chapter 13

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Jack's POV

"What's her name?" Quinn asked eagerly,

Millie smiled, "Dalene Olivia Taylor." She said.

A massive smile spread across Quinn's face, Dalene was her mum's name. "Quinn, I know you had your heart set on the names you chose when you were younger and I know there's a small chance of you being able to have a kid, but wanted your mums spirit to carry on. I love you so much." She spoke, Quinn Hugged her, she was crying.

"Thanks mil." Quinn choked out.


-in the car-

"Alex, we need to go to our own houses tonight." I laughed.

"True," Quinn agreed, "You should."

"Alright," I replied, "we will."
The rest of the car ride was silent, it was actually uncomfortable, Quinn looked really mad, Hayley was looking out the window, alex and I were just sat there awkwardly.

The cab stopped at our houses and we got out, as soon as me and Alex split I called him...

A: hey, we just split up why are you calling me?
J: is it just me or in The car, did Quinn seem really angry.
A: She did. It's probably related to what happened yesterday.
J: to be honest, I'm like 99.9% sure it's our fault
A: me too but I don't know why or how.
J: alright, I'm gonna go bye
A: bye.

Hayley's POV

"Quinn, you need to tell me what's wrong!" I stressed

"I don't Hayley. I don't have to and I don't want to." Quinn retaliated speedily

"Please." I sighed.


"Why, Quinn?"

"Because you'll be mad at me. For two reasons. Alex and Jack will hate me. You'll hate me. I fucked up." She sighed.

"What did you do?"

"Just, Just please don't check your Twitter."

"Quinn. We were all taking a break from social media." I sighed.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just got a text and I had to check Twitter."

"A text from who?" I was suddenly concerned.

"A fan. My number got leaked." Just as I opened my mouth she spoke again. "Don't worry  I know who it was. I'm not telling you." She said, attempting to be reassuring.

"I'm checking Twitter."I muttered.

"Please don't hate me..." Quinn pleaded as I read the tweets.

"@TtfQuinnV cheated on Alex Gaskarth with Jack barakat"

"@TtfHayy is jealous of the fact that @TtfQuinnV has depression"

"@TtfQuinnV is a abused by her dad"

"@TtfQuinnV and @TtfHayy were kidnapped"

"@AlexAllTimeLow broke up with @TtfQuinnV because of tour"

"@TtfHayy has been disowned by her family"

"Quinn Aaliyah Valentine. You little bitch. Why the fuck would you tell someone all of this!" I yelled.

"I thought I could fucking trust someone okay. I didn't tell them all of this though."

"Quinn this has ruined our careers! You're such a screw up. Get out Quinn, out. Now!" I shouted angrily. I backed into a corner and put my head in my knees. I shook. Trying not to hurt someone/myself or break anything.

Quinn's POV

my fist collided with the wall outside my house. I need to stop.

I got in the car and shakily drove to Alex's house. It was 1am. I'm such an idiot.

As I pulled up outside his house I slowly knocked on the door.
No answer.
I was still crying. This is not okay.
I banged harder on the door.
After a while a sleepy alex opened the door.
"Quinn. No." He said.

"Alex I don't have anywhere else please." I cried.

"Just go to your dads." He snapped, even though he was half asleep I couldn't blame that on tired ness.

"You're an asshole." I  said bitterly.

I walked away and got in my car. I drove for a few miles before stopping randomly. I looked at myself You're getting fat. I pulled the hair band of my wrist and put it in a high ponytail. Even though it was 2am now I took off my jacket leaving me in shorts and a small t shirt.

I hopped out the car. Locking it, and ran.

I didn't stop running.


Zacks POV

I put my headphones in and set out for a morning run. It was 6am and I had some energy to use up.

I hummed along to the tune in my ears and ran through the woods and park.

after about 10 minutes I ran into something on the floor. I looked down.
"Fuck. Quinn. Are you okay?"

"Drink please" She wheezed, I quickly handed her my water.

"I fell about 5 minutes ago. Dehydration I think." She muttered

"Quinn, why are you here? You live on the other side of town." I questioned

"Hay kicked me out and Alex is an asshole confirmed."

"Oh. Eventful should probably go home."

"I don't have anywhere to go."

"Quinn I have an idea for you." I said, she signalled for me to continue, "Call Ben, Go to England."

"Good idea. Thanks Zack." She Hughes me, "I'm gonna go, bye!!"

I waved as she left and can finished my run.

Quinn's POV

I drove home and called Ben. He picked up thankfully.

Q: how long do you have free from now 'til next tour or something?
B: about three weeks, why?
Q: I think we should go to England.
B: today?
Q: yes!
B: I'm in!! Just us?
Q: yep
B:we'll meet at London airport. Love you!
Q: yeah, love you, bye!


A/N: this was so messy! I'm sorry.
~Whatever my name is

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