Chapter 17

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Quinn's POV

"What is making you have these thoughts, Quinn?" A fairly nice nurse asked me.

"I'm telling you, I really am nt having any thoughts about that." I laughed dryly, she raised her eyebrows and spoke again,

"Quinn, your father wouldn't have admitted you for no reason."

"I dont even talk to my dad anymore. I cut him out of my life. he hasnt spoken to me since june. It's december. " I explained, in annoyance, the nurse furrowed  her brows, "Can i just message my boyfriend. I need to let him know im okay."

The nurse grumpily sighed and handed my phone over, we were in the back of a car currently so it was fine i guess.

I quickly typed a message to alex saying 'I love you baby.' and then rapidly clicked on matts contat and typed 'Pay me out of mayflower, tonight. I'll do anything...'.

The nurse was impatiently tapping her foot, "Let me wait for the reply." I frowned.

matt: Fine quinn. You owe me.

and alex's came through a little later.

'Love you too. When are you out?'

I quickly replied, 'It's all under control. I have my ways.' and handed the nurse my phone.


It was 6pm and they'd literally checked me everywhere for fresh cuts. Matt better hurry the fuck up because i am not eating this food. I'd also really like my memphis may fire shirt back.


"Is this all we're doing tonight, Matt?" I said exausted, he nodded and i gathered my things. How am i going to hide this from alex?

I pulled my hair into a high ponytail and jogged home. As son as i got there i opened the door and within the time span of about 30 seconds, I noticed that hayley, lex and the rest of ATL were there and so was Justin. I spoe quickly, "Hey, need to shower, no one come in please bye!" I said quickly and dashed up the stairs. I felt horrible, i cant believe i did that to alex. I washed my body well, but quickly. I hopped out after about 15 minutes and stuck on pyjama shorts and a sws hoodie and tied my hair up.

I walked downstairs, slowly, I could already feel stares but i know they couldnt see me yet. "Hey guys, what little meetup is happening here?" I said awkwardly, Justin rushed over to me, hugged me and whispered in my ear.

"I dont care about not having a parent anymore." I angrily pushed him away, he walked away and sat back down, a wave of anger rushed through me as i diverted my stare towards Jack. I sort of lost control. before a knew it i was practically ontop of him and my fists were bashing his face.

Alex pulled me off of Jack forcefully and took me upstairs to my room, I just cant believe that he would tell Justin. Alex, hugged me, "Calm down, baby." he said softly.

"I cant. I didn't even mean to tell Jack. And he said he wouldnt tell. Why would he do this? I cant believe him." I ranted, angrily.

"We were trying to h-" Alex started but i cut him off.

"I told you I had it all under control." I snapped, I mentally sighed in annoyance because i knew what was coming next, "Alex, you know i love you, I really dont want to argue with you anymore. Its so fustrating."

"I know...I'm gonna go downstairs, come down when you're completely calm, okay?" He said, I nodded and kissed him on the cheek.

Once I was left alone i put my earphones in and played someone, somewhere by asking alexandria. It's a really calming song for me.  The lyrics were really comforting, 'Even though i'm on my own, i know i'm not alone, 'cause i know there's someone, somewhere, praying that i make it home' After about ten minutes i got up and wandered downstairs, I overheard them speaking about me, saying i was dodgy. I mentally sighed, I mean, its not a lie. I wish it was, but i got myself involved to early to stop now.

I went back up and changed into a loose top that ended abut mid way down my belly and some short gym shorts. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs, "I'm going for a run." I muttered, taking the water bottle that Alex held out to me and leaving. I didn't run far, only to the park. The swing was wet, but i sat on it anyway and called ben. "Hello?" He said, he sounded confused.

"Hey am i interrupting something sorry." I said frantically.

"No, only Danny talking about god knows what, why? you sound upset and panicky." He worried.

"You're in towson, right?" He made a sort of 'mhm' noise. "Okay, i need to speak in person."

"We leave at 3pm for washington tomorrow. We are currently in a car park near a forest." Ben described, not very well.

"I know that place!" I grinned, I honestly didnt want to go home and there was a fast bus to towson in about ten minutes. "See ya, Ben."

"Bye." He said and hung up. Once the bus came i was forced to use the emergency $20  in the back of my phoene case. The bus trip takes about half an hour and then from the stop to bens bus is about 2 minutes.

I walked straight onto Ben's tourbus and was greeted by danny saying hello to me. I love how they dont even ask why im here. I walked through to the kitchen to find the others and they were drinking, as per usual "starting without me, i see?" i laughed, cameron nudged ben, who chucked me a beer.

"So, what was it you wanted to talk about." Ben asked, taking a sipp of his beer.

"Right, so, long story but, me and alex got back together then my dad emitted me to a mental ward, then i got matt to pay me out in exchange for anything and he said yeah, then when i got home jack had told justin everything and i kind of beat him up and then alex took me upstairs, we argued, alex went downstairs and about ten minutes later i went downstairs and hayley was saying i was dodgy and here i am." I rambled, drinking some of my beer at the end, it was actually a releif to get it all off my chest.

"They know?" Ben frowned, I sighed quietly.

"I hope not. If they do i can deny it, right?" i contemplate, frowning.

"I mean, i guess you can. It's probably best, do you wanna stay and drink away your issues with us?" Ben advised then asked.

"of course." I smiled drinking my beer.

My phone vibrated in my pocket for about the fifth time, it was alex of course, I'd already had a few missed calls from him so i decided to pick up.

"Hey, babe." I spoke, trying to act sober.

"Quinn, where are you? Runs don't last for 2 hours." He spoke firmly.

"oops, i forgot to tell you," i laughed awkwardly, "I'm in towson, with Ben." I heard Alex sigh on the other end of the line.

"you should tell us next time." He muttered, I slammed the phone down, pressing the 'end call'.

"Ben, I need to drink. a lot." I murmered....

A/N-So ThIS wAs cOnFuSIng

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