Chapter 8

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Alex's POV

God dammit, I still love her. It's been 8 fucking years and I haven't gotten over her yet. It's putting me through hell. Over the past years, I've had distractions but now she's here. I just can't help it. Jack and hay will get back together and I don't think Quinn or I could handle that.

After I saw her yesterday. After I heard what she said. My heart kind of broke. I was young. I was an idiot. Part of me wants to love her again. But another part of me wants to shout at her. I Don't know.

Quinn's POV

"Just become friends with them again." Danny suggested.

"I want to." I sighed, realisation sort of hitting me.

"Do it then. Quinn. Face your anxiety." He looked me in the eyes.

"Okay!" I grinned.

"GO GO GO!" He laughed.

"I'll be back in a bit." I smiled and ran out and over to atl's bus.

[knocking sounds]

Alex opened the door to the bus. He looked down at me really shocked. I smiled and jumped on him. Considering I weighed nothing and was tiny. He caught me and held me like you would hold a baby. I hugged him.

"Why?" He said awkwardly.

"I missed you so much. We ARE friends again." I giggled.

"Do I get a say in this?" Alex asked smiling. I shook my head. This was so unlike me, yet I loved it. Alex put me down on the floor.

"Do you and the rest of the band wanna come to our bus for a piss up tonight?" I asked, awaiting an answer.

Alex stared upwards then snapping his head down to look at me, as I'm almost a foot shorter than him, "yes." He smiled in return, "we'll be over in a bit." I smiled and left.

I jogged over to my bus and opened the door, I walked in and fell into Danny's arms dramatically, "oh brother Danny who isn't my brother, please join us in getting wasted with ATL this evening." I said dramatically.

He laughed and nodded, "I take it that went well." He laughed.

"It couldn't have gone badly. I just said 'hey we are friends' and bam! Friendship. Made." I laughed.


"I'm bored," I slurred, by this point we were wall wasted, when I say all, I mean me, Hayley, Danny, Jack and Alex. Rian and Zack weren't in the mood apparently.

"Truth or dare!" Jack shouted.

"Okay." All oF is eventually replied. The rest of our crew were all packed into the other bus. We all sat on the floor in a circle.

"Hayley, truth or dare?" Danny smiled.

"Dare." She smiled deviously.

Danny smirked, "Okay then. Kiss Quinn, like a deep kiss, for at least 1 minute." He dared her.

"Nothing we haven't done before." She smirked, I nodded in agreement. As Hayley put her lips on mine and slid her tongue in my mouth. The kiss lasted for roughly 2 and a half minutes and when we pulled away the boys looked extremely shocked. Me and Hay just laughed.

"Danny, truth or dare?" Alex said.

"Dare." Danny replied firmly.

"Fine." Alex tan to the 'kitchen area' and came back with a shot. "Drink it. It's 57%" he smirked as Danny took it. He pulled a face. As if to say 'damn that was strong' I dunno.

"Q, truth or dare." Hayley said to me.

"Um, y'all know I'm weak as fuck. Truth." I said loudly.

Grinning, Hayley spoke, "who, Quinn Aaliyah, did you lose your virginity to?" Everybody stared at me. It was terrifying.

"Quinn, we know." Danny inched at me.

"No, you think it was me, it wasn't. I don't know who it was. But we didn't lose it to each other. We lost it when we were 14 and 'on a break'" alex explained.

"Quinn, do you know who it was?" Hayley said.

I glanced at jack, who looked at me. He had gritted teeth, he mouthed 'don't tell'

"I...I don't wanna say." I stuttered.

"You have to. This is truth or dare." Hayley grinned.

"No!" I protested. But then Hayley and Danny started tickling me. "Stop!" I shouted.

"Not until you tell us." They carried on for five minutes. This is torture. I looked at jack and mouthed 'I'm sorry' he just hid his face.

They seriously wouldn't stop. " was Jack." I burst out. They stopped. The whole room went silent.

"Hayley, how old were you?" Danny whispered.
It was okay for Hayley and jack because they broke up just after Hayley turned 13 and got back together just before she was 14.

"I was 13." I whispered back. Only I was drunk. And the room was silent. They all heard me. I could feel jack burning holes in my head with his eyes. I'm such an idiot. I felt Alex's presence behind me. He whispered (it was actually a whisper) 'I knew you never loved me.'

Then Alex spoke up, "hey Jack, you lost your virginity to Quinn didn't you?" He asked. Jack slowly nodded.

Tears were threatening to spill from my eyes. Everyone in the room was looking at me. I couldn't take this. I ran out of the bus. I checked to see where we had stopped.


Thank god. I pulled out my phone and scrolled down to 'B'


I called the number.

"Hello, love. What are you doing, calling at this time." Bens cheery English accent came through.

"Are you in Arizona?" I asked quickly.

"Yeah. Why?" He asked

"I fucked up and I need help. Can you pick me up from wherever warped tour is?" I asked frantically.

"Girl, you are lucky I'm sober. I'll be there in 5." He ended the call and I just waited.

In a few minutes, a car with Ben in the driver seat pulled up. I hopped in and we drove until he stopped in a car park "What did you do?" He sighed.

"Basically, I became friends with ATL again. We invited them and Danny for a piss up and we were playing truth or dare. I picked truth. They asked who I lost my virginity to." I paused. "I didn't want to say because it would hurt Alex's feelings. So I refused. Danny and Hayley kept tickling me. This went on for around 8 minutes before i blurted out that it was jack. Alex had previously stated that we both lost it when we were on a break when we were 14, you following?" I asked.

"Yeah, continue." Ben said.

"Everyone went quiet and Danny whispered to me 'when did you lose it' I, being the drunken idiot I am, accidentally replied louder than intended and said 13. Which made alex and jack angry. Everyone stared at me. Then I ran out and called you." I explained lengthily.

"Jesus, Quinn, you idiot." Ben looked at me.

"So alex has just found out that when you were 13 you cheated on him with jack." Ben asked.

"Yeah. What do I do?" I asked worriedly

"Talk to them. They will be mad. But you need to fix this. Do you want to get back with Alex?" He asked. I nodded quickly. "You really need to sort this out. Quickly quinn." He sounded like my mum. We climbed into the backseats. A tear fell out my eye. "Hey, don't cry." Ben said softly and hugged me into his chest.

"I'm such a fuck up." I sighed.

[A/N] the Ben in th I'm is chapter was Ben Bruce and if you didn't know the Danny is Danny Worsnop. Both from Asking Alexandria. SORRY FOR THE CONFUSION. Were you guys expecting this from Quinn and Jack? What do you think will happen next ?

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