chapter 16

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Quinn's POV

I knocked on the door of mine and hay's place, i needed a reply.

a tired hayley opened the door and flung her arms around me, "how dare you threaten to leave me here alone!?" she laughed, i smiled softly.

"what happened while i was gone?" i asked, eagerly.

"well..." she smiled really happily.

"YES YES YES! I KNEW IT!" I laughed with her. I'm so happy. I just need alex to stop hating me. Rian said that Lex didn't mean it, but i'm not so sure.



we'd been at the studio, all day. Honestly, we're both pretty quick when producing. We did 3 songs today. They sound pretty good not gonna lie.

I opened my phone to the band account and posted a recent picture of hay and I sticking out tongues out, i typed out the caption quickly 'Cheeky treat for you lads tomorrow 👍🏻' Immediately the comments were filled with guesses





This song was an angry song. A song that i wrote about Alex back in 2008 but never released. It was quite heavy. but not too heavy.

Alex's POV


i woke up to the band shouting at me, "YOU NEED TO HEAR THIS!" jack said.

"Hear what?" i said tiredly, he showed me his phone screen, it read

'You. - Trying To Forget'

"okay? i don't really care about songs from our breakup that were made in 2008 or something." i said grumpily.

"No, It was released at midnight. last night." Jack corrected.

"what? Let me hear it." i grabbed the phone. It's quite heavy. Obviously aimed at me. I sighed, "I need to call her." I said firmly, jumping from my bunk to the floor. I jogged outside, to get some privacy, and searched for her contact.

-ring ring...ring ring..-

"hey?" quinn sounded confused.

"I didn't mean it." i said frantically, she laughed.

"i know, jeez. Calm down." she giggled.

"i love you, Quinn." i muttered.

"ahah, we'll talk when you get back, Lex." I could hear the smile in her voice, then she hung up.

this tour ended in a week. it was only a small one before christmas. It gave us a reason to play Merry Christmas, Kiss My Ass.

-a week later-

We'd just gotten back to maryland and it was 8am. Only one person would be awake now.

I knocked on the door of Quinns house and waited for her to open the door, as soon as i saw her i kissed her. It was magical, until she pulled away. "slow down there boy, we don't want you getting an std." she winked and smiled, I gasped, what even is this girl.

"oh my god! i'm joking! i don't have an std." she giggled.

"i love you." i muttered.

"no you don't." she laughed.

"i do!" i retorted.

"explain please?" she replied impatiently.

"You're my top priority, you're so amazing and fun, you never fail to make me happy and i love you." i explained.

"aww!" she exclaimed, "I wish i felt the same about you!" she shrugged, pouring herself a cup of coffee, casually.

suddenly she started laughing, "I- can't- believe- you thought i was serious! i do feel the same way, Lex!" she smiled.

"Quinn, will you have another go at loving me?" i asked, complexly, she nodded her head and. jumped in my arms.

she posted a photo from warped, of her and i and captioned it "Still lovin'" 

immediately the comments were blowing up 'major otp' 'obsessed' 'cutest couple around' '#jayley has competition''#alinn'

"I love my fans." she smiled.

"they are quite nice..."

Quinn's POV

i woke up to knocking on the door, figuring it could only be hay, millie, or atl i didn't bother brushing my hair or changing.

Almost as soon as i opened the door jack spoke, "girl! your hair is tragic! You must've had fun last night!" he said in his 'gayest' voice.

"let's just say it involved a lot of hair pulling." I winked and smirked at them.

"Oh my god, Quinn! I can't believe this! You're so kinky i actually can't." hayley laughed.

"who is kinky?" alex muttered as he walked into the front room, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"you and you!" jack said enthusiastically pointing at alex and then me.

"hm i think that's why we're the perfect match!" I giggled.

Quinn's Dad's POV

I grabbed the forms and wrote down Quinns information. Then mine. I dont need this girl ruining more lives, now, do i?

I placed the form in an envolope and mailed it to mayflowers psychiatric ward.


A few days later i recieved a phone call from the ward....

Nurse: Hey is this Jeremy Hills?                 

me: yes, is this about quinn?

nurse: Yes when do you want her submitted?

me: within two days if possible?

nurse: yes! You said she refuses to leave, we'll send a specilist to pick her up.

me: Okay, thank you for helping us out!

Nurse: Its my job.

Quinn's POV

"Alex! Alex!" I shouted frantically, trying to wake him up, he shot up confused as to what was happening, "I'm being falsley submitted." I sobbed, hugging him.

"What do you mean, baby?" He said, comfrting me

"I mean i just got a letter in the post saying i'm being submitted to mayflower psych ward for an addiction to self harm! Alex! i dont even have fresh cuts only really old scars...." I stressed, crying harder into his t shirt. He held me tighter,

"Everything will be okay, quinn, It'll be fine, we wont take you there." he said softly, rubbing my back.

"Theyre picking me up at 2pm. I dont get a say." i muttered.

[A/N] why did i do this im actually gonna cry

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