before starting up again. "I had, key word being HAD, a good life, a loving mother an amazing step-father, cousins, a family and best friends. But the stupid court decided on sending me to America, fucking America. To live with my dad. My dad who had no longing for me. That's why he left when I was born. He wanted a son. Not a daughter. It was a fact. But I had to leave my family and friends and I met Hayley and you guys. And I hate it. I'm sorry but I wish I'd never met you. Music was just a distraction from you guys. We posted one video on YouTube and suddenly we got signed. I HATE IT, jack. All I wanted in life was to be a therapist in south London. Not this fame. It makes me want to die." She suddenly pulled her hand to her mouth as if she didn't mean to say that, tears dropped from her eyes, I quickly engulfed her in a hug.

"I'm so sorry, Quinn." I whispered, "you know you could have gone back and stayed with your step-dad. Why didn't you ever mention this to us?"

She cried harder, "he looked after me for 3 months after he tried to stay strong for me but he couldn't do it. He killed him self. I could never bring myself to mention it." She sobbed into my shoulder. I didn't care because she was like my sister.

"Oh, Quinn. I wish you would've told us years ago. Did you ever tell Alex ?" I asked, I felt her tense up at the thought of him, "sorry." I muttered.

"No don't worry about it. And no I never told him," She looked down, "I should've, I loved him. I feel so bad." She confessed.

"It's fine, though. He would understand." She just nodded.

"But I don't want to quit music now." She finished, huffing. I smiled. "You're a dick." She laughed.

"But you love me,"I smiled widely.

"I guess." She cracked a smile.

"Jack likes hugs." I announced and she dove into my arms, which felt weird, I haven't hugged someone who is 10 inches shorter than me in a while.

"I'm gonna start feeling like a midget again, aren't I?" She sighed and laughed lightly at the end.

Hey guys, I'm writing an authors note, YAy? So, this chapter was more focused on Alex trying to get Quinn back. Jack was trying to find things out that could help Alex. Sorry if that wasn't obvious. Next chapter will be moe focused on all time low. Remember what happened in the last chapter, yeah? Have you figured it out yet? Probably. Hayley has some explaining to do Xx


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