Chapter 3

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Cj's POV

"Y'all have known her longer than me, why the fuck is she such a Bitch?" I sigh.

"When Quinn was born her Dad took Justin to live in the U.S and Quinn and her mum in England. She was diagnosed with bipolar and ADHD at the age of 6, when she was 10 her Mum passed away from breast cancer, she was sent to live in America with Justin and her dad, she met ATL, and Hayley. Teachers forced them to get 'psychological tests' and Quinn was later diagnosed with separation anxiety and depression. Hayley had very minor anxiety and they said it was mainly ignorance etc. We started treating Quinn differently because she was sometimes in a bad state of mind. Hayley got jealous. Later on, when Quinn was 19 she had breast cancer too. Hayley hated Quinn a lot. All the attention always went to Quinn. Which went straight to Hayley's head and Hayley has never been liked as much or appreciates much." Ryan explained.

"Ah, I wasn't expecting Q's life story but woah. I wouldn't have guessed jealousy." I frown.

"Hayley and Quinn used to be so close. Like sisters, inseparable. They pretty much hate each other now." Ryan sighed, "the days..."

I walked around the bus before heading outside, I sat in the steps to the bus thinking about Hayley and Quinn's relationship. It's not a strong one.

"CJ!" I hear my name and look up, Quinn.

"Hey, Quinn." I say smiling, she sits down next to me.

"You look sad." She pouts and wraps her arm around my shoulders, "what's up ?" She asks.

"What happened between you and Hayley ?" I ask, she frowns. "It's just that the crew were talking about how you and her used to be close as can be now you hate each other."

"Okay, you can keep secrets, right ?" She smiles, of course, I nod. "Good. So it was back in 2010, I was really happy, I had been cured. We basically got in this massive fight and I don't remember any of this but at the end she said 'I wish you could've died like your stupid mother' and ever since we can't spend to much time together." She explains, a tear escaping her eye. I hug her.

"Jeez, I wasn't expecting that." I sigh, I can't believe she would say that, "who else knows she said that?"

"Me, Justin, you and her." She looked down and sighed, "I just wish she was the same person she used to be, I know who can make her that person again, but her and I want nothing to do with him."

"Thank you for telling me Quinn, can I tell you something, I haven't told anybody?" I ask, anxiously.

"Of course," she smiles.

"I-I'm gay." I say and look down.

"That's okay!" She smiles widely and hugs me, "I'm pansexual. Why didn't you say sooner, this is great, I'm not alone!" She gushes.

"Thanks, Quinn." I smile. I genuinely can't believe a girl like Quinn could have ever been best friends with Hayley. She hops up and goes into the TTF bus.

Hayley's POV

"Ley!" I head Quinn shout. Dammit.

"Yeah, Q?" I yell back.

"Hay, we have bus invaders coming in 5, pretend I live here ." She says laughing.

"Mkay!" I reply.


After our set we ran off the stage and went to go to our busses, but today, we got stopped. "Hayley?" I heard an annoyingly familiar voice say.

"J-jack?" I stuttered, not looking up.

"Hayley, I missed you."

"Jack, I missed you too but I can't do this right now, like talk I mean." I say in a rush.

"Bye?" He says as I run off. I can't believe it. I run into my bus.

"Quinn. I need you right now." I say shakily. I watch as Cj puts his hand on her arm and she tells him it's okay.

"What's up?" She smiles walking into the other room.

"Jack fucking Barakat, that's what's up. He comes up to me after our set and acts like nothing ever happened. I swear to god if that boy does anymore damage I'm gonna hurt him." I rant.

"Calm down. I know what to do." She smiles. How is this girl depressed.

"What is it?" I reply, curiously.

"So, CJ and I have recently gotten really close and I'll ask him to talk to the boys." She explains. "CJ!" She calls. About 2 minutes later he comes in.

"Yeah? What's up?" He says quickly.

"Calm down, can you do me a favour?" She smiles.

"Yeah, course." Cj smiles in return.

"Right, so just be all friendly with ATL and see if you can get jack and Alex's opinions on us out of them?" She explains in a tone making it seem like a question.

"Yeah, I'll do it." He smiled.

"Thanks!" She flings her arms around his neck. once she pulls away from the hug, cj leaves.

I look at Quinn, "he's gay." She says bluntly.


As Cj came bursting through the door , Quinn immediately questioned him, "what'd they say? Did they forget everything? Have they moved on? Are they okay? I'm not okay." She rambled, it was obvious she was on the verge of a panic attack.

"Quinn, calm down," Cj said softly, "they miss you two like crazy, jack and Alex haven't been in stable relationships since they left you." He explained, lengthily.

"What! Why do they miss us? They left us. What's wrong with them? They didn't have to break up with us? I don't understand it. God, I hate my life." She kept questioning.

"Calm the fuck down, Q, they don't understand. You can't blame them, really. You do know it wasn't their decision, right?" Cj attempted to comfort me.

"Wasn't it? They could have kept us secret! They were forced to? By their manager? I wanna talk with this bitch ass manager! I just hate everything!" She wouldn't stop. Until she slid down the wall, tears streaming down her face. She looked really bad, like, stressed. She yanked on her hair and clenched her teeth, making the veins in her neck stick out, "I don't get it." She sobbed. "I don't understand anything anymore." She shouted. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead. Quickly, me and Cj rushed to her sides, attempting to comfort her. It wasn't working.

"Cj, stay with her, I'm getting Justin."  He nods as I run to the sws bus.

I knocked frantically on the door until someone opened it. "Yeah?" I heard Justin say. I didn't respond i just grabbed his wristband ran back to the ttf bus. Once we got on, Cj was still failing. "Help her, she isn't responding to us." I tell Justin, shoving him towards her. We watched as he whispered to her, carry her to the couch and sit her in his lap. She shook harder. For the first time, Justin wasn't helping. Suddenly, her eyes grew wide...

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