Chapter 9

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Jack's POV

I woke up on the TTF bus to hayley kind of crying in her sleep, she had sweat on her forehead. I slowly shook her awake. She shot up with a look of horror on her face. It all went away when she looked at me and hugged me. "Its okay, Hayley." I whispered. I cold feel her body trembling in my arms.

"Thanks." she whispered pulling away from the hug, "sorry, Jack." she said awkwardly.

"Its okay." I replied, as Quinn crept into the bus, 'we need to talk' i mouthed at her, she nodded and hung her head, I walked outside with her, so that Danny, Lex and Hay weren't put in an awkward position. Once we got round the back of the bus, I started, "Seriously, Quinn? I could easily forgive you if you didnt mention that you cheated on Alex, with me."

I could see tears forming in her eyes, she sat on the floor and put her head in her knees, "I..I'm so so...sorry, Jack. I didn't mean to say it as l..loud as i d..did. I'm sorry i fucked up. I just wa..wanted things to be n..normal between us all again. Turns out i messed up like i always do, I g..get that you pro..probably dont want to be my fr...friend again." She sobbed, she looked up to see my reaction as i hadn't replied. I just stood there, speechless, i guess. suddenly, she stood up and started pacing, she tugged on her hair and repeated the same phrase over and over again.'why am i such a disappointment'. Not knowing what to do, I just stood there.

Out of nowhere Alex came into the scene and stopped Quinn, picking her up, He stroked her hair down and whispered to her 'you are not a disappointment. Me and hayley and the band love you. stay sane for us.' It seemed to work but then she realised it was Alex.

"No....Alex...I'm so fucking sorry." she said jumping to her feet.

"just, why?"

"it was when you were in england and hayley was in australia, my dad took justin to Seattle Jack came over and we were gonna get pissed. Like we always did when my dad and justin were away. And we got a little too wasted and then we woke up...sorry, Alex." She said really quickly, hanging her head at the end.

"Don't Be sad. I don't care." I raised my eyebrows at that statement.

"Okay GooD because I don't have many friends so I didn't want to lose you as a friend I think maybe I did? I don't know I'm going to shut up before I say something I shouldn't, like I said something I shouldn't when I was speaking to jack bye kids." She spoke really really quickly and with no breaths and then she left.

"What just happened?" I asked,

"I don't know. I still like her jack." Alex said.

"Really? Do you think she likes you too? Because even if she did, I doubt she would go there. I don't know why." I replied.

"What do you mean?"

"Just a hunch." I answered his question just as my phone lit up with a text

Quinnyyy my lov😩❤: I'm taking hay to the doctors after tour. I know you wanted to talk about that.

Jack: OK. When did you change your name on my phone.

Quinnyyy my lov😩❤: Last night I guess. Don't change it back. It'll be funny. Trust me.

"Who was it?" Alex asked

"Quinn, she was telling me something about hayley." I explained, as I knew what his next question would be.

"Okay." He sighed and walked away.

Alex's POV

I walked onto the stage, I was feeling a little down today. I pressed my lips to the microphone and started playing the intro to 'A love like war'

As I began to sing the crowd cheered. I'll forever love it.

'Make a wish on our sorry little hearts
Have a smoke, pour a drink, steal a kiss in the dark
Fingernails on my skin like the teeth of a shark
I'm intoxicated by the lie...'

That song was meant to lift my mood. Maybe we'll do a song to match my mood instead. I looked at the other guys and shouted therapy, making sure I wasn't facing the microphone.

The opening chords played and I opened my lips...

'My ship went down, in a see if sound, when I woke up alone I had everything, a handful of moments I wish I could change, and a tongue like a nightmare that cut like a blade...'

I walked on to the ttf bus, just because I was bored. Nobody seemed to be there. I wandered around before calling "anyone here."

"Lex? I'm in the bathrooom, join me, buddy." She giggled.

As I walked over to the bathroom, I noticed a trail of hair. What the fuck? I walked in to find Quinn cutting her hair.

"Is this a normal thing?" I laughed.

"No. I've never cut hair before. It turns out I'm not very good at it, but it's just hair it'll grow back." She shrugged, I loved how careless she was.

Suddenly, I think her hand slipped, but a massive chuck of hair fell to the ground.
Now, any normal girl would cry or gasp but not Quinn. She fell on the floor laughing.

"I'm so bad at this." She choked out.

"Yes you are. You're a tad bit scissor happy too." I laughed and she turned around and looked me in the eye and burst out laughing.

"I'm soooo gonna regret this!" She smirked, I looked at her confused. She's messily cut off about 3 inches.

She grabbed as much hair as possible and cut it to around 'shoulder-blade length' which was a shit load shorter than before. It was down to her hips.

"I'm dying it." She smiled at me, "it's gonna look great!"

"Sure it will..." I said sarcastically.

"Don't be sarcastic with me Alexander." She snapped but couldn't keep a straight face and at that moment We both laughed.

Then...she began randomly slapping colours on her head. Purple, pink, silver, red, black, yellow.


-next day-

The next day I woke up on the floor on the ttf bus to Quinn shouting "WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO TO MY HAIR?" She sounded angry.

"It looks great?" I grinned holding back a laugh.

"The length does. The colour though? I look like the elephant we learnt about in primary!" She sighed.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"It's an English thing don't worry. Actually, it's just hair. It'll grow out." She laughed.

"Alex! I can't believe you didn't stop me." She laughed more.

"And miss out on this. How could I stop you." I laughed aswell.

An: I'm tired okay

also the elephant we learned abut in primary is elmer. hes at the top, easily mistaken for a rug

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