Chapter 14

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Jack's POV

Since last night we are back on social media. I don't blame Quinn. But I do at the same time. I don't know.

I focused my attention to twitter instead of my thoughts. The first one was a tweet from Quinn herself

"@benjaminbruce and I are heading to England. Headspace rn is important i love y'all. Stay okay."

The comments/replies were things like "I hope you're okay" "Quinn this isn't your fault" "I support you."

I decided to tweet something "Hustlers. If you'll love me you'll go and send your love to @tryingtoforget"

Hayley's tweet read
"I'm okay. I just need space. Thank you @TtfMil helping me"

The comments read things like, "Glad you're fine"
"Millie's Lane is quaking" "stay okay Hayley"

Alex's was the most blunt, it simply read "pissed."

What's happened to us. Everything's changed. We all just need a bit of space, right?

I suddenly heard a knock at the door and someone come in.

"Alex is an absolute asshole."

"What happened." I sighed .

"Quinn went to his last night because she had nowhere else to go." Zack began.


"Do you know what he said?" Zack sounded sort of pissed off.

"No what?" I asked, intrigued.

"He said, and I quote 'just go to your dads' "

"What the fuck. I know she made a mistake. But it's not really her fault and that's no excuse to tell someone to go and get beaten up by their dad." I ranted.

"My point exactly. Now she's cleared off to England with Ben and who the fuck knows when they'll be back." Zack sighed.

"Wait I'm calling Ri," I stated, Zack looked confused, "if she's spoken to any of us she's spoken to Rian."

-the call-
Jack: hey
Rian: hey, what's up?
Jack: has Quinn called you
Rian: Yeah, shes gone for 3 weeks. We'll be on tour when she comes back.
Jack: oh great...
Rian: I know...I have to go bye jack.
Jack: bye.

"We'll Be on tour when Quinn comes back?" Zack sighed.

"Yup. I'm actually excited for when she gets back though."

"Why?" Zack muttered.

"You'll see." I whispered.

Hayley's POV

Recently, I've been with Millie and baby Dalene. Millie joining us again for the next tour. If that eve happens. Honestly I've been isolating myself from most people. I have a ton of missed calls and texts from all time low, apparently alex told Quinn to go to her dads. Which is extreme, not gonna lie. But Christmas is 40 days away. All time low leave next week for tour. It'll be an eventful few weeks.

The thing is, I really want to know who tweeted it. And why my words were twisted so much. Its sad.


"Ha! I win again!" Jack shouted, triumphantly.

"Ugh!" I sighed, knowing what jack was thinking.

"Nostalgia and alcohol to celebrate my victory on Mario kart!" Jack announced.

He drew the curtains, poured drinks, and walked to the CD player.

"What 'nostalgia' are you playing?" I asked, he just smirked. He put the disc in and skipped a few tracks.

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