Chapter 5

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Hayley's POV

"Let go of me!" I protested as the person spun me around into a hug.

"Listen, I know you probably don't want to see me but I missed you so much. I just wanna be friends again." The person said, who was jack.

"I know." I sighed, "I missed you too." I confessed. He smiled at me.

"How's Quinn?" He asked.

"I can't tell you much but she's not okay. You guys wrecked her when you left. Today, she's gonna be worse." I explained.

"What do you mean?" Jack asked.

"Remember what happened when she lived with her dad and that Justin doesn't know."

"Yeah..." he replied

"Justin's  forcing her to meet up with him. Alone."

"That's not gonna go well." Jack frowned, "Justin's such an idiot, I still can't believe he never noticed."

"Me neither." I shook my head, "sooo, I take it the band took off." I smiled.

"Yeah, I see you stared a band." He replied.

"Seems to be it." I grin.

"So, uh, do you think Quinn could talk to Alex?" He said uneasily.

"It could prove very tricky and if you do to her what you did to me something will happen in her brain. It could be a range of things." I explain lengthily

"Ah, but we can try ?"

"Yeah. Try." I reply, "I should probably go punch Justin. Bye." I smile.

"No, let me." Jack grinned.

"Okay?" I laugh and run into the ttf bus.


"I think you should go." I say to Justin.

"Okay. Tell me when Q gets back." He says walking off. I run to the door and press my ear against it. I managed to make out two things 'you jerk' and 'what was that for'.


Quinn's POV

Slowly, I walked back to the ATL bus, i looked a mess. I made my way around the back, where I was greeted by Zack and rian. "Don't touch me it hurts." I say firmly. Rian smiled empathetically. We just talked for a while. It was nice.


"Hay?" I called from my bunk.

"Yeah?" She shouted back

"I can't do the set tonight. Like, physically." I sighed heavily. I hate missing shows.

"Okay, I get it." She said.

"Come here." I said shakily, she came over, frowning in confusion. I hugged her. "I miss jack and Alex." I sobbed into Hayley's shoulder.

"Me too." She said sympathetically.

"This all just brings back way too many memories." I let out.

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