Chapter 12

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Alex's POV

"Quinn let us in." Hayley said firmly, obviously trying not to cry.

"No." She shouted back.

"Please, Quinn, don't do this to yourself." Hayley begged, her voice cracking at the end. That's what broke her, she turned round and practically fell into jack, he hugged her and let her cry.

"She's bad again, Alex, please please try." Hayley sobbed quietly.

"Hey, Quinn, let me in. Tell me what's happenening." I said calmly.

"I can't." Quinn yelled, less violently than last time.

"please, let me in. I'm scared." I replied, softly.

"I don't want to scare you. Just leave me alone." She snapped, her tone was angry. I turned to Hayley, who was still crying into jack, she looked at me and whispered,

"Don't leave her alone. She's not stable." I nodded and turned back to the door.

"I'm not gonna leave you alone." I sighed heavily.

"Why not." She asked, angrily.

"Because, I'm scared. And i don't want you to do something that would scare me and jack and Hayley more." I explained quickly.

"Ah I see. I still want you to go away." She said bitterly.

"Hayley, what does it mean when this happens?" I whispered to Hayley.

"Generally a relapse..." she sighed, still sobbing.

"I just hate to see you like this." I said quietly.

"N..number one reason why my door is closed." She stuttered.

"Please quinn. Please let me in." I pleaded, a tear actually escaping from my eye.

"No." Her voice shook.

"P..please. Quinn, let me in." I let a few more tears slip, it was obvious now that I was crying.

"Only alex." She said, "and wait one minute before you come in." She said shakily, unlocking the door.

I waited a minute later, she was laying on her front, her face was in a pillow and another one on top of her head, "hey what's going on?" I whispered,

"I don't even know, Alex. It's that stupid-ass brain of mine messing with me
Again." She spat, with pure anger and confusion.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Fuck sake Alex. I don't even know." She sighed, obviously still crying.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I laid a hand on her back, in a comforting way.

"No. I don't want to." She snapped.

"Quinn, what's happening? What do you need?" I whispered softly.

"Just get out. I'll be out in a minute." She said quickly.

I walked out and immediately Hayley spoke "is she okay?"

"I honestly don't know but she's coming out in a minute. Let's wait downstairs." I explained to jack and ley.

"Thanks Alex. I was really afraid." Hayley replied, obviously relieved.


After about 10 minutes, Quinn came down stairs. She had shorts on and one of jack's t shirts, "Hayley, I think we should tell them." She said.

Hayley raised her eyebrow, obviously surprised. "If your ready then I guess I am too."

"Okay, this is the reason I broke down this morning. I relapsed. But not too badly. Just please don't worry about me, I know I'll be okay." I nodded at Quinn's statement, as did jack. "You've most definately seen this on the news. Or read it in a paper, or on a poster. Our case was publicised anonymously." She carried on. At this point I was very confused.

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